Cholo Valderrama - El Caballo de Mi Silla - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cholo Valderrama - El Caballo de Mi Silla

El Caballo de Mi Silla
My Saddle Horse
Aaaaaaaay lalaylala,
Oh, honey,
Permiso pido señores, pa′ en este golpe traba'o
Excuse me Ladies and Gentlemen, for taking this moment
Dedicarle mis cantares, a alguien que me ha acompaña′o,
To dedicate my songs to someone who's always been there for me
En alegrias y tristezas, que han quedado en el pasa'o,
In both good times and bad, and supported me all along.
Es el caballo de mi silla, en que yo solo he monta'o,
It's my saddle horse, my constant companion.
Su madre murio al parirlo, y el con tetero fue cria′o,
His mother died giving birth to him, and he was raised on a bottle.
De color rucio canelo, de buena estampa y forma′o,
He's got a beautiful chestnut roan coat and a strong build,
Pretencioso caminando, fachoso y escogota'o,
Walks with pride and style, and is always ready to show off.
Cuando no tenia falseta, tumbaba toros colea′os
When he was younger, he could easily knock down bucking bulls.
Y apartaba en los rodeos, como el caballo frenia'o
And in the roundups, he could separate the cattle like no other.
Por eso es que en vaquerías, mi caballo es repeta′o
That's why in rodeos, my horse is a legend,
Y se planta un toro bravo, despues de haberlo jala'o
And he can plant his feet and hold a bull even after it's been roped.
Para la oreja tranquilo, y corre medio sesga′o
He's gentle and calm when it comes to the task at hand,
Pa que en la pala del estribo, yo lleve el bicho amarra'o
And runs with his head slightly turned, so I can keep the steer tied to my stirrup.
Como sabe que su dueño, es coplero enamora'o
He knows his owner is a romantic troubadour,
Lo llevo pa′ los parrandos, donde hay joropo trama′o
So I take him to dances where there's good music and dancing.
Y al llegar al paradero, es fachoso y remilga'o
And when we arrive, he's a sight to behold,
Parte la cola relincha, y camina encapota′o
Flicks his tail, whinnies, and walks with a proud and graceful gait,
Como si pisara espinas, suavecito en un trocha'o.
As if he were treading on thorns, so softly does he walk.
Aaaaaaaay lalaylala,
Oh, honey,
Voy a echarles un cuento, fue en el invierno pasa′o
Let me tell you a story, from last winter
Recuerdo que estaba el Pauto, monte a monte y desborda'o
The Pauto River was swollen and overflowing.
Y habia mas de mil novillos, de pasar p′al otro lad'o
And there were more than a thousand steers, waiting to be taken across
Con rumbo hacia el llano Arauca, y allí los tenian para'os
To the Arauca plains, where they were going to be sold.
Me le acerque al caporal, porque no pasa el gana′o
I approached the foreman, because there was no way the herd could cross.
Y este me dijo enseguida, ta muy hondo y emputa′o
And he told me, "The river is too deep and strong,
No creo que haya un cabrestero, que quiera morir ahoga'o
I don't think there's a herdsman alive who'd risk drowning in that water."
Con las aguas de este río, le dije fui bautiza′o
"But I was baptized in this river's waters," I told him.
Le quite la silla al potro, y en pelo me vi monta'o
I took the saddle off my horse and mounted bareback,
Con mi chaparro en la mano, y mi leco acostumbra′o
With my whip in my hand and my lasso coiled around my waist.
Jila a jila gana'ito, por mi fue ya al otro la′o
Slowly but surely, I guided the herd across.
Y el rucio amugo la oreja, y solto al nado alegra'o
And my chestnut horse, his ears pricked forward, swam happily alongside,
De saber que en la madrina, el era el mas respeta'o
Proud to be the lead horse of the herd.
Después de pasarlos todos, se me acerco el encarga′o
After we had crossed, the foreman came up to me.
Cuanto vale su caballo, yo se lo tengo compra′o
How much do you want for your horse? I'll buy it from you."
La respuesta que le dí, me dejó al hombre admira'o
My answer surprised him:
Yo no vendo mi caballo, por dinero ni cambi′o
"I won't sell my horse, not for any amount of money or trade.
Lo quiero mas que a mi esposa y yo estoy recien casa'o
I love him more than my wife, and I just got married!"
Y el rucio amugo la oreja, dando esto por confirma′o
And my chestnut horse, his ears pricked forward, seemed to agree.

Авторы: Cholo Valderrama

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