Connect-R - Incredere - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Connect-R - Incredere

Nu-mi cere incredere, ca n-am nici pentru mine
Don't ask me for trust, I don't have any for myself
Cum sa dau ceva ce n-am, ceva ce nu-mi poate da nimeni
How can I give something I don't have, something that no one can give me
Mintea-i ipocrita, ma-mbraca in idealuri
My mind is a hypocrite, it dresses me in ideals
Dar mintea-i minte, ca ma minte, depresia vine in valuri
But my mind is a liar, because it lies to me, depression comes in waves
Nu stiu sa inot, c-ai mei nu mi-au dat colac
I don't know how to swim, because my parents didn't give me a life preserver
Si ma inec, da' nu la mal,
And I'm drowning, but not at the shore,
Ci doar cand sar din put in lac, doar ca sa-ti fac pe plac
Only when I jump from a well into a lake, just to please you
Uite, ia niste incredere
Here, take some trust
Dar, cand te voi dezamagi, s-au terminat rezervele
But, when I disappoint you, my reserves will be exhausted
Da' tu sa ma crezi
But you have to trust me
Sa nu ma intrebi, sa nu vrei sa auzi
Don't ask me, don't want to hear
Sa nu vrei sa vezi
Don't want to see
F*ck, f*ck, f*ck, am uitat ce am mintit
F*ck, f*ck, f*ck, I forgot what I lied about
Maine mi-aduc aminte si o sa fii fericita
Tomorrow I'll remember and you'll be happy
Ai incredere in mine, dar
You trust me, but
Te tine doar o zi si iar
It only lasts a day and then
Ma-ntrebi pe unde am fost
You're asking me where I've been
Si ce-am facut, da' ce-am facut
And what I did, what I did
Ai incredere in mine, dar
You trust me, but
Te tine doar o zi si iar
It only lasts a day and then
Ma-ntrebi pe unde am fost
You're asking me where I've been
Si ce-am facut, da' ce-am facut
And what I did, what I did
Mi-am iesit din minti cu gandul sa-ti raman in minte
I lost my mind trying to stay in yours
Si acum mai sunt in gandul tau, da' nu-ti aduci aminte
And now I'm still in your mind, but you don't remember
Spui ca n-ai incredere, da' mintea minte
You say you don't trust me, but your mind lies
De-aia minti si tu, insa inima mea simte
That's why you lie too, but my heart feels it
Tu sa m-astepti, ca eu ma-ntorc
Wait for me, because I'll come back
Ma duc sa dau demonii afara si jur ca ma intorc
I'm going to cast out the demons and I swear I'll come back
Cu sufletul curat, sa-ti faca tati loc
With a clean soul, to make room for your father
Si sa scoata niste fum, ca se-ntalnesc apa si foc
And to let out some smoke, because water and fire are meeting
Stop joc, da timpului ragaz
Stop playing, give time a break
Uraste-ma cat vrei, da' nu uita in nici un caz
Hate me as much as you want, but never forget
Cat a ramas, e de ajuns, ne tine vii
What's left is enough, it keeps us alive
Tine usa intredeschisa, ca nu stii cand voi veni
Keep the door ajar, because you never know when I'll come
Ai incredere in mine, dar
You trust me, but
Te tine doar o zi si iar
It only lasts a day and then
Ma-ntrebi pe unde am fost
You're asking me where I've been
Si ce-am facut, da' ce-am facut
And what I did, what I did
Ai incredere in mine, dar
You trust me, but
Te tine doar o zi si iar
It only lasts a day and then
Ma-ntrebi pe unde am fost
You're asking me where I've been
Si ce-am facut, da' ce-am facut
And what I did, what I did
Da' tu sa ma crezi
But you have to trust me
Sa nu ma intrebi, sa nu vrei sa auzi
Don't ask me, don't want to hear
Sa nu vrei sa vezi
Don't want to see
F*ck, f*ck, f*ck, am uitat ce am mintit
F*ck, f*ck, f*ck, I forgot what I lied about
Maine mi-aduc aminte si o sa fii fericita
Tomorrow I'll remember and you'll be happy
Ai incredere in mine, dar
You trust me, but
Te tine doar o zi si iar
It only lasts a day and then
Ma-ntrebi pe unde am fost
You're asking me where I've been
Si ce-am facut, da' ce-am facut
And what I did, what I did
Ai incredere in mine, dar
You trust me, but
Te tine doar o zi si iar
It only lasts a day and then
Ma-ntrebi pe unde am fost
You're asking me where I've been
Si ce-am facut, da' ce-am facut
And what I did, what I did
Ai incredere in mine, dar
You trust me, but
Te tine doar o zi si iar
It only lasts a day and then
Ma-ntrebi pe unde am fost
You're asking me where I've been
Si ce-am facut, da' ce-am facut
And what I did, what I did

Авторы: Connect-r

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