Co'Sang - Amic Nemic - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Co'Sang - Amic Nemic

Amic Nemic
Friend Enemy
Er'm duje cumpagnj crisciut rint' 'a stessa fame
We were two friends, raised in the same hunger
'E vvote penso ca nun era fernì accussi
And sometimes I think it shouldn't have ended like this
Cumpa' je nun sceng cchiù a Puciurial'
Friend, I don't go to Puciurial' anymore
A meno che nun m'accompagna na ghirlanda floreal'
Unless I'm accompanied by a floral wreath
O n'urna funeraria
Or a funerary urn
Chillu reato, poi fujettem in Irlanda
After that crime, we fled to Ireland
'A copertur era 'o call center Sri Lanka
The cover was a call center in Sri Lanka
Consegn è zucchero 'e corean
Delivering sugar for the Koreans
Dint 'e pacc è lacca L'Oréal
Inside the packages, L'Oréal lacquer
Semp' leale, stess' tavol' 'int 'e cerimonie
Always loyal, at the same table during ceremonies
Ma annanz a na propost nun agg 'ntis rimors'
But faced with a proposal, I have no remorse
Che vuò a me? 'E sord comm 'o limon 'int 'o cafè:
What do you want from me? Money is like lemon in coffee:
Levan e mal e cap
It removes the evil and the head
Aropp' che t'e dileguat è luvat e guant, è tale e qual
After you disappear, the gloves are off, it's the same old story
'O gnor' tuoj m'è pars' stran int'a
Your lord seemed strange to me in
L'andron scala, turnann pensione
The hallway of the stairs, returning from the pension
Ha fatt 'e pass luong fin' 'a 'scensore
He took long strides to the elevator
O' ssaje comme funzion, 'a menzogn' nun è sul finzion'
You know how it works, lies are not just fiction
L'intenzion mij è di leader: È divider ò cumman'
My intention is that of a leader: To divide or command
Chi? Addò? Pecchè? Comm e quann?
Who? Where? Why? How and when?
Abbandonà 'a mentalità antiquat'
Abandon the outdated mentality
O avversario o seguace
You are either an opponent or a follower
O' ssaje che pens? A verità? Nun me pent maj è l'avidità
You know what I think? The truth? I never regret greed
'E cattiverie nun è può semp' vendicà
Wickedness cannot always be avenged
'Int' a cervell veco na sequenz:
In my brain, I see a sequence:
L'eco ro' martiell ra' sentenz
The echo of the judge's gavel
'E querel, 'e sequestr
The lawsuits, the seizures
'O carpentier che carett 'int 'o cantier
The carpenter who carts in the construction site
L'antenna, a palomma, a capa acalat c'a forza
The antenna, the dove, the head bowed by force
Tozz' 'a carrozz' e se n'torz, sorema a us'e ventos
The car screeches and twists, we are at the mercy of the winds
E m'e chiest è venì è press'
And now you ask me to come closer
A pomp è l'Esso è l' asse mediano
To the Esso pump on the median axis
Te serve 'na picchiata nun fa 'nticchià 'o stress
You need a beating to avoid stressing
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
'E luci blu, quann attraverso 'e post' è blocc'
The blue lights, when I cross the checkpoints
E' veco a' rint' 'e parabrezz',
I see them in the windshield,
'E piezz' rint' 'o sterz: Nun c'ha fermat' a tiemp
The pieces on the steering wheel: They didn't stop you in time
'Int 'o Q7, o primm 'ngopp' 'e biciclett
In the Q7, the first on bikes
Semp n'sieme, pariann 'nguoll a chi jeva a scola cu 'e cartell
Always together, making fun of those who went to school with satchels
Nuje creatur a 'int' 'o rion, ce"nventamm 'e jiuoc:
Creatures within the neighborhood, we invented games:
Na cerbottan addiventaje mitraglia, 'dint' a na chiusura e palpebr'
A slingshot became a machine gun, in the blink of an eye
Guardann 'o Sole a rint' e rami è l'alber'
Looking at the sun through the branches of the trees
Shusciamm rint' 'e guant è lana e
Rustling in the wool gloves and
Contemplamm 'a povertà a ddò criscimm
Contemplating the poverty where we grew up
Panchin, piumin e facce pulit'
Benches, feathers, and clean faces
Vennen drog' for asil' nid'
Selling drugs outside kindergarten
Tu sapiv ca papà murett 'o stess juorno che ascett
You knew that dad died the same day I was born
E o' sacc' ca na vota sott terr, 'a tomba toja stà a fianc' a meja
And I know that once underground, your grave is next to mine
Vulaje' 'o tiemp' ro passagg ra mariuol è machine a machine 'e guerra
The time of the passage from petty thieves to war machines flew by
Er' 'o period' Superga
It was the Superga period
E ij sempe pront' cu 'o cuscin n'esecuzion'
And I was always ready with the cushion for an execution
E 'a pala na seppellion, e pal' prestan attenzion'
And the shovel for a burial, and be careful
A tutt' 'a disinvoltur ca' pittamm 'e stanz e russ'
To all the resourcefulness with which we painted the rooms red
Furzat a estorcer ppe sord e nu futur
Forced to extort for money and a future
Fin a quann, me vasast comm' a Giuda
Until you, like Judas, kissed me
M'accattast nu Triumph
You bought me a Triumph
Comme si nun foss' furbo da capì ca m'e vennuto
As if I wasn't smart enough to understand that you sold me out
Stran! Tu ir 'o crocifiss e je 'a cullana!
Strange! You are the crucifix and I am the necklace!
'E cavalier re' rotond è Secondiglian'
The knights of the round table of Secondigliano
'E lacrìm se dissolvon a 'ppe 'lloro
Tears dissolve on their skin
Song n' Angelò ro' peccàt e dimmane volò cu n'ala sola
I am an Angel of sin and tomorrow I will fly with only one wing
Nun accett' n'atu gir' è lancètt che m' accire
I won't accept another turn of the lancet that kills me
Nun accett' n'atu gir' è lancètt che m' accire
I won't accept another turn of the lancet that kills me
Nun accett' n'atu gir' è lancètt che m' accire
I won't accept another turn of the lancet that kills me
Nun accett' n'atu gir' è lancètt che m' accire
I won't accept another turn of the lancet that kills me
Nun accett' n'atu gir' è lancètt che m' accire
I won't accept another turn of the lancet that kills me
Nun accett' n'atu gir' è lancètt che m' accire
I won't accept another turn of the lancet that kills me
Nun accett' n'atu gir' è lancètt che m' accire
I won't accept another turn of the lancet that kills me
Nun accett' n'atu gir' è lancètt che m' accire
I won't accept another turn of the lancet that kills me
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy
Amic, nemic
Friend, enemy

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