Connect - Kiki - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Connect - Kiki

Svaki dan zove me tvoja mama
Your mom calls me every day
I prica mi na telefon ta glupa sranja
And tells me stupid crap on the phone
Kao, ti si za mene prefina dama
Like, you're too refined a lady for me
Ali to nema, nema, nema veza s nama
But that has nothing, nothing, nothing to do with us
Kazi mi, cim se bavis
Tell me, what do you do
Nis ne radis, stalno se klosaris
You don't do anything, you just bum around all the time
Veli, ti bus moju Kiki samo da pokvaris
She says you'll only spoil my Kiki
Zato reci svojoj staroj da vise me ne zove
So tell your old lady to stop calling me
Jer doci cu gore i polomit cu joj noge
Because I'll come up there and break her legs
Kiki, tvoja stara mi kljuca po tikvi
Kiki, your mom's getting on my nerves
Da moj zivot je jedan velik piknik
She says my life is one big picnic
Kaze, di bus s takvom kosom nas o pos o
She asks, where will you go with such hair?
Ni kao komunalac ne bus pros o
You won't even get a job as a garbage man
Zato jer sam rascerupan, zgoljavi glupan
Just because I'm scruffy, a skinny fool
Zamolila me je da se bar okupam
She asked me to at least take a bath
Al nema sane kod tvoje mame
But there's no peace with your mom
Kaj god da napravio, izvrijedjala me
Whatever I did, she insulted me
Zato mislim da je najbolje
So I think it's best
Da ne cujem vise niti a od nje
That I don't hear another word from her
Lijepo joj reci neka zajebe
Tell her nicely to screw off
Moj zivot je takav i meni je ok
My life is like this and I'm okay with it
A ti dofuraj svoje stvari tu
And you bring your things here
I sve bit ce cool
And everything will be cool
Zaboravit cu sve kaj sam cul
I'll forget everything I heard
O sebi, o tebi, zaboravit cu kak se zovem
About myself, about you, I'll forget my own name
Samo Kiki, imas nekaj love
Just Kiki, do you have any money?
Sve sam spisk o na kladi
I spent it all on bets
Pa ne mrem vise trpit njenu mamu
I can't stand her mom anymore
Zove me pet puta u jednom danu
She calls me five times a day
Al izgleda ko globus i ima jaka ramena
But she looks like a globe and has strong shoulders
Zna jiu-jitsu pa ju pustim da mi kenja
She knows jiu-jitsu so I let her nag
Ima me na piku jos od onog rucka
She's had it in for me since that lunch
Pazi, dos o sam u goste i zgazio njenog cucka
Look, I came over and ran over her dog
Onda me je lupila zato kaj se ne izuvam
Then she hit me because I didn't take off my shoes
Jako me je boljelo jer bio sam uduvan
It hurt a lot because I was stoned
Sta da radim
What should I do?
Ma, sredit cemo problem
Don't worry, we'll fix the problem
Imam dobar plan kako da pomognem
I have a good plan to help
Zato smo i ovdje, buraz, da te tjesimo
That's why we're here, bro, to comfort you
Samo reci kako oces da je rjesimo
Just say how you want us to deal with her
Mog o bi i ti otic do njene smocnice
You could go to her pantry
Staviti joj otrov da okrene bjeloocnice
Put poison in it to make her roll her eyes
Ako ti je bed, k meni onda dodjite
If you're scared, come to me then
Dofuraj njezin auto, a ja cu sjebat kocnice
Bring her car, and I'll mess up the brakes
I neces imat staru vise na pameti
And you won't have to think about your old lady anymore
U zavoju bez kocenja, da vidis kako leti
In a turn without brakes, you'll see how she flies
Velis da je s kamena i gadnu narav ima
You say she's from the sticks and has a nasty temper
S jednim oko vrata duboko ce plivat
With one eye around her neck, she'll swim deep
Ili dok se kupa stara krava glupa
Or while the old stupid cow is bathing
Upaljeni radio ubacit cu unutra
I'll throw a turned-on radio inside
Ako kojim slucajem prezivi do jutra
If by any chance she survives until morning
Ma, oce malo sutra
Yeah, fat chance
A ti izvedi Kiki van, pocasti je kolacima
And you take Kiki out, treat her to cookies
Za to vrijeme zmija sa balkona bit ce bacena
Meanwhile, a snake will be thrown from the balcony
Sakrit cemo tragove na nekoliko nacina
We'll hide the traces in several ways
Izgledat ce ko pljacka, u stanu premetacina
It'll look like a robbery, a mess in the apartment
Velis da je stara jako ekoloski svjesna
You say the old lady is very environmentally conscious
Voli majku zemlju kao i svog pesa
She loves Mother Earth as much as her dog
Da i ona bude sretna i pociva u miru
So that she too will be happy and rest in peace
U njenom cemo vrtu pokopati je zivu
We'll bury her alive in her garden

Авторы: Boris Stefancic, Ivan Dražić, Juraj Blažević, Selmir Mujagić

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