Por presumerle a mis amigos les conte que en el amor ninguna pena me aniquila
I boasted to my friends that no pain can destroy me in love
Que pa′ probarles de tus besos me olvide
That in order to prove it, I forgot the kisses you gave me
Y me bastaron unos tragos de tequila
And a few shots of tequila were enough for me
Les platique que me encontre con otro amor y que en sus brazos fui dejando de quererte
I told them that I found another love and that in his arms I left off from loving you
Que te aborresco desde el dia de tu traicion y que hay momentos que he deceado hasta tu muerte
That I've hated you since the day you betrayed me and that there are moments that I have even wished for your death
Acá entre nos quiero que sepas la verdad
Here between us I want you to know the truth
No te he dejado de adorar haya en mi triste soledad me han dado ganas de gritar salir corriendo y preguntar que es lo que ha sido de tu vida
I haven't stopped adoring you, there in my sad solitude I have felt like screaming, running out and asking what has become of your life
Acá entre nos siempre te voy a recordar hoy que a mi lado ya no estas no queda mas que confesar que ya no puedo soportar que estoy odiando sin odiar porque respiro por la herida
Here between us I will always remember you, now that you are no longer by my side, there is nothing left to do but confess that I can no longer bear it, that I am hating without hating because I breathe through the wound
Acá entre nos quiero que sepas la verdad...
Here between us I want you to know the truth...
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