黃凱芹 - 旁觀者清 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 黃凱芹 - 旁觀者清

Passerby Clear
真欣赏你的冲劲 为要找十段情
Really appreciate your style for chasing ten romances
忙忙忙忙如猎鹰 到处碰厌恶固害
Busy like a falcon, running around and hitting fatigue and hatred
Non-monogamy is widely recognized as a beautiful thing
人人忙寻示味精 怕这世界太过清
Everyone is busy looking for MSG, for fear that the world is too simple
But I don't care about him or you around me
All laughing at me for being old-fashioned and unworldly
始终都那么执着 没去追玩玩便完的处境
Always so persistent, not seeking out a playful finish
旁观者清 因为我见过你
The bystander is clear, because I have seen you
人堆之中孤独里暗叹气 寻获了也好
Sighing alone in the crowd, found it too
呆滞眼睛无灵魂令我生顾忌 未够胆学你
Dull eyes without a soul make me wary, not daring to learn from you
真欣赏你的手段 为晋升便奉承
Really appreciate your skills for promotion and flattery
完完全全忘怀自尊 到处拜到处赞咏
Completely forgetting about self-esteem, worshiping everywhere and praising everywhere
Hypocrisy is widely recognized as the best way
人人忙寻获求利益 个个也惯了应声
Everyone is busy seeking profit, and everyone is used to agreeing
我却不管身边的她与你 实在暗笑我老套不开眼睛
But I don't care about him or you around me, really laughing at me for being old-fashioned and unworldly
始终都那么执着 没发出并没热诚的笑声
Always so persistent, and never laughing with enthusiasm

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