Chinaski - Megastor - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Chinaski - Megastor

Dneska jsem se utrhl z řetězu
Today I broke loose, baby
ujedu dvě stanice a z metra vylezu
Rode two stops and got out of the subway
a hned se negr ptá co prej bych si dal
And a dude immediately asks what I'd like to have
Něco tu mám a to je materiál!
I got something here, and it's the real deal!
Jdem na světlo, dál vod lidí
We go into the light, away from people
a negr koktá na oko nevidí,
And the dude pretends he doesn't see,
potom sebou fláknul asi za minutu vstal
Then he collapses, gets up after about a minute
a do prdele no to je materiál.
And damn, baby, now that's the real deal.
No to je materiál
Now that's the real deal
no to je materiál
Now that's the real deal
to je megastór
It's a megastore
Not some corner shop.
No to je materiál
Now that's the real deal
no to je materiál
Now that's the real deal
to je megastón
It's a megastore
Not some corner shop.
Bílý fáčko. no to je celý
White wagon, well that's it
a všichni berou roha jako když střelí
And everyone scatters like there's a gunshot
akorát můj negr se nejde schovat
Except my dude doesn't go hide
je v pohodě benga jdou nakupovat.
He's cool, the cops are going shopping.
Dneska jsem se utrhl z řetězu
Today I broke loose, baby
ujedu dvě stanice a z metra vylezu
Rode two stops and got out of the subway
a hned se negr ptá co prej bych si dal
And a dude immediately asks what I'd like to have
Něco tu mám a to je materiál!
I got something here, and it's the real deal!
No to je materiál
Now that's the real deal
no to je materiál
Now that's the real deal
to je megastón
It's a megastore
Not some corner shop.
No to je materiál
Now that's the real deal
no to je materiál
Now that's the real deal
to je megastón
It's a megastore
Not some corner shop.
No to je materiál
Now that's the real deal
noto je materiál
Now that's the real deal
to je megastón
It's a megastore
Not some corner shop.
No to je materiál
Now that's the real deal
no to je matriál
Now that's the real deal
to je magastón
It's a megastore
Not some corner shop.

Авторы: Michal Novotny, Pavel Grohman, Adam Stivin

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