Clave de Barrio - Sabio Poeta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Clave de Barrio - Sabio Poeta

Sabio Poeta
Wise Poet
Heme aquí... en este minúsculo oasis
Here I am... in this minuscule oasis
Respirando este aire exquisito
Breathing this exquisite air
En busca de un futuro ser
In search of a future being
Huérfano de recuerdos
Orphan of memories
Y ya siento que lo encontré
And I already feel that I have found it
Aunque me agobie la sed me abrazara la virtud
Even if thirst overwhelms me, virtue will embrace me
En ese momento vagare en su cielo falso y desierto... pero feliz...
At that moment I will wander in its false and deserted sky... but happy...
Solo un poeta.
Just a poet.
Ese día camine entre lluvias rapaces
That day I walk among swift rains
Pero su viento conducía unas brisas voraces
But its wind drove voracious breezes
Aun así desplace mi sendero
Even so, I displaced my path
Porque no soy de rendirme si me degenero
Because I am not one to give up if I degenerate
El sol brillaba solo por su ausencia
The sun shone only by its absence
Hasta ventanas hogareñas perdían transparencia
Even home windows lost transparency
Aislaba ese frió y el dolor que aquel causaba
That cold isolated and the pain that it caused
Sobre este resfrió mi garganta abrigaba
Over this cold my throat sheltered
De pronto una figura poso sobre mi hombro
Suddenly a figure landed on my shoulder
Y por un segundo quede en un profundo asombro
And for a second I was in deep astonishment
Era mi general pintado de verde
It was my general painted green
Hace mucho que no encuentro dinero que yo recuerde
It's been a long time since I've found any money that I remember
Lo guarde sin pensarlo doble por un callejón
I kept it without thinking twice down an alley
En este yacía una gran caja de cartón
In this lay a large cardboard box
Dentro de el se ocultaba un viejo hombre
Inside it was hiding an old man
De barba blanca larga y con una manta muy pobre
With a long white beard and a very poor blanket
En mi pena le cedí lo que había hallado
In my sorrow I gave him what I had found
Pues creí que no era mío y esto fuese un recado
For I believed it was not mine and this was a message
Acepto muy amable y en su regocijo
He accepted very kindly and in his rejoicing
Libremente se expreso y entre dientes el me dijo
He freely expressed himself and through his teeth he told me
Vuestro amor al prójimo es mal amor a tu persona
Your love for your neighbor is bad love for yourself
Cree ayudar sin ser ayudado no funciona
Believing in helping without being helped does not work
La humildad es la debilidad que se agazapa
Humility is the weakness that lurks
Y la bondad turbia magia donde se solapa
And goodness is a cloudy magic where it basks
No entendí su enseñanza pero estaba impactado
I didn't understand his teaching but I was shocked
Su dictado hizo que me sintiera anonadado
His dictation made me feel stunned
Dilate mi pensar mientras lo observaba
I dilated my thinking as I watched him
Acariciar su barba y que algo murmuraba
Caressing his beard and murmuring something
Pero lo único que vi fue un cuaderno entre sus dedos
But all I saw was a notebook between his fingers
Que se aferraba a el como si tuviera miedos
That he clung to as if he were afraid
No pude evitar preguntar que ocultaba
I couldn't help but ask what he was hiding
Quien era y porque la vida lo castigaba
Who he was and why life was punishing him
Hijo aquel embrión que ensalza su propia mirada
Son, that embryo that enhances its own gaze
Lo envuelve el oscuro sobre la misma nada
It is enveloped by the darkness over the same nothingness
Su decir son inciertos entre sabiduría
His sayings are uncertain between wisdom
No es castigo no saber que aquel rebosa de alegría
It is not a punishment not to know that he overflows with joy
Esa fue su palabra tan libre como esclava
That was his word as free as a slave
Entendí en el que eso era lo que yo pensaba
I understood in him that this was what I thought
Sobre esa tormenta en un punto del planeta
About that storm at one point on the planet
Fue así como conocí al sabio poeta
This is how I met the wise poet
El poder de la palabra otorga inteligencia
The power of the word grants intelligence
EEs evidencia cuando al bruto lo silencia
It is evident when the brute is silenced
Es Simple Querer, Es Simple Aprender,
It's Simple to Want, It's Simple to Learn,
