Como Asesinar a Felipes - III - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Como Asesinar a Felipes - III

Parecia sereno pero despues de un ataque de nervios, Si
It seemed calm but after a nervous breakdown, Yes
Uso tormentos, Blu
I use torments, Blu
Plato con asombro, Corre
Plate with astonishment, Run
Corrio como desquiciado enloquecio me ataco me colgo boca abajo me dejo no encontro,
He ran like a madman he went crazy he attacked me he hung me upside down he left me he didn't find,
Seguridad en el referente
Security in the referent
Descubren tu debilidad y pegan fuerte
They discover your weakness and hit hard
Fueron mas de mil dias que no me permitia oportunidad
It was more than a thousand days that I didn't allow myself an opportunity
No lo vi con claridad
I didn't see it clearly
Se voló como pajaro empezamos con colico
He flew away like a bird we started with colic
Terminamos con pánico
We ended with panic
Ven ven
Come, come
Aprende enseña
Learn, teach
Ven ven
Come, come
Ven ven
Come, come
Prende la mecha
Light the wick
Aprende enseña
Learn, teach
Ven ven
Come, come
Ven ven
Come, come
Prende la mecha
Light the wick
Asumelo, el vientre tiene razon, concentrate, la distancia no fue planeada por A
Assume it, the womb is right, concentrate, the distance was not planned by A
Ni por B
Nor by B
Entenderas el porque, el para que que, escuchame en el tiempo, la belleza del dolor
You will understand why, what for, listen to me in time, the beauty of pain
Será, aprendizaje para el resto, contento
Will be, learning for the rest, happy
Así te queremos ver
That's how we want to see you
Contento cantando
Happy singing
Así te queremos ver
That's how we want to see you
Contento actuando
Happy acting
Así te queremos ver
That's how we want to see you
Contento soñando
Happy dreaming
Así te queremos ver
That's how we want to see you
Creando luchando
Creating fighting
Así te queremos ver, desafiante ante el orden que le impone el se vuelve inteligente
That's how we want to see you, defiant before the order that imposes on him he becomes intelligent
Revelde, radiante como la creacion, no debo entrar en comparacion, acabo con eso,
Rebel, radiant as creation, I must not enter into comparison, I end that,
Rompo el espejo en pedazos para que otra temperatura nos de una nueva forma
I break the mirror into pieces so that another temperature gives us a new form
Aprende enseña entregale herramientas
Learn, teach, give him tools
Ven ven prende la mecha
Come, come, light the wick
Aprende enseña entregale herramientas
Learn, teach, give him tools
No se repite la vida, la vida es única
Life doesn't repeat itself, life is unique
Aprende enseña entregale herramientas
Learn, teach, give him tools
Ven ven, prende la mecha
Come, come, light the wick
Contento cantando
Happy singing
Así te queremos ver
That's how we want to see you
Contento actuando
Happy acting
Así te queremos ver
That's how we want to see you
Contento soñando
Happy dreaming
Así te queremos ver
That's how we want to see you
Creando luchando
Creating fighting
Asi te queremos ver
That's how we want to see you
Aprende enseña entregale herramientas
Learn, teach, give him tools
Ven ven, prende la mecha
Come, come, light the wick
Aprende enseña entregale herramientas
Learn, teach, give him tools
No se repite la vida, la vida es única
Life doesn't repeat itself, life is unique
Aprende enseña entregale herramientas
Learn, teach, give him tools
Ven ven, prende la mecha
Come, come, light the wick
Aprende enseña entregale herramientas
Learn, teach, give him tools
No se repite la vida la vida es única.
Life does not repeat itself life is unique.

Авторы: Como Asesinar A Felilpes

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