Chukky - Diario de un viajero - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Chukky - Diario de un viajero

Diario de un viajero
Diary of a Traveler
Piensa... cuantas vidas cruzan por un tren
Think... how many lives cross paths on a train
Cuantas pisadas se ven, reflejadas en un solo andén
How many footsteps are seen, reflected on a single platform
Da igual la persona no hablo de nadie en concreto
It doesn't matter who, I'm not talking about anyone in particular
Solo apunto historias del diario de un viajero en metro
I'm just writing down stories from the diary of a subway traveler
Tiene quince años su primer día de clase y llega tarde
He's fifteen years old, it's his first day of class, and he's late
Ahora el desfase es hacer que este viaje salga de varde
Now the cool thing to do is to make this journey go off the rails
Con alarde y picardía ahorra un euro de gorro
With bragging and cunning, he saves a euro from the fare
Y con el euro de mamá come y con este pilla un porro
And with the euro from mom he eats, and with this one he buys a joint
Hoy empieza el instituto, dejo el colegio.
Today high school begins, I'm leaving middle school behind.
Y con la prisa lleva libros que aun no le ha quitado el precio
And in his haste, he carries books that haven't had the price tag removed yet
Y no es un necio, y es que a cierta edad no se madura
And he's not a fool, it's just that at a certain age you don't mature
Y una chica del mismo vagón a notado sus dudas
And a girl in the same car has noticed his doubts
Ella nunca monta en metro le da miedo.
She never rides the subway, it scares her.
Pero puede mas el corazón que las supersticiones creo
But the heart is stronger than superstitions, I believe
Arrugado en la mano lleva un papel que nunca enseña
Crumpled in her hand, she holds a paper she never shows
Donde ha escrito cien veces "te quiero" con letra pequeña
Where she has written "I love you" a hundred times in small letters
Algo esconde en su sonrisa que le alegra
Something hides in her smile that cheers her up
Y es que tiene un chico a su lado que sus problemas desintegra
And it's that she has a boy by her side who disintegrates her problems
Es extraño, en el vagón va sentada una abuela
It's strange, there's a grandmother sitting in the car
A diferencia de esta, nunca conoció la escuela
Unlike this one, she never knew school
Y no le pesa, a su lado su marido inquieto
And it doesn't weigh on her, her husband is restless at her side
No es un día cualquiera hoy parten para ver sus nietos
It's not just any day, today they're leaving to see their grandchildren
Da igual a la persona no hablo de nadie en concreto
It doesn't matter who, I'm not talking about anyone in particular
Solo apunto historias del diario de un viajero en metro...
I'm just writing down stories from the diary of a subway traveler...
Yo te digo adios con el corazón con esta canción yo te digo adios
I say goodbye to you with my heart, with this song I say goodbye to you
Es que no puedo no, es que no quiero no, no, no...
It's just that I can't, I don't want to, no, no, no...
Yo te digo adios con esta canción, con el corazón
I say goodbye to you with this song, with my heart
Yo te digo adios mi amor
I say goodbye to you, my love
Y es que no puedo no, y es que no quiero no, no, no...
It's just that I can't, I don't want to, no, no, no...
Y mientras unos se van de casa otros vuelven
And while some leave home, others return
Un guarda nocturno que sus hijos impacientes quieren verle
A night watchman whose children are eager to see him
Es duro trabajar para él de noche
It's hard for him to work at night
Y sin contrato no hay derroche ni para comprar un coche
And without a contract, there's no splurging, not even to buy a car
Y viaja en metro, por lo tanto no es el único,
And he travels by subway, so he's not the only one
Que a falta de medio de transporte utilizan uno público,
Who, lacking their own means of transport, uses a public one
Un señor profundo que se sienta al fondo
A profound gentleman who sits at the back
Le llaman vagabundo por su ropa rota y su sucio rostro
They call him a vagabond because of his torn clothes and dirty face
Da igual también viaja en el tren y no tiene méritos
It doesn't matter, he also travels on the train and has no merit
Aunque consiga su ticket pidiendo gente céntimos
Even though he gets his ticket by begging people for cents
En cada estación, suben y bajan y no saben
At each station, they get on and off and they don't know
Que escriben en su piel, el diario de viajero fiel en clave
That they write on their skin, the diary of a faithful traveler, in code
Yo reflejo en un papel y guardo bajo llave
I reflect it on paper and keep it under lock and key
En un baul donde caben vuestros secretos.
In a chest where your secrets fit.
Da igual a la persona no hablo de nadie en concreto
It doesn't matter who, I'm not talking about anyone in particular
Solo apunto historias del diario de un viajero en metro...
I'm just writing down stories from the diary of a subway traveler...
Yo te digo adios con el corazón con esta canción yo te digo adios
I say goodbye to you with my heart, with this song I say goodbye to you
Es que no puedo no, es que no quiero no, no, no...
It's just that I can't, I don't want to, no, no, no...
Yo te digo adios con esta canción, con el corazón
I say goodbye to you with this song, with my heart
Yo te digo adios mi amor
I say goodbye to you, my love
Y es que no puedo no, y es que no quiero no, no, no...
It's just that I can't, I don't want to, no, no, no...
Pero muchos saben ya de lo que hablo
But many already know what I'm talking about
Saben que las vías de un tren a veces las guía el diablo
They know that the tracks of a train are sometimes guided by the devil
La validez de tu vida ya solo es cuestión de suerte
The validity of your life is now just a matter of luck
Vas montado en un metro sin frenos enpicado a la muerte
You're riding a subway without brakes, plummeting to your death
Un atentado contra un pueblo exijo ruta
An attack against a people, I demand a route
Gracias a que hay gente en el mundo que solo son hijos de puta
Thanks to the fact that there are people in the world who are just sons of bitches
... mira Madrid, mira Londres, cataclismo
... look at Madrid, look at London, cataclysm
No se enteran que con guerras no se extirpa el terrorismo
They don't realize that terrorism cannot be eradicated with wars
Para ellos somos un cero a la izquierda
To them, we are a zero on the left
Gracias democracia por desgracia y por tratarnos como mierda
Thank you, democracy, for the misfortune and for treating us like shit
Por política muerte inocente en vano
Innocent death in vain because of politics
Más tarde con un lo siento cara de pena lavan sus manos
Later, with a sorry and a sad face, they wash their hands
No importamos nada, nada importamos eso que se sepa
We don't matter, we don't matter, let that be known
Ansían su poder y lo pagamos porque quieren sopa y teta
They crave power and we pay for it because they want their cake and eat it too
Y no respetan y también pisaron ese anden
And they don't respect, and they also stepped on that platform
No se porque muero al ver: "yo también iba en ese tren"
I don't know why I die when I see: "I was on that train too"

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