Cholo Valderrama - El Criollo Sortario - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cholo Valderrama - El Criollo Sortario

El Criollo Sortario
The Lucky Criollo
Yo soy el criollo sortario
I am the lucky Criollo
Pringa′o de sangre guajiba
With Guajiro blood in my veins
Producto de los retozos
Born from the playful encounters
De un pión y una petiba,
Of a farmhand and a young girl,
Fui pari'o una noche oscura
I was born on a dark night
En un maton de escobilla
In a hut made of brushwood
Por eso es que soy negrito
That's why I'm black
Del cogote a las canillas;
From the neck to my shins;
Me cortaron el ombligo
They cut my umbilical cord
Con un piazo de peinilla,
With a piece of a comb,
Le echaron laza′ de puerco
They tied it with a pig's lasso
Con crin de yegua amarilla,
Made of yellow mare hair,
Me untaron zumo 'e mastranto
They anointed me with lemon balm juice
Con gotas de agua criolina
With drops of creolin water
Pues como nací mayero
Because I was born in May
En mayo hay mucha chanilla.
And in May, there are many gnats.
Cuando pegué el primer grito
When I let out my first cry
Barajusté unas novillas,
I startled some heifers,
Alboroté a los garceros
I woke up the herons
Y desperté unas babillas,
And roused some baby crocodiles,
Grité por que había nacido
I cried because I was born
En tierras de maravilla
In a land of wonder
Y el que es llanero no llora,
And a true llanero doesn't cry,
Ni se calla, ni se humilla.
Nor does he stay silent, nor does he humble himself.
Así me fui levantando
That's how I grew up
A teta, taja' y cecina
On breast milk, jerky, and dried meat
En el fundo ′onde mi mama
On the farm where my mama
Ayudaba en la cocina,
Helped in the kitchen,
Compartí el patio y el juego
I shared the yard and playtime
Con perros y con gallinas,
With dogs and chickens,
Y en un molinete viejo
And on an old windmill
Vi como es que se camina.
I saw how to walk.
Como a un pobre le toca
As a poor man's fate dictates
Nacer y buscar salida
To be born and seek a way out
Ganaba sal y churupos
I earned salt and candy
Cargando unas angarillas
Carrying loads on a yoke
Y saliendo a buscar leña
And going out to find firewood
En una burra mojina
On a stubborn donkey
Y cuidando en el chiquero
And taking care of a capon and a sow
Un capón y una cochina;
In the pigsty;
Yo apartaba los becerros
I separated the calves
Y alcanzaba la comida,
And brought the food,
Le echaba agua a la tinaja
I poured water into the jug
Y al caney una barrida,
And swept the porch,
Tenia que lava′ un menudo
I had to wash a pile of dishes
Aventqao en la carretilla
Thrown into the wheelbarrow
Y sacar media tarea
And weed half a field
Con una media peinilla.
With a half a comb.
Me bautizó un rio crecido
A swollen river baptized me
Cabrestiando unas novillas,
While herding some heifers,
Recibí la comunión
I received communion
Con un lance de rodillas,
With a sudden kneeling,
Me confirmó un mocho viejo
An old, one-eyed man confirmed me
Machiro y lleno 'e cosquillas,
Tough and full of tickles,
La primaria a puro pelo
Elementary school on bare ground
Y el bachiller ya con silla.
And high school already with a chair.
Por eso se leer
That's why I can't read
Aunque tengo quien me escriba,
Even though I have someone who writes for me,
Pero entiendo lo que dicen
But I understand what they say
Cielo y sabana tendida,
The sky and the open savanna,
El suelo trillao de huellas,
The ground trampled with tracks,
Y agua abajo y agua arriba,
And water flowing down and up,
El viento y las cabañuelas,
The wind and the weather signs,
El sibio y las candelillas.
The howler monkey and the fireflies.
Yo no conozco a mi papá
I don't know my dad
Ni se como se apellida,
Nor do I know his last name,
Toro no lame becerro
A bull doesn't lick a calf
Ni que tenga sal po′ encima,
Even if it has salt on it,
Pero el me dejó herencia
But he left me an inheritance
Brazos, piernas, y costillas,
Arms, legs, and ribs,
Pa' trabajar, para andar,
To work, to walk,
Y pa′ cargar esta vida.
And to carry this life.
De remedios si me acuerdo
I do remember the remedies
Que me daban curarina,
They gave me curarina,
Purga 'e pasota, caribe,
Pasota purge, caribe,
El cholagogue y quinina,
Cholagogue and quinine,
Linimento veneciano,
Venetian liniment,
Pastas de cafeaspirina,
Cafeaspirina tablets,
Y si me portaba mal
And if I misbehaved
Chaparro soba′o po' encima.
Rubbed chaparro on top of it.
Me formé como cubiro
I grew up like a cubiro
Respondón y arma rencillas
Talkative and picking fights
Y nadie me enseñó mañas
And nobody taught me tricks
Por que las traje aprendidas,
Because I came with them already learned,
Converso con una soga
I converse with a rope
Menguantera y atrevida
Skilled and daring
Que guaralié lo mas gordo
That I lassoed the fattest one
Y sin marca conocida.
Without a known brand.
Yo tengo cosas que
I have things I know
Y cosas que se me olvidan
And things I forget
lo que soy, lo que valgo,
I know what I am, what I'm worth,
Me olvido de lo que digan,
I forget what they say,
A nadie le debo nada
I owe nothing to anyone
Ni tengo pa' que me pidan
Nor do I have anything for them to ask of me
Por que yo no cargo plata
Because I don't carry money
Por lo pesa′a y por lo esquiva.
Because it's heavy and elusive.

Авторы: Carlos Perez

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