Solo al elixir del Sabio hay que Saberlo Beber
Only the Wise Man's elixir must be known to Drink
Debes entender que no hay Fuerza que la Destruya
You must understand that there is no Force that Destroys it
Que el conocimiento inmaculado nunca se apabulla
That immaculate knowledge is never cowed
Es Puro Placer ver crecer el saber
It is Pure Pleasure to see knowledge grow
Y sentir que el alma nos Vuelve a Renacer
And feel that our soul is Reborn
Me contó de su tiempo me mostró su diagrama
He told me about his time, he showed me his diagram
Y que ya hace mucho no disfruta una dama
And that he hasn't enjoyed a lady in a long time
Que el saber lo acompaña desde su primer comida
That knowledge has accompanied him since his first meal
Y que no se alcanza aprender todo en esta vida
And that you can't learn everything in this life
Señaló que al ser lo que soy hay que tener valor
He pointed out that being what I am you have to have courage
Que cada frase refleja lo que siente el escritor
That each phrase reflects what the writer feels
Donde hay amor hay odio y viceversa
Where there is love there is hate and vice versa
Que solo el escribir de ambas te dispersa
That only writing both disperses you
Viajo por el mundo pero solo en un continente
I travel the world but only on one continent
Paseo por rumbos muertos manejando la mente
I walk through dead paths driving the mind
Escribió un libro no solo por placer
He wrote a book not just for pleasure
Remarco que lo hizo así habría mas para leer
He remarked that he did it that way there would be more to read
Se que no todos leen y eso el lo sabia
I know that not everyone reads and he knew that
Y aunque lean algo no seria una poesía
And even if they read something it wouldn't be poetry
Pero no descansaría hasta lograr su ultima meta
But he wouldn't rest until he achieved his last goal
Hallar una voz que dicte lo que fue ser un poeta
Finding a voice to dictate what it was like to be a poet
Mientras me disciplinaba respecto a su saber
As he disciplined me regarding his knowledge
Comenzó a hacerse tarde opaco el anochecer
It began to get late, dusk dimmed
Era tiempo de volver su suspiro terminaba
It was time to return his sigh was ending
Pero entre dicha oración este me recitaba
But among this prayer he recited to me
Ansió que mi obra deje la mirada abierta
I long for my work to leave your eyes open
Y exultar aquella mente que no se despierta
And exult that mind that does not awaken
Que antes del volar se dan los primeros pasos
That before flying the first steps are taken
Alas han de crecernos si ves soles en ocasos
Wings are to grow us if you see suns in sunsets
Alabe su discurso porque estaba en lo cierto
Praise his speech because he was right
Quien cree ser grande siendo un inexperto
Who thinks he is great being an expert
Le otorgue mi abrigo porque tenia el pavor
I gave him my coat because I was terrified
De que el gélido invierno se mute agobiador
That the icy winter will become overwhelming
Así me despedí, volví y al día siguiente
So I said goodbye, I went back and the next day
Desperté y me vestí para saber del elocuente
I woke up and got dressed to hear about the eloquent
Al llegar contemple un vació y una nota
Upon arriving I contemplated an empty space and a note
Mi prenda doblegada y una pluma rota
My garment folded and a broken pen
Eyendo sorprendido los fragmentos de la carta
As I was surprised by the fragments of the letter
Decía has lo correcto cuando este astro parta
It said do the right thing when this star sets
Seguido de renglones que marcaban bien su lema
Followed by lines that clearly marked his motto
Tu fuego me ha quemado enseñando lo que es poema
Your fire has burned me teaching me what a poem is
Ofrecí mi cantar sobre lo que me has contado
I offered my song about what you have told me
Este es mi regalo y con orgullo he promulgado
This is my gift and I have proudly promulgated it
Mi interés es la lectura el escribir y el ser letrado
My interest is reading, writing and being literate
Reanima al espíritu que vivía fatigado
It revives the spirit that lived fatigued
Para quienes un rumbo no seria rumbo si no se guía
For those for whom a course would not be a course without a guide
Pero para otros una guía no seria guía si no hubiese rumbo
But for others a guide would not be a guide if there were no course

Авторы: Clave De Barrio

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