Connect-R feat. Cortes - Bani Cu Dobanda - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Connect-R feat. Cortes - Bani Cu Dobanda

Bani Cu Dobanda
Interest Rate Money
Am luat bani
I borrowed money
Dar n-o sa-mi ajunga
But it won't be enough
Si lista mea cu datorii devine mai lunga
And my list of debts gets longer
Pana si statul umbla la mine in punga
Even the state is taking my money
Tu te intrebi de ce imi dispare cheful de munca
You wonder why I'm losing my desire to work
Crede-ma cand spun ca n-ai ce sa-mi iei
Believe me when I say you can't take anything from me
Ca peste tot e ca la jungla, da' nu mai sunt lei dinaia grei
Because everywhere is like the jungle, but there are no more lions with that kind of weight
Si libertatea e scumpa
And freedom is expensive
Mie imi trebuie mai mult, ca sa pot sa cumpar
I need more, so I can buy
Am luat bani
I borrowed money
Dar nu de la tata
But not from my dad
Ca n-a avut nici el, n-a fost baiat de bani gata
Because he didn't have any either, he wasn't a born rich kid
Si cat ai zice banca, banii sunt gata
And just when you say bank, the money is ready
Ca-i iau dintr-o parte si ii dau in alta
Because I take it from one place and give it to another
Am luat bani, bani, bani
I borrowed money, money, money
Da' cu dobanda
But with interest
Bani, bani
Money, money
Dar banca vrea
But the bank wants
Bani, bani
Money, money
Ca sa ma vanda
To sell me
Bani, bani
Money, money
De ce se iau de mine
Why do they take me
Ca sunt un neica nimeni
Because I'm a nobody
Nu ma ajuta
They don't help me
Bani cu dobanda
Money with interest
Am luat bani
I borrowed money
Cand baga bani Puya
When Puya put up money
I-am zis de dobanda, mi-a zis ca nu ia
I told him about the interest, he said he wouldn't take it
Banu' zboara ca Vuia
Money flies like Vuia
Si-ti canta lautarul gen "Haleluia"
And the musician sings "Hallelujah"
Pai cum sa nu ma inchin
How can I not bow down
Cand vad cretini, nu crestini
When I see idiots, not Christians
Ce te inchid cu un credit
What you close with a credit
Iti pun dobanda pe destin
You put interest on fate
Si tu, intr-un final
And you, in the end
Iti vinzi sufletul ieftin
You sell your soul cheap
Am luat bani
I borrowed money
Si banca ma acuza
And the bank accuses me
Ca sunt doar un bandit
That I'm just a bandit
Ca n-am de unde sa-i dau inapoi
That I don't have where to give it back
Sunt falit
I'm broke
Nu mint, nu mint, nu mint
I'm not lying, I'm not lying, I'm not lying
Ca statul imi ia jumate, daca piesa iese hit
Because the state takes half of it, if the song is a hit
Indiferent de anotimp
Regardless of the season
Nici eu nu dorm linistit
I don't sleep peacefully either
Am luat bani, bani, bani
I borrowed money, money, money
Da' cu dobanda
But with interest
Bani, bani
Money, money
Dar banca vrea
But the bank wants
Bani, bani
Money, money
Ca sa ma vanda
To sell me
Bani, bani
Money, money
De ce se iau de mine
Why do they take me
Ca sunt un neica nimeni
Because I'm a nobody
Nu ma ajuta
They don't help me
Bani cu dobanda
Money with interest
Banu' e ochiu' nu stiu cui
Money is the eye of I don't know who
Si la toti ne face cu ochiu'
And it winks at us all
Stai cuminte, in banca ta
Stay in your place, in your bank
Fiindca banca iti ia totul
Because the bank takes everything from you
Dar ce sa faci, ca n-are nimeni sa-ti dea niste sute
But what can you do, because nobody has any hundreds to give you
Te duci la banca sa o spargi, nu sa te imprumute
You go to the bank to rob it, not to borrow money
Am luat bani, bani, bani
I borrowed money, money, money
Da' cu dobanda
But with interest
Bani, bani
Money, money
Dar banca vrea
But the bank wants
Bani, bani
Money, money
Ca sa ma vanda
To sell me
Bani, bani
Money, money
De ce se iau de mine
Why do they take me
Ca sunt un neica nimeni
Because I'm a nobody
Nu ma ajuta
They don't help me
Bani cu dobanda
Money with interest
Am luat bani, bani, bani
I borrowed money, money, money
Da' cu dobanda
But with interest
Bani, bani
Money, money
Dar banca vrea
But the bank wants
Bani, bani
Money, money
Ca sa ma vanda
To sell me
Bani, bani
Money, money
De ce se iau de mine
Why do they take me
Ca sunt un neica nimeni
Because I'm a nobody
Nu ma ajuta
They don't help me
Bani cu dobanda
Money with interest

Авторы: Stefan Mihalache, Razvan-costel Matache, Cosmin George Dobrescu

Connect-R feat. Cortes - Bani cu dobanda
Bani cu dobanda
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