Claudia Pavel - Sună-Mă - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Claudia Pavel - Sună-Mă

Call Me
Insista, dorul tot insista
Insists, longing keeps insisting
Un pahar de vin si inima nu mai rezista
A glass of wine and my heart can't resist any longer
Insista, dorul tot insista
Insists, longing keeps insisting
Poate si din vina ta am devenit artista
Maybe it's also because of you that I became an artist
Maschez orice privire cu una luminoasa
I mask every look with a bright one
Si zambesc si atunci cand plang
And I smile even when I cry
Mi-aduc aminte, imi spuneai ca sunt frumoasa, dis de dimineata
I remember, you used to tell me I was beautiful, early in the morning
Cand afara era gheata
When it was freezing outside
Si zapada, si frigul, toate au trecut, ca vinul alb sec
And the snow, and the cold, they all passed, like dry white wine
Si-acum simt ca ma inec
And now I feel like I'm drowning
Daca nu-ti cant inca o data, sunt ok la suprafata
If I don't sing to you one more time, I'm okay on the surface
Dar vreau doar un tribut, inca nu vreau sa te uit
But I just want a tribute, I don't want to forget you yet
Nu vreau alta inima sa-mi ofere altcineva
I don't want another heart to be offered to me by someone else
De 10 ori mai mult decat mi-ai daruit candva
10 times more than you once gave me
Nu vreau alta inima si nu sunt o victima
I don't want another heart and I'm not a victim
E o piesa intima, daca o auzi, suna-ma
It's an intimate piece, if you hear it, call me
Suna-ma, suna-ma
Call me, call me
Da-i usor si suna-ma
Blow a kiss and call me
Ca un trandafir uscat, uitat intr-o vaza
Like a dried rose, forgotten in a vase
E inima mea, cand dorul nu ma lasa
That's my heart, when longing doesn't leave me alone
Un inel cu diamant, dar fara vreo valoare
A diamond ring, but without any value
Ma simt uneori, cand lipsa ta ma doare
I feel sometimes, when your absence hurts me
Si stii foarte bine, piesa asta-i pentru tine
And you know very well, this song is for you
Si inima ta, inima ta bate in mine
And your heart, your heart beats in me
Bate pentru tine, bate cum vrea ea
Beats for you, beats as it pleases
Bate, uneori, chiar si impotriva mea
Beats, sometimes, even against me
Nu vreau alta inima sa-mi ofere altcineva
I don't want another heart to be offered to me by someone else
De 10 ori mai mult decat mi-ai daruit candva
10 times more than you once gave me
Nu vreau alta inima si nu sunt o victima
I don't want another heart and I'm not a victim
E o piesa intima, daca o auzi, suna-ma
It's an intimate piece, if you hear it, call me
Suna-ma, suna-ma
Call me, call me
Da-i usor si suna-ma
Blow a kiss and call me
Si insista, dorul tot insista
And insists, longing keeps insisting
Un pahar de vin si inima nu mai rezista
A glass of wine and my heart can't resist any longer
Insista, dorul tot insista
Insists, longing keeps insisting
Poate si din vina ta am devenit artista
Maybe it's also because of you that I became an artist
Insista, dorul tot insista
Insists, longing keeps insisting
Un pahar de vin si inima nu mai rezista
A glass of wine and my heart can't resist any longer
Insista, dorul tot insista
Insists, longing keeps insisting
Poate si din vina ta am devenit artista
Maybe it's also because of you that I became an artist
Nu vreau alta inima sa-mi ofere altcineva
I don't want another heart to be offered to me by someone else
De 10 ori mai mult decat mi-ai daruit candva
10 times more than you once gave me
Nu vreau alta inima si nu sunt o victima
I don't want another heart and I'm not a victim
E o piesa intima, daca o auzi, suna-ma
It's an intimate piece, if you hear it, call me
Suna-ma, suna-ma
Call me, call me
Da-i usor si suna-ma
Blow a kiss and call me
Si insista, dorul tot insista
And insists, longing keeps insisting
Un pahar de vin si inima nu mai rezista
A glass of wine and my heart can't resist any longer
Insista, dorul tot insista
Insists, longing keeps insisting
Poate si din vina ta am devenit artista
Maybe it's also because of you that I became an artist

Авторы: sandor biro

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