Cortes - O Piesa Oarecare - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cortes - O Piesa Oarecare

O Piesa Oarecare
Just a Random Song
E doar o piesa oarecare
It's just a random song
De care dai la intamplare
You stumble upon by chance
E doar o piesa oarecare
It's just a random song
De care nu mai ai scapare
You can't escape anymore
Ai face bine tu sa n-o crezi cand iti zice
You'd better not believe it when she tells you
Ca iese pana-n centru cu niste amice
That she's going downtown with some friends
De parca tu nu stii ce are-n cap, nu fi copil
Like you don't know what's on her mind, don't be a child
Altfel ea te ucide ca pe Mihail
Otherwise she'll kill you like she did Mihail
Lumea-i zice. criminala
The world calls her a criminal
Da' nu canta pe note ca nu-i place scoala
But she doesn't sing on notes, she doesn't like school
Si nu doarme vara, baga-n tine boala
And she doesn't sleep in the summer, she puts the disease in you
Cu mai multe ace sub piele ca-n visele lu' Carla
With more needles under her skin than in Carla's dreams
Mesaje apar la ea-n display
Messages appear on her display
Mesaju' meu e. las-o ca Ristei
My message is... leave her like Ristei
Te-a prins ca intr-un lasou, fara sa vrei
She caught you in a lasso, without you wanting to
Si n-ai pe unde s-o iei decat pe urmele ei
And you have nowhere to go but in her footsteps
Ca e sofisticata ca fata lu' Maxi
Because she's sophisticated like Maxi's daughter
Da' nu se duce acasa ca What's Up in taxi
But she doesn't go home like What's Up in a taxi
Ia viata la maxim mai tare in continuare
She takes life to the fullest, even more
N-a aflat inca se pare ca ramane doar o piesa oarecare
She hasn't found out yet, it seems, that it remains just a random song
E doar o piesa oarecare
It's just a random song
De care dai la intamplare
You stumble upon by chance
E doar o piesa oarecare
It's just a random song
De care nu mai ai scapare
You can't escape anymore
E doar o piesa oarecare
It's just a random song
Te face sa o dai mai tare
Makes you turn it up
E doar o piesa oarecare
It's just a random song
Da' nu e hitu' ala mare
But it's not that big hit
E ca un deja-vu, o cunosti de undeva
It's like deja vu, you know her from somewhere
Din Balcani, cum te ea nimeni nu te va
From the Balkans, no one will love you like she does
Baga bani, ca vrea sa fie superstar
Put in money, she wants to be a superstar
Drumu' spre celebritate incepe sus pe bar
The road to fame starts up on the bar
Sau sus pe toc, iubirea schimba tot
Or up on her heels, love changes everything
Pana ajungi singur in doi ca Lora si Peter Pop sau
Until you end up alone together like Lora and Peter Pop or
Iluzia ei te schimba de tot
Her illusion changes you completely
Si nu mai stii nici cine esti exact ca Smiley si Doc, au
And you don't even know who you are anymore, just like Smiley and Doc, they
Suna tare-n timpan
Sound loud in your eardrums
Da' basu' iti provoaca insomnii si asta nu era in plan
But the bass gives you insomnia and that wasn't in the plan
Si ea inca-ti apare in prim-plan
And she still appears in the foreground
Ii strigi. uita-ma ca subsemnatu' cu Andreea Balan
You shout at her, "Forget me like Subsemnatu' with Andreea Balan"
Da' niciodata sa nu spui niciodata ca Andra
But never say never like Andra
Ca tot nu poti s-o uiti ca Rimaru pe Anda
Because you still can't forget her like Rimaru can't forget Anda
Se termina banda, tu vrei s-o dai mai tare
The tape ends, you want to turn it up
N-ai aflat inca se pare