Chrisye - Resesi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Chrisye - Resesi

Kehidupan disana-sini
Life here and there
Kini tengah dilanda depresi
Is now in the midst of a depression
Muda-mudi banyak yang mencari
Youth are searching
Kepastian identitas diri
For a sure sense of self
Resesi ekonomi
Economic recession
Dunia gelisah semakin nyata
The world is increasingly in turmoil
Tuntutan hidup serba harmoni
The demands of life are supposed to be harmonious
Hanya mimpi belaka
But it's just a pipe dream
Kehidupan disana-sini
Life here and there
Kini tengah dilanda histeria
Is now in the midst of hysteria
Muda-mudi banyak yang frustrasi
Youth are frustrated
Orang tua acuh tak perduli
Parents are indifferent
Broken home dan segalanya
Broken homes and all
Melanda hidup remaja kota
Are affecting city teenagers
Kokain morfin dan ganja
Cocaine, morphine and marijuana
Dunia pelariannya
Are their escape
Terbang-terbang melayang
Soaring, floating
Segala pikirannya
All their thoughts
Mencoba melupakan
Trying to forget
Segala problema
All their problems
Hello kawan sahabat muda
Hello, my dear young friend
Dirimu jauh terperosok sudah
You have sunk so low
Kokain morfin dan ganja
Cocaine, morphine and marijuana
Merusak segalanya
Are destroying everything
Terbang jauh tinggalkan
Leave it all behind
Lupakan segalanya
Forget everything
Sambutlah hari depan
Embrace the future
Yang penuh harapan
Full of hope
Kehidupan disana-sini
Life here and there
Kini tengah dilanda depresi
Is now in the midst of a depression
Muda-mudi banyak yang mencari
Youth are searching
Kepastian identitas diri
For a sure sense of self
Resesi ekonomi
Economic recession
Dunia gelisah semakin nyata
The world is increasingly in turmoil
Kokain morfin dan ganja
Cocaine, morphine and marijuana
Dunia pelariannya
Are their escape
Terbang terbang melayang
Soaring, floating
Segala pikirannya
All their thoughts
Mencoba melupakan semua
Trying to forget everything
Segala problema
All their problems
Terbang jauh tinggalkan
Leave it all behind
Lupakan segalanya
Forget everything
Sambutlah hari depanmu
Embrace your future
Yang penuh harapan
Full of hope

Авторы: Suryo Prayogo, Eros Djarot, Chrismansyah Rahadi

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