Cleopatra Stratan - Daruieste - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cleopatra Stratan - Daruieste

Doamne, daruieste noua liniste
Lord, grant us serenity
Pentru a ne impaca cu ceea ce nu se poate schimba,
To accept the things we cannot change,
Da-ne noua vointa pentru a schimba ceea ce se poate
Give us the courage to change the things we can
Si intelepciune pentru a deosebi una de alta.
And wisdom to know the difference.
Din ce in ce, raman oameni mai putini care ar putea
Fewer and fewer people remain who can
Sa se bucure cu-adevarat de bucuria altora,
Truly rejoice in the joy of others,
Dar daca o ei altfel, iti pare ca mereu
But if you take it differently, it always seems like
Sa descoperi lucruri bune e usor, dar sa le faci e greu
Discovering good things is easy, but doing them is hard
Intinzi o mana spre o alta mana punand ceva
You reach out one hand to another, placing something
Sigur te-asiguri daca se uita cineva ori ba
Making sure if anyone is watching or not
Spunandu-ti numele mandru in gand spre Cel De Sus
Saying your name proudly in your mind to the One Above
In timp ce iti doresti cu mult mai mult decat ai pus,
While you wish for much more than you have given,
Daruieste, spun oamenii batrani
Give, say the old people
Ce au mai multe zeci de ani, decat degete la maini
Who have more decades than fingers on their hands
Si ei au primit in dar aripi cu care
And they received wings as a gift,
Din pacate-asa si nimeni nu i-a invatat sa zboare
Unfortunately, no one ever taught them to fly
Alergi o viata pentru o face-o casa doar a ta,
You run a lifetime to make a house just for you,
Ca pana la urma nici sa mai apuci sa stai in ea.
So that in the end you don't even get to stay in it.
Privind la toate ca la un vis pur omenesc
Looking at everything as a pure human dream
La care noi visam, iar la altii se-mplinesc
That we dream of, and for others it comes true
Avem nevoie de liniste pentru a ne impaca
We need serenity to make peace
Cu lucrurile care nu suntem in stare sa le mai schimbam
With the things we are no longer able to change
Iar pentru acelea care pot fi schimbate, tu da-ne vointa
And for those that can be changed, give us the will
Si intelepciune de-a face intre ele o diferenta!
And the wisdom to make a difference between them!
Iubeste-ti aproapele- am invatat demult
Love your neighbor - we learned long ago
Bate si ti se va deschide- ne suna cunoscut
Knock and it will be opened to you - it sounds familiar
Ne ingoram neamul, nu ne respectam fratii
We scorn our own kind, we don't respect our brothers
Noi pe noi nu ne-ntelegem, dar vrem sa ne-nteleaga altii
We don't understand each other, but we want others to understand us
Parca si luna are mai multe luni decat sambete
It seems like even the moon has more moons than Saturdays
Si soarele parca nu mai are acelea-si zambete
And the sun doesn't seem to have those same smiles anymore
Ori poate si-un bine daca-l faci trebuie facut bine
Or maybe even a good deed, if you do it, it must be done well
Din suflet, fara motiv si sa nu te vada nimeni
From the heart, without reason, and without anyone seeing you
E plina lumea de lume, dar nu si de oameni
The world is full of the world, but not of people
Vezi, deja nu mai creste, ceea ce semeni
See, what you sow no longer grows
Ai vrea, sa faci, si tu, parte din gemeni
You would like to be part of the twins too
Dar practic nu gasesti cu cine-ai vrea sa semeni
But you practically can't find anyone you want to be like
Traim vremelnic prin ceea ce din jur primim
We live temporarily through what we receive from around us
Dar vom trai vesnic doar prin ceea ce daruim
But we will live forever only through what we give
Si-ar trebui sa ne grabim, caci viata-i cu imprumut
And we should hurry, because life is borrowed
Ca cat mai mult putin ramane, cu atat putin e tot mai mult!
The less that remains, the more a little is!
Avem nevoie de liniste pentru a ne impaca
We need serenity to make peace
Cu lucrurile care nu suntem in stare sa le mai schimbam
With the things we are no longer able to change
Iar pentru acelea care pot fi schimbate, tu da-ne vointa
And for those that can be changed, give us the will
Si intelepciune de-a face intre ele o diferenta!
And the wisdom to make a difference between them!

Авторы: pavel stratan

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