Akcent - Nu-ti Pierde Dragostea - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Akcent - Nu-ti Pierde Dragostea

Nu-ti Pierde Dragostea
Don't Lose Your Love
Poate sa iasa foc si soarele sa arda
Maybe the sun will come out and scorch the earth
Dragostea nu poate sa dispara
But love can never disappear
Da Da
Yes Yes
E acolo undeva
It's there somewhere
Poate sa cada luna, sa se inece in mare
Maybe the moon will fall and drown in the sea
Viata sa aiba o singura culoare
And life will only have one color
Da Da
Yes Yes
Nu'ti pierde dragostea
Don't lose your love
Poate azi te'ai certat cu el
Maybe you had a fight with him today
Dar poate maine va impacati
But maybe tomorrow you'll make up
Si poate totul va fi la fel
And maybe everything will be the same
Nu e pacat sa pierzi iubire pt o cearta?
Isn't it a shame to lose love over an argument?
Amintiti'va de voi cum va iubeati si altadata
Remember how you used to love each other
Tu nu sunai, el nu suna
You wouldn't call, he wouldn't call
Ca cine suna primul
Because whoever called first
Pierdea in fata celuilalt
Would lose to the other
Va pierdeati timpul
You were wasting your time
'Stiu k am gresit'
'I know I was wrong'
'Nu, eu am gresit'
'No, I was wrong'
Si va iubeati din nou
And you loved each other again
Si nu mai conta nimic
And nothing else mattered
Il faceai fericit, era fericit
You made him happy, he was happy
Ca te avea din nou pe tine
Because he had you again
Si nu mai conta nimic
And nothing else mattered
Poate sa iasa foc si soarele sa arda
Maybe the sun will come out and scorch the earth
Dragostea nu poate sa dispara
But love can never disappear
Da Da
Yes Yes
E acolo undeva
It's there somewhere
Poate sa cada luna, sa se inece in mare
Maybe the moon will fall and drown in the sea
Viata sa aiba o singura culoare
And life will only have one color
Da Da
Yes Yes
Nu'ti pierde dragostea
Don't lose your love
Am strans bani de chirie
I've saved up enough for rent
Haide muta'te cu mine
Come live with me
Nu poti renunta la noi
You can't give up on us
O sa vezi, va fi bine
You'll see, everything will be fine
Am vorbit cu ai mei
I've talked to my parents
Ne vor ajuta si ei
They'll help us too
Am avut grija de toate
I've taken care of everything
Acum nu spune ca nu vrei
Now don't tell me you don't want to
Si va certati din nou
And you start arguing again
Spuneati ca totu'i trecator
You were saying that everything passes
Si a doua zi, vezi doamne
And the next day, lo and behold
Va'ntalneati intamplator
You meet by chance
'Stiu k am gresit'
'I know I was wrong'
'Nu, eu am gresit'
'No, I was wrong'
Si va iubeati din nou
And you loved each other again
Si nu mai conta nimic
And nothing else mattered
Il faceai fericit, era fericit
You made him happy, he was happy
Ca te avea din nou pe tine
Because he had you again
Si nu mai conta nimic
And nothing else mattered
Poate sa iasa foc si soarele sa arda
Maybe the sun will come out and scorch the earth
Dragostea nu poate sa dispara
But love can never disappear
Da Da
Yes Yes
E acolo undeva
It's there somewhere
Poate sa cada luna, sa se inece in mare
Maybe the moon will fall and drown in the sea
Viata sa aiba o singura culoare
And life will only have one color
Da Da
Yes Yes
Nu'ti pïerde dragostea
Don't lose your love

Авторы: Stefan Mihalache

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