Clementino feat. Op.Rot - L'Oro Di Napoli - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Clementino feat. Op.Rot - L'Oro Di Napoli

L'Oro Di Napoli
The Gold of Naples
L'oro 'e Napule sta ancora mmiez 'a vij
The gold of Naples, darling, still lies in the streets
Sott all'uocchie 'e chi ancora adda capì
Hidden from the eyes of those who have yet to understand
Ca s'ammisca dint'o sang, frà, è na malatij
That it mixes within the blood, my love, like a disease
Tra sti prete e chesti note tutt'a storia mij scriv' rime r'o casell frà comm a vicienz
Between these priests and these melodies, my whole story, I write rhymes from the block, honey, like Vincenzo
Stu cor cacc fum fra ca me par l'incens
This heart smokes like incense
Pur senza l'alber vir ca sta l'ncendio
Even without the green tree that's on fire
E o politic parl si manc va ricenn
And the politician speaks even if he goes around begging
E o stival c'ha spustat tutt o baricentr
And the boot that has shifted the whole center of gravity
Tutt e fabbric ca mo so pront o falliment
All the buildings now ready to fail
Je nun m'addivert
I don't have fun
Vec tanti scempi
I've seen so many fools
Quann stev ch'e pazziell eran ati tiemp
When I was with the crazy ones, those were different times
A terr chiagne comm rice fratm a tant ann
The earth cries like it's receiving my brother after so many years
L'abusiv venc semp e buon ca e scartamm
The abusive always win and the good are discarded
Stamm comm a sfravecatur già ra natur
We are like defaced by nature
Sicur e tutt sti pret misur sta caratur
Sure of all these false measurements, this character
L'or e napl sta miez a vij
The gold of Naples is in the streets
Tra nu bancon e n'at ro mercat si nun ce staje nun può capì
Between a stall and another of the market, if you're not there, you can't understand
E nun è stat colpa mij
And it wasn't my fault
Si 'o stat ca c'ha abbandunat
If the state abandoned it
E a stessa music riesc a mpazzì
And the same music manages to drive you crazy
L'oro 'e Napule sta ancora mmiez 'a vij
The gold of Naples, darling, still lies in the streets
Sott all'uocchie 'e chi ancora adda capì
Hidden from the eyes of those who have yet to understand
Ca s'ammisca dint'o sang, frà, è na malatij
That it mixes within the blood, my love, like a disease
Tra sti prete e chesti note tutt'a storia mij dduje cafune r'e pais
Between these priests and these melodies, my whole story, two peasants from the village
Scis p'e mure surann sett cammis nd'a durece mis
You know, on the walls they sweated seven shirts in a hard month
Pe sott a cient rignant
Under a hundred kings
Cu l'accent ignorant
With the ignorant accent
Ogni parol ten na storia a se stante
Every word holds a story of its own
E n'anema tant
And a soul so big
Frances, turc, spagnol
French, Turkish, Spanish
Cultur ca è ricchezz e no o disprezz e chi parl sol re sol
A culture that is richness, not the contempt of those who only speak of the sun
è facile e conviene ca nun te succer nient almen ca nun tien a facc e scem
It's easy and convenient, nothing happens to you, at least if you don't have the face of a fool
Te cerc e problem
You look for trouble
Addo a gent s'annammor e na canzon
Here people fall in love with a song
Sape comm funzion senza ghì a scol
They know how it works without going to school
Figl e nu ciel azzurr
Son of a blue sky
Si tien p'o gran tour
If you're up for the grand tour
Spienn poc magn buon e t'arregal n'emozion
We explain little, eat well, and give you an emotion
E nun t'a scuord pecchè nun è o panorama
And you won't forget it because it's not the panorama
N'articl e giurnal e ben carnal
An article in a newspaper, but something carnal
Lassatm cantà si no sto mal
Let me sing, otherwise I feel bad
E luc araprn riman comm a na stella diana
And the lights will stay on like a morning star
'O miez juorn e l'italia
The midday of Italy
Se stenn o mesal
The table is set
Stamm sempre contr a chi frà mo mantene o pugnal
We are always against those who, my love, now hold the dagger
E rest ancor r'a part
And still remain apart
E chi nun ten o pan
From those who have no bread
E chest è over l'or e napl meridional
And this is, above all, the gold of the southern Naples
L'oro 'e Napule sta ancora mmiez 'a vij
The gold of Naples, darling, still lies in the streets
Sott all'uocchie 'e chi ancora adda capì
Hidden from the eyes of those who have yet to understand
Ca s'ammisca dint'o sang, frà, è na malatij
That it mixes within the blood, my love, like a disease
Tra sti prete e chesti note tutt'a storia mij
Between these priests and these melodies, my whole story


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