Chetios Ayala - Adiós Amor - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Chetios Ayala - Adiós Amor

Adiós Amor
Goodbye Love
Adios amor ya te puedes ir de mi lado como dicen mejor solo que mal
Goodbye love, you can leave my side now, as they say, it's better alone than bad.
Acompañado mi pedo si me aguito la vida sigue como dicen mis
I'm drowning my sorrows, if I get upset, life goes on, as my
Camaradas la verdad que si te quiero pero la verdad a ti no te
Comrades say, the truth is, I do love you, but the truth is, you don't
Importo nada de que sirvio que te diera tanto cariño tu te burlavas
Care, what was the point of giving you so much love, you mocked me
Desde que estaba bien niño hoy bien borracho ya no quiero recordarte
Since I was a little kid, now I'm drunk and I don't want to remember you.
Unos caguamones y pa cabar unos tecates este olor solo se cura con
A few beers and to finish it off, some Tecates, this smell can only be cured with
Cerveza ya pa que aguitarme si miamor ni te interesa te hblaba el
Beer, why bother, my love, you don't even care, I was talking to you, you
Vato amor ingrato hasta me imajino que ya tenias otro vato solo pal
Ingrate, I even imagine you already had another guy, just for a
Rato su asi me quisiste hasta peor de rucas hasta peor saliste ya ni
While, that's how you wanted me, even worse than a fool, you turned out even worse, not even
De chiste que buelvo con tigo es mas
As a joke that I'd get back with you, it's more
Ni si quiera me gustaria ser tu amigoo
I wouldn't even want to be your friend
Amor te amo tu adios me dio
Love, I love you, your goodbye hurt me.
Adios amor te puuuu eeeedeeee ir
Goodbye love, you can go away.
Vete lejos donde no pueda mirarte por mas que me mandes whats
Go far away where I can't see you, even if you send me Whats
App no voy a contestarte voy a bloquearte hasta del corazon y se que
App, I'm not going to answer you, I'm going to block you, even from my heart, and I know
Algun dia me vas a extrañar mi amor sentiras el dolor que siento pero
One day you'll miss me, my love, you'll feel the pain that I feel, but
Sera tarde tu me cortaste por el face por que eres tan cobarde adios
It will be too late, you cut me off on Facebook, why are you so cowardly, goodbye.
Te puedes ir con quien quieras y adonde quieras
You can go with whoever you want and wherever you want.
Alrato me consigo alguen que en verdad me quiera
Soon I'll find someone who truly loves me.
Pasame otro caguamon que voy a curar todo este dolor que siento en el
Pass me another beer, I'm going to cure all this pain I feel in my
Corazon que si alcabo si se acaba yo me pago otro carton voy
Heart, because if it all ends, I'll buy myself another carton, I'll go
Tambaleand por la lleca a si soy feliz y aqui ya no quedan sanisas ya
Stumbling down the street, that's how I'm happy, and there are no more chicks here, I already
Las barri por favor ya no me molestes que estoy mejor y se que algun
Kicked them all out, please don't bother me, I'm better off, and I know one
Dia me voy a encontrar alguen mejor adios amor te
Day, I'll find someone better, goodbye love, I
Deseo lo mejor pero lo mejor ya lo perdiste por que era yoo
Wish you the best, but you already lost the best, because it was me.
Amor te amo tu adios me dio adios amor tepue des ir .
Love, I love you, your goodbye hurt me, goodbye love, you can go away.

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