Control Machete - Como Ves - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Control Machete - Como Ves

Como Ves
As You See It
Como ves, abajo es arriba
As you see, down is up
Por las noches aparece el día
At night, the day appears
Armonía, bienvenido, nubería
Harmony, welcome, cloudiness
Hartos, contentos, encuentros, partidas
Fed up, content, encounters, departures
Venga venga, esta es nuestra verdad
Come on, come on, this is our truth
No es sencillo en un sismo despertar
It's not easy to wake up in an earthquake
Sin otra que la cruda realidad
With nothing but the harsh reality
Cuando reacciono me da por gritar
When I react, I feel like screaming
Hasta llenar el vació
Until I fill the void
Por que hay un algo, interno, en roció
Because there's something, internal, in dew
Como un cirio que vela por su crio
Like a candle that watches over its child
No ha regresado, no andaba perdido
He hasn't returned, he wasn't lost
Como ves que las sombras son activas
As you see that the shadows are active
Entre broches descansa la agonía
Among clasps, agony rests
Sintonía, bienvenido, nubería
Tuning, welcome, cloudiness
Hartos contentos si al centro arribas
Fed up, content, if you arrive at the center
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe
Como crees crees
As you believe, believe
Toc, toc, toc, toc, toc
Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock
Toca toca
Knock, knock
Toca, táctica, técnica
Knock, tactic, technique
Toc, toc, toca
Knock, knock, knock
Trota, galopa
Trot, gallop
Poc, poc, poca
Little, little, little
Si la hora demora, solo le creo a la aurora
If the hour is delayed, I only believe in the dawn
Como crees, crees
As you believe, believe
Que como lo ves, ves
That as you see it, you see it
Todo lo que ves
Everything you see
Es que esto no es lo que es
Is that this is not what it is
Tal vez no es realidad
Maybe it's not reality
Cada uno tiene su verdad
Everyone has their own truth
Es que todo lo que brilla no es oro
It's that all that glitters is not gold
Lo invisible puede ser un tesoro
The invisible can be a treasure
¿Cual es la mentira?
What is the lie?
Si el final puede ser la partida
If the ending can be the beginning
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe
Veo el día de hoy
I see today
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe
Creo de donde yo soy
I believe where I come from
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe
Soy lo que yo soy
I am who I am
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe
Creo y voy
I believe and I go
Como crees, crees
As you believe, believe
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe
Veo el día de hoy
I see today
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe
Creo de donde yo soy
I believe where I come from
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe
Soy lo que yo soy
I am who I am
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe
Creo y voy
I believe and I go
Como crees, crees
As you believe, believe
Y como ves lo que ves
And as you see what you see
Tal vez no crees lo que ves
Maybe you don't believe what you see
Y como ves lo que ves
And as you see what you see
Tal vez no crees lo que ves
Maybe you don't believe what you see
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe
Veo el día de hoy
I see today
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe
Creo de donde yo soy
I believe where I come from
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe
Soy lo que yo soy
I am who I am
Como ves, ves; como crees, crees
As you see, see; as you believe, believe
Creo y voy
I believe and I go
Como crees, crees
As you believe, believe
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe
Como ves, ves, como crees, crees
As you see, see, as you believe, believe

Авторы: Raul Chapa Elizalde, Antonio Hernandez Luna, Ana Maria Merino Tijoux

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