Cistychov - Slepá láska - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cistychov - Slepá láska

Slepá láska
Blind Love
Typický kurevník malé mesto, veľká cicina,
Typical whorehouse, small town, big tits,
Pricestovalo smelo malé dievča, malá dedina,
A small girl arrived boldly, from a small village,
Chcela v meste študovať, mať chlapca, viedieť svet,
She wanted to study in the city, have a boyfriend, see the world,
Ináč, najlepšie keď bude boháč, žiadny nemínáč.
Preferably, it would be best if he was rich, not a penny-pincher.
V meste otvorila oči všade samé BMW,
She opened her eyes in the city, BMWs everywhere,
Každý reťaz, hodinky a lovecké na sebe,
Everyone wearing chains, watches, and hunting clothes,
Povedala sama si, že to je moje podnebie,
She said to herself, "This is my heaven,"
Zo začiatku v internáte snívavala o zmene.
At first, in the dormitory, she dreamt of change.
Stretli sa v klube ona na mol a on po linkách,
They met at the club, she was wasted and he was high,
Ona po skúške, on po ojeboch a po činkách.
She was after an exam, he was after scams and lifting weights.
On to spočítal, buď bordel, či čajku do čísla,
He calculated, either a mess, or take a chick to his place,
Táto by ušla, táto čo ma teraz obišla,
This one would run away, this one who just walked past me,
Bližšie podišla bo očká jej ťažko rozlíšia,
She came closer, her eyes could barely see,
Zachvílu ju mal po pár pohároch, kanec rozmýšla,
Soon he had her after a few drinks, the boar was thinking,
On na hajzli linku a uvažuje čo s nou ďalej,
He does a line in the bathroom and wonders what to do with her next,
Ona na hajzli tyčku, v hube smrad, v srdci nádej.
She does a line in the bathroom, bad breath, hope in her heart.
Skončili u neho pekný byt, ževraj jeho je,
They ended up at his place, a nice apartment, he said it was his,
Kožená sedačka veľká telka všetko jebove,
Leather sofa, big TV, everything fake,
nadšene vie že chce fajčiť, že dnes jeho zje,
She already knows enthusiastically that she wants to smoke, that she will eat him up today,
A tak vznikla nechtiac láska tichúčko bez emócie.
And so, unintentionally, a quiet love without emotion was born.
Čávo ju bere jak kurvu, čajka ako princa jeho,
The dude treats her like a whore, the chick treats him like a prince,
čávo jebáva piče, no ona dáva iba jeho,
The dude fucks other chicks, but she only gives it to him,
Potom zistil, že keď nepije tak neni taká tupá,
Then he realized that when she doesn't drink, she's not so dumb,
Začal byť s nou viac, začal mať ju rád.
He started spending more time with her, he started to like her.
Refrén 2x:
Chorus 2x:
Život píše o nej príbehy, každý ju hľadáva,
Life writes stories about her, everyone is looking for her,
V kolotoči chytení osobou čo ťa zamáva,
Caught in the whirlwind by a person who deceives you,
Zesekáva-va Ťa zrazu pár je nepár,
Cuts you down, suddenly a pair becomes an odd,
Celá vyvinutá snaha skončila jak láska slepá.
All the developed effort ended like blind love.
Život píše o nej príbehy, každý ju hľadáva,
Life writes stories about her, everyone is looking for her,
V kolotoči chytení osobou čo ťa zamáva,
Caught in the whirlwind by a person who deceives you,
Zesekáva-va Ťa zrazu pár je nepár,
Cuts you down, suddenly a pair becomes an odd,
Celá vyvinutá snaha skončila jak láska slepá.
All the developed effort ended like blind love.
Potom došli na hádky, keď zistila aký je,
Then came the arguments, when she found out what he was like,
Po čase všetko výjde na povrch nič sa neskryje,
Over time, everything comes to the surface, nothing remains hidden,
Nechcel stratiť, to čo našiel v nej, mu srdce bije,
He didn't want to lose what he found in her, his heart was beating,
A tak prestáva byť kár a iba pre ňu žije.
And so he stopped being an asshole and only lived for her.
Prišli obchody tuning, staré kamašle von
Came the shops, tuning, old clothes out,
Nové kamarátky, móda, sexy topíky top,
New friends, fashion, sexy tank tops, top notch,
Nové bary, nový známy chlast povím ti to
New bars, new acquaintances, booze, I'll tell you this,
Na určitú vrstvu ľudí v štýle vyhoním ti kok.
For a certain class of people, in the style of "I'll jerk you off".
Predtým pomáhala doma robievala žrádlo,
Before, she helped at home, cooked food,
Teraz sa vraciava ráno a nepráva prádlo,
Now she comes back in the morning and doesn't do laundry anymore,
jej muž podľa predstáv, všetko čo dal je málo,
Her man is already according to her ideas, everything he gave is not enough,
Načo slepú lásku, keď sa vonku tolko ponúkalo.
Why blind love, when there's so much on offer outside.
Henten to, ten tam to, tento toto,
This one has that, that one has that, this one has this,
ževraj chcú jej pomôcť ne do nej len strkať kokot,
They supposedly want to help her, not just stick their dicks in her,
Nechce vzťah čo ju brzdí, keď viac môže mať o moc,
She doesn't want a relationship that holds her back when she can have so much more,
je naobtiaž láska, vzťah, dôvera a pomoc.
Love, relationship, trust, and help are already compromised.
A tak skončila pička teda na bohatšej cicine,
And so the pussy ended up on a richer dick,
On ostal zo slzami v očiach sám skoro na mizine,
He was left with tears in his eyes, almost broke,
Ona je podvádzanou ženou bohatého jeba,
She is the cheated wife of a rich fucker,
Každý z nich skazil to v období, keď láska bola slepá,
Each of them ruined it in a time when love was blind,
človek môže robiť zmeny k horšiemu aj k lepšiemu,
A person can make changes for the worse and for the better,
Ak moc lúbiš málo vidíš realitu nechcenú,
If you love too much, you see little of the unwanted reality,
čo začiatku dojebeš, neskôr nejde napraviť,
What you fuck up at the beginning, you can't fix later,
čo neskôr neháš urobiť, potom nejde zastaviť.
What you don't stop doing later, you can't stop later.
Refrén 2x:
Chorus 2x:
Život píše o nej príbehy, každý ju hľadáva,
Life writes stories about her, everyone is looking for her,
V kolotoči chytení osobou čo ťa zamáva,
Caught in the whirlwind by a person who deceives you,
Zesekáva-va Ťa zrazu pár je nepár,
Cuts you down, suddenly a pair becomes an odd,
Celá vyvinutá snaha skončila jak láska slepá.
All the developed effort ended like blind love.
Text přidala misamisa
Text added by misamisa
Text opravil RAREspek
Text corrected by RAREspek
Video přidala Martik98
Video added by Martik98

Авторы: Roland Moor, Daniel Chladek

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