Connect - Boja Mojih Vena Ft. Bbb - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Connect - Boja Mojih Vena Ft. Bbb

Boja Mojih Vena Ft. Bbb
Boja Mojih Vena Ft. Bbb
Ref. 3x
Ref. 3x
O Boze fala ti, kaj purgeri smo mi
Oh, God, they tell you, what kind of citizens we are
O kako bi vi sretni bili da ste purgeri
Oh, how happy you would be if you were citizens
Lijem krv, a suza nema
I shed blood, but there are no tears
Ti si boja mojih vena
You are the color of my veins
Neka cijeli svijet sad cuje
Let the whole world hear now
To ja volim Dinamo
That I love Dinamo
Jos od malih nogu zna se ime kluba
Since childhood, the name of the club has been known
Sto se voli od djetinjstva bas kao prva ljubav
What is loved from childhood just like first love
Osvojit' cemo mi sve naslove prvaka
We will win all the championship titles
Jer Dinamo je uvijek bio ponos svih Hrvata
Because Dinamo has always been the pride of all Croatians
Kad nitko nije htio mi smo rekli, moj si
When no one wanted to, we said, you are mine
Stoje iza tebe Zapresicki Boysi
The Zapresic Boysi stand behind you
Plemenitog' roda kaj branit' cemo svoje
Of noble birth, we will defend our own
Jer u zilama nam' tece krv plave boje
Because blue blood flows in our veins
Svi su puno pricali a nisu nista radili
Everyone talked a lot but didn't do anything
Ovo je za decke sto Hrvatsku su branili
This is for the kids who defended Croatia
Kad ime su zabranili postali smo jaci
When they banned the name, we got stronger
Vole tebe Dinamo tvoji navijaci
Your fans love you, Dinamo
Hvala Bogu kaj imamo sveto ime Dinamo
Thank God we have the holy name Dinamo
Nema boljeg, baci loptu da se igramo
There is no better, throw the ball to play
Vole svi taj klub kada gube ili zabijamo
Everyone loves this club when they lose or when we score
Nema veze, pa mi za njega navijamo
It doesn't matter, we cheer for it
Znaj da te vole svi Dinamo sampione
Know that everyone loves you, Dinamo, the champions
Svaki put kad igras napunis stadione
Every time you play, you fill the stadiums
Palimo te baklje i dizemo sve salove
We light the torches and raise all the rooms
I kada nebo gori znam da zabijas te golove
And when the sky burns, I know you score those goals
Samo tako naprijed do kraja nema predaje
Keep going forward, there is no surrender
U Ligu prvaka da podignemo tenzije
To the Champions League to raise the stakes
Da nam' dodju gosti predugo si ih cekao
May the guests visit you whom you have been waiting for
Dobro dosli u plavi pakao
Welcome to blue hell
To mozda ne budes procitao u knjigama
You may not read this in books
To, buraz, mozda ne bus gledao u kinima
You may not watch this in cinemas
Al' vjeruj mi kad ponos grada mog'
But believe me when the pride of my city
Cujes na tribinama zna i dragi Bog
You hear it in the stands, even dear God knows
Da nema kluba do Dinama
That there is no club until Dinamo
Ako nisam na tekmi ziher gledam na telki
If I'm not at the game, I'm sure to watch it on TV
Jer volim ovaj klub kaj god ljudi rekli
Because I love this club, no matter what people say
Zna se kad si lud onda kad je derbi
You know when you're crazy when it's a derby
Na lijevoj strani grb s bojom neba na sebi
On the left side, the coat of arms with the color of heaven on it
Svi kaj nas gledaju k'o na divljake
Everyone watching us like savages
Nek' bjeze kad se skupe nase sake
May they flee when our sacks are gathered
Dinamo volim to nije nikaj novo
I love Dinamo, it's nothing new
I svima kaj nas mrze
And to all who hate us
Porucujemo ovo
We will say this
Ja volim Dinamo
I love Dinamo
Samo Dinamo
Only Dinamo
Zivota mog je sreca sva
The happiness of my life
I ljubav najveca
And the greatest love
O, ja volim Dinamo
Oh, I love Dinamo

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