Clench & Blistah - 終われない記憶 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Clench & Blistah - 終われない記憶

Memories That Won't End
俺は探してた 今日とは違う明日
I was looking for a tomorrow different from today
失ったはずのものが 気付いたら目の中にあった
What I had lost was suddenly in my eyes
影さえも映らないな 俺の部屋は未だ真っ暗
Even the shadows don't reflect; my room is still pitch black
見えるのは窓を濡らしてく 雨の通り道だけだった
All I could see was the rain running down the window, wetting it
ハッと一瞬のよう 瞬き1回なくらいなもん
In a flash, like a blink of an eye
The unerasable memories of the past
Now, for some reason, they look beautiful
全てはうまくいかないから また陽は昇るんだ
Since everything doesn't go well, the sun will rise again
そっと包む雨だけは 俺の見方かもなぁ
The rain that gently envelops me might just be on my side
Memories that won't end
Emotions that can't be hidden
Chasing after the days
I don¥t know how much longer
I don¥t know how much longer
I don¥t know how much longer
I don¥t know how much longer
悩み 悲しみに更けた夜の
After nights filled with worry and sadness
The sound of rain the next morning
The sound of it softly hitting the ground
Knocks strongly on my chest
昨日まで 愛しいと思えていた
Until yesterday, I thought I loved you
あの人も きっと同じ状況?
Are you also going through the same thing?
そう思うと 悪くはないかも
If so, it's not so bad
Even on rainy days...
The reality that suddenly arrives is heavy
その度に 現実逃避
Escaping reality every time
自分勝手 だと 分かってて
I know it's selfish
感情に任せて 心にも無い発言
Making statements I don't mean, driven by my emotions
この雨 降りしきる中でも
Even in this pouring rain
Your smile flashes through my mind
When this rain stops
感情は弱まり 自分を取り戻すだろう
My emotions will weaken, and I'll regain my senses
遠い向こうの空には 虹はかかるの?
Will there be a rainbow in the distant sky?
Rainy road 互いに逢う道を歩み出そう
Rainy road, let's walk the path to meet each other
The rain never lasts
So I don't need an umbrella today
Memories that won't end
Emotions that can't be hidden
Chasing after the days
I don¥t know how much longer
I don¥t know how much longer
I don¥t know how much longer
I don¥t know how much longer
Rainy road 言葉はいらないから Rainy road
Rainy road, words are unnecessary, Rainy road
I gotta go, I gotta go, now
I gotta go, I gotta go, now
Rainy road 今夜から俺は1人さ Rainy road
Rainy road, I'm alone from tonight, Rainy road
I gotta go, I gotta go, now
I gotta go, I gotta go, now
お前の態度 最近変だと 気づき始めた 週末のテレフォン
I started to notice your attitude has changed recently. Phone call on the weekend
声のトーンで予感は的中 別れちまったほうがいっそ楽
My hunch was confirmed by the tone of your voice. It would be easier to just break up
過去の思い出 記憶も全部 未来にあって今失ったスケジュール
Memories of the past, all the memories, the future, and the schedule I lost now
お前の幸せを祈ってる なんて最後になって嘘ついてる
I'm praying for your happiness. What a lie to tell at the end
嫉妬で狂いそうになった 出会ったばかりの二人の関係
Driven crazy by jealousy, the relationship between the two of you that I met recently
今は無口で過ごす 部屋の両脇に座る距離は放物線
I sit silently now, the distance on either side of the room forming a parabola
泣き虫で寂しがり屋 勝手に思ってた 俺がいなきゃ
I thought you were a crybaby and a scaredy-cat. Without me,
未だ降り注ぐこの雨が 洗い流してくれるだろう Rainy road
This rain that's still pouring down will wash it all away. Rainy road
Memories that won't end
Emotions that can't be hidden
Chasing after the days
I don¥t know how much longe
I don¥t know how much longer
I don¥t know how much longe
I don¥t know how much longer

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