Choco Orta - Ese Hombre - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Choco Orta - Ese Hombre

Ese Hombre
that Man
Ese hombre que un buen dia
That man, one fine day
Fue tu amante,
He was your lover,
Que por malo abandonaste
That by bad things you abandon
Ahora vive conmigo
Now lives with me
Es mi fiel amante
Is my faithful lover
Ese hombre
That man
Con virtudes y defectos
With virtues and defects
Ha llegado hasta mi lecho
Has come to my bed
Y ha probado el sabor de mis secretos
And has tasted the flavor of my secrets
Ese hombre esta falto de cariño
That man is devoid of love
Ese hombre es tan tierno como un niño
That man is as tender as a child
No lo supiste amar como lo amo yo
You didn't know how to love him the way I love him
Acepta la verdad querida amiga
Accept the truth dear friend
El no es el malo que tu me decias
He is not the bad one that you told me
El es la felicidad, ese hombre...(bis)
He is happiness, that man...(bis)
Oye, redondo y cuadrao, asi me tiene, gozosa ahhh!
Hey, round and square, that's how he has me, ecstatic, oh!
No lo supiste amar como lo amo yo a ese hombre.
You didn't know how to love him as I love that man.
Tomado de
Taken from
Tu me lo vendiste como malo, malo
You sold him to me as bad, bad
Y yo lo compro por ser bueno, bueno conmigo
And I buy it because it's good, good with me
No, no supiste calmar su soledad, su sed de amar
No, you didn't know how to calm his loneliness, his thirst to love
Como hago yo,
Like I do,
Ese hombre tan tierno como un niño,
That man as tender as a child,
Ay estaba falta de cariño
Oh, he was lacking in love
Quiza fue que no lo cuidaste, lo abandonaste
Perhaps it was that you didn't take care of him, you abandoned him
En medio de su dolor,
In the midst of his pain,
Nadie lo amara como yo
Nobody would love him like me
Tu lo botaste el no te guarda rencor
You threw him away, he doesn't hold a grudge against you
Y por esas cosas a ese hombre quiero yo
And because of those things I love that man
Cuando me abraza siento, siento su calor
When he holds me I feel, I feel his warmth
Ese hombre con virtudes y defectos, jah!!
That man with virtues and defects, haha!
Lo quiero, hasta la egida
I love him, to the end
Es sencillo amoroso, es mi hombre cariñoso
He is simple, affectionate, he is my loving man
Ha llenado un vacio en mi corazon
He has filled a void in my heart
Su don de gente me ha demostrado su amor
His gift of people has shown me his love
Y ahora le dedico mi cancion... Venga
And now I dedicate my song to him...Come on

Авторы: Pedro De Jesus

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