Claudia de Colombia - Adios, adios - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Claudia de Colombia - Adios, adios

Adios, adios
Goodbye, goodbye
Escúchame, no me interrumpas, por favor
Hear me out, please don't interrupt me
Es el momento de decirte la verdad
It's time to tell you the truth
Estoy cansada de tu continuo reprochar
I'm tired of your constant nagging
Y tus miradas de juez inquisidor.
And your judgmental stares.
Sin darme cuenta fuí mendigo de tu amor
Without realizing it, I was a beggar for your love
Y apenas tuve la menor compensación
And I barely had the smallest compensation
Más hoy, al fin, un nuevo amor me vino a dar
But today, finally, a new love came to me
Esa ternura que en tí, quise encontrar.
That tenderness that I wanted to find in you.
Adios amor, ya no te vuelvo a molestar
Goodbye my love, I'll never bother you again
Mi barco espera el momento de zarpar
My boat is waiting for the moment to sail away
Me marcharé sin pena ni alegría
I'll leave without pain or joy
Tal vez, con el vacio que da un amor perdido.
Maybe, with the void that a lost love gives.
Adios amor, ya no te vuelvo a molestar
Goodbye my love, I'll never bother you again
Mi barco espera ya el momento de zarpar
My boat is waiting for the moment to sail away
Me marcharé, ya ves que tontería
I'll leave, you see it's silly
Pero es así la vida, aunque no lo entiendas.
But that's life, even though you don't understand it.
Tal vez el tiempo te haga recapacitar
Maybe time will make you reconsider
Y al fin comprendas que el amor es entre dos
And finally understand that love is between two
Ya nunca olvides sembrarlo cada amanecer
Never forget to plant it every morning
Para que así no tengas que escuchar.
So that you don't have to hear.
Adios amor, ya no te vuelvo a molestar
Goodbye my love, I'll never bother you again
Mi barco espera el momento de zarpar
My boat is waiting for the moment to sail away
Me marcharé sin pena ni alegría
I'll leave without pain or joy
Tal vez, con el vacio que da un amor perdido.
Maybe, with the void that a lost love gives.
Adios amor, ya no te vuelvo a molestar
Goodbye my love, I'll never bother you again
Mi barco espera ya el momento de zarpar
My boat is waiting for the moment to sail away
Me marcharé, ya ves que tontería
I'll leave, you see it's silly
Pero es así la vida, aunque no lo entiendas.
But that's life, even though you don't understand it.
Adios amor, ya no te vuelvo a molestar
Goodbye my love, I'll never bother you again
Mi barco espera ya el momento de zarpar
My boat is waiting for the moment to sail away
Me marcharé sin pena ni alegría
I'll leave without pain or joy
Tal vez, con el vacio que da un amor perdido.
Maybe, with the void that a lost love gives.

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