Control Machete - Las Fabulosas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Control Machete - Las Fabulosas

Las Fabulosas
The Fabulous Ones
Comprende al control.
Understand the control.
Pues si me buscas, me encuentras
If you're looking for me, you'll find me
No vivo en la tienda ni espero a que vengas
I don't live in stores or wait for you to come
Nomas pa' que aprendas
Just so you learn
Conmigo te topas payaso con ropa
You'll run into me, a clown in clothes
No estes tan tranquilo que pronto te toca
Don't be so calm, it'll soon be your turn
Te traigo entre ojos y los traigo rojos
I keep an eye on you and they're bloodshot
El diablo anda suelto entre todos los locos
The devil is on the loose among all the crazy people
Detente y comprende lo que te conviene
Stop and understand what's good for you
A mi no me mientes ni peles los dientes
Don't lie to me or bare your teeth
Me comprendes mendez no se porque no entiendes
Understand me, Mendez, I don't know why you don't understand
Que en este momento tu no me sorprendes
That right now you don't surprise me
Harto estoy de que tu conciencia no te deje razon
I'm tired of your conscience not letting you reason
No sabes lo que tengo yo en la mente
You don't know what I have on my mind
Es algo dificil pues corto corriente
It's something difficult because I cut off the power
Ardiente ardiente y puño en la frente
Burning burning and a fist to the forehead
Humo que sube y no es suficiente
Smoke rising, it's not enough
Mirame a los ojos veras lo que soy
Look me in the eyes and you'll see what I am
Mirame a los ojos veras lo que soy
Look me in the eyes and you'll see what I am
Mirame a los ojos veras lo que soy
Look me in the eyes and you'll see what I am
Mendez comprendes yo soy el control...
Mendez, do you understand, I am the control...
Me Comprendes mendez, comprendes mendez,
Do you understand me, Mendez, do you understand me, Mendez,
Me comprendes mendez, me comprendes mendez
Do you understand me, Mendez, do you understand me, Mendez
Pues si te explico, aplico el por que de este ritmo
If I explain, I'll apply the reason for this rhythm
No habra mas respuestas solo acertijos
There will be no more answers, only riddles
Yo sigo tan fijo y tu en el piso
I remain so steady, while you're on the floor
Se me acabara algo seguro te elijo
I'll run out of something, for sure, I choose you
Te traigo en la mente solo de repente
I bring you to mind, suddenly
No juegues conmigo te trueno la frente
Don't play with me, I'll blow your head off
Los pocos y locos son muchos a poco
The few and crazy, little by little
Saluda al lodo conservalo todo
Greet the mud, keep it all
Necesito estar parado en la tierra
I need to stand on the ground
Con toda esta loquera no hay ni manera
With all this craziness, there's no way
Pa' explicar por que del brinco cada vez que oigo el ritmo
To explain why I jump every time I hear the rhythm
Que entra en la azotea y ruedas te aplico
That goes into the attic, wheels I apply
El momento se presta pa' que suba la marea
The moment is right for the tide to rise
La nave va pa' arriba y no tiene correa
The ship is going up and has no leash
Que detengan la bola la sangre que brota
Let them stop the ball, the blood that flows
Ahora ponte listo que ya tienes bronca
Now get ready, you're in trouble
Que no va a parar
That won't stop
Este maldito ruido no me va a controlar
This damn noise won't control me
Ya estoy harto de este ritmo
I'm tired of this rhythm
Acaba contigo
End you
Y no me preguntes pues yo ya no explico
And don't ask me, because I don't explain anymore
Digo que escuches al cuarto respeta la flor
I tell you to listen to the room, respect the flower
Mirame a los ojos veras lo que soy
Look me in the eyes and you'll see what I am
Si vengo de a rato marcando este son
If I've been coming by for a while, marking this song
Mendez comprendes yo soy el control
Mendez, do you understand, I am the control


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