CIVILIAN - ぜんぶあんたのせい - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни CIVILIAN - ぜんぶあんたのせい

It's all your fault
短い間でしたけど 皆さん本当にお疲れ様でした
It was a short time, but everyone really worked hard.
There must still be a lot of regrets, but today everyone graduates.
Beautiful people, not-so-beautiful people, everyone is equal from here on out.
それじゃ皆さんホント御待ち兼ね さあ成績表をお返ししましょう
Well, everyone, the moment you've been waiting for. Let's return your report cards.
はい じゃあ最初青山さん あなた道端にゴミ捨てたでしょ
Yes, so first, Aoyama-san. You threw garbage on the side of the road, right?
それは誰が拾うか知ってるの? あぁ ひどいことするね 不合格です
Do you know who has to pick that up? Oh, that's terrible. You fail.
はい 君だね浅野さん 君ずっとあの子いじめてたでしょ
Yes, next. You, Asano-san. You've been bullying that child, haven't you?
あの子はもう飛び降りちゃったよ 君の所為だねきっと もう不合格だ
That child has already jumped off a building. It's your fault, for sure. You fail.
A test that continues from the moment you're born until the present.
Before you know it, a giant scoreboard looms behind you.
神様 俺は可能な限り善人でいました
God, I've been as good a person as I can be.
なぁ これくらい見逃せよ
Come on, can't you let this one slide?
生涯を賭した 厳正な審査 俺だけは大丈夫と根拠無く信じ
A strict evaluation that has taken a lifetime. I believed, without basis, that I would be fine.
頭抱えて 行進せよ前へ 1, 2, 3, 4 頭の中 声がするんだ
Clutching my head, I march forward. 1, 2, 3, 4. A voice echoes in my head.
It's all my fault.
巻きでいきますねどんどん 君ら本当に数が多過ぎます
Let's hurry this up. There are just too many of you.
えっと ここからここ それからこっち ここまでが全部不合格
Um, from here to here, and then over here. Everyone up to here fails.
Oh, who's next? I can't find this person. Where are they?
存在感が無さ過ぎます 居るかわからないので よし不合格で
They have no presence whatsoever. I can't even tell if they're here. Okay, you fail.
It took great effort and perseverance to build up,
But it seems to crumble in an instant.
Trust is like the torment of hell.
あぁ もう一度最初からだ さぁ
Ah, let's start over. Come on.
先生もう疲れました だって君ら本当に疑わず
Teacher, I'm tired. Because you never doubt us,
You just keep doing the same thing you did yesterday, the day before yesterday, and the day before that.
例え私が何口走ろうが 君らそのまま信じんでしょ
No matter how much I rant and rave, you'll just keep believing me.
So there's no point anymore.
だから もう終わり 終わり 終わり 終わり
So it's over. Over, over, over, over.
Take your pick now.
生涯を賭して 狂いそうな審査 俺だけは大丈夫と思ったら終わりさ
A crazy evaluation that has taken a lifetime. I thought I would be fine, but it's over.
喚き散らして 行進せよ前へ 1, 2, 3, 4 頭の中 声が消えない
Screaming and shouting, I march forward. 1, 2, 3, 4. The voice in my head won't go away.
It's all my "life."

Авторы: Junichi, Kiyoyuki Arita, コヤマヒデカズ

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