Chill C - Atlanta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Chill C - Atlanta

Estructures de gaudí amb la prosa de bukowski
Gaudi's structures with Bukowski's prose
Encaixo el que vull dir en els cercles de da vinci
I fit what I mean into da Vinci's circles
Gridant per sobre el beat em sento stefan janoski
Yelling over the beat I feel like Stefan Janoski
No confiaven ahir i ara tots venen de broskis
They didn't trust yesterday and now they all come to broski
Hard deep beats estic a un altre món
Hard deep beats I'm in another world
Donem gas quick speed fins creurar la zone
We give it gas quick speed until we cross the zone
Ara soc feliç ja no penso en lows
Now I'm happy I don't think about lows anymore
Ara penso en beats nomes penso en flows
Now I think about beats I only think about flows
Deien no en sabia prou
They said I didn't know enough
Ara miren no surten del pou
Now they look they don't come out of the well
Shoutout a la pawn
Shoutout to the pawn
Per obrir la road
To open the road
Es reien del trap
They laughed at the trap
Ara mira on som
Now look where we are
Barcelona pionera
Barcelona pioneer
Portant el trap a espanya
Bringing trap to Spain
Sabadell la city
Sabadell the city
Atlanta catalana
Catalan Atlanta
Veniem del graffiti
We come from graffiti
I el hip hop de l'andana
And the hip hop of the platform
No busquis la competi
Don't look for the competition
En el game ja ningú ens guanya
Nobody beats us in the game
Barres de liti per anar lit
Lithium bars to go lit
Non stop
Non stop
Treu-te el top balla amb mi
Take off your top dance with me
A foc
On fire
Som com ronaldinho en el terreny de joc
We are like Ronaldinho on the playing field
No tenim el fisic però tenim el toc
We don't have the physique but we have the touch
I ens diuen que estem bojos
And they tell us we're crazy
Potser una mica
Maybe a little
Però trap per donar i vendre
But trap to give away and sell
No afluixo
I don't loosen up
Tones de bidons
Tons of drums
On a dins hi ha més bidons
Where inside there are more drums
Fins a dalt del flow més loco
Up to the top of the craziest flow
Venes tinc repletes déstil i malabars
I have veins full of distillate and juggles
Vaig caminant la vida un correbars
I'm walking life a dance bar
I ja no em canso
And I'm not getting tired
Miro sempre endavant sinó no avanço
I always look ahead or I don't advance
Símptomes diaris de que tinc el flow més ganso
Daily symptoms that I have the stupidest flow
I vaig tocar la fontana di trevis i ara vaig nu
And I played the Trevi fountain and now I'm naked
Enfrnto els problemes rapejant sobre la percu
I face problems rapping on the percussion
Canto si no ho explico jo rebento
I sing if I don't explain it I burst
Trec la merda de dins fer que pesi menys el barco
I take the shit out to make the boat weigh less
I descarto els problemes que no tenen solució
And I rule out the problems that have no solution
Avui em trenco el cap per demá viure d'això
Today I break my head to live on it tomorrow
Si et falta l'energia fes las cosas per passió
If you lack energy, do things with passion
Ja hem passat de 100 segueix l'acceleració
We have already passed 100 follow the acceleration
I ens diuen que estem bojos
And they tell us we're crazy
Potser una mica
Maybe a little
Però trap per donar i vendre
But trap to give away and sell
No afluixo
I don't loosen up
Tones de bidons
Tons of drums
On a dins hi ha més bidons
Where inside there are more drums
Fins a dalt del flow més loco
Up to the top of the craziest flow
I diuen que estem bojos
And they say we're crazy
Potser una mica
Maybe a little
Però trap per donar i vendre
But trap to give away and sell
No afluixo
I don't loosen up
Tones de bidons
Tons of drums
On a dins hi ha més bidons
Where inside there are more drums
Fins a dalt del flow més loco
Up to the top of the craziest flow

Chill C - Atlanta
дата релиза

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