Nekad s demonima lutam u dimu, molim te ostavi me na miru.
Sometimes I wander in smoke with the demons, please leave me alone.
Majka se moli za mene, skrećem sa puta, gubim kontrolu, prsti se lepe za seme dok sećam se kako sam maštao o dresu zvezde, sad molim se Bogu.
My mother prays for me, I turn away from the path, I lose control, my fingers stick to the seed as I remember how I dreamed of wearing a star jersey, now I pray to God.
Gde će mi duša kad budem poljubio nebo(poljubio nebo)
Where will my soul be when I kiss the sky (kiss the sky)
Al i da se probudim sutra opet bi radio isto jer tako sam hteo.
But even if I wake up tomorrow, I would do the same again because that's what I wanted.
Jedno je sigurno nikada nisam menjao strane timsa, nikada nisam prodao svoje drugare, skloni te pare jebem vam mater.
One thing is certain, I never changed teams, I never sold my friends, take away that money I fuck your mother.
Sipaj mi alkohol jer osećanja ko da mi preliva mater.
Pour me alcohol because it feels like my mother is overflowing with passion.
Ja sam rešen da napravim nešto od sebe jer želim da me po najboljem pamte.Palim sveće, zapaljujem vaše namere bedne u inat, udahnem svaki novi dan, i budite sigurni neću odustati nikad.
I am determined to make something of myself because I want them to remember me at my best. I light candles, light your miserable intentions in spite, inhale every new day, and rest assured I will never give up.
Tri put meri jednom seci, pazim skim deliš kolač, ovo je mutna voda, nabiće te na kolac.
Measure three times, cut once, be careful who you share a cake with, this is murky water, they will stake you out.
Tri put meri jednom seci, pazi skim sklapaš poso, ja sam prošo putem pakla, sad po svoje sam došo.
Measure three times, cut once, be careful who you do business with, I have been through hell, now I have come on my own.
Sranja mi prelij u čašu, ali i dalje stojim na nogama, onda propadam.
Pour the shit in my glass, but I'm still standing, then I fall.
Moji dani su često u bluru, kao noći na drogama.
My days are often a blur, like nights on drugs.
Jedan događaj ostavlja poseban ožiljak.
One event leaves a special scar.
Noću sanjamo budni,
At night we dream awake,
Prođi sa mnom kroz redove ove, videćeš bol koju nosim na duši.
Walk with me through these ranks, you will see the pain I carry in my soul.
Pogledaj me u oči, pravo u oči, ravno u oči.
Look me in the eye, straight in the eye, straight in the eye.
Hodnik sam prošao tamnom stranom, sad ne gledam levo ni desno, više ne kočim.(nikad).
I walked the dark side of the corridor, now I don't look left or right, I don't brake anymore (never).
Maksim gorki.
Maksim Gorky.
Umalo nisam izvršio samoubistvo.
I almost committed suicide.
Kroz muziku ko da se ponovo rađam, živim drugo detinjstvo.
Through music it is as if I am reborn, living a second childhood.
Bio sam skandal u školi, a danas stojim pred Bogom čist.
I was a scandal at school, but today I stand clean before God.
Brate, ružu mi stavi na spomenik kad umre ovaj tvrdoglavi bik.
Brother, put a rose on my memorial when this stubborn bull dies.
Ja sam stopocentno predan svojim mislima, ako me znaš znaš da me boli kurac šta je masa o meni mislila.
I am one hundred percent dedicated to my thoughts, if you know me you know I don't give a fuck what the masses thought of me.
X2 refren
X2 chorus
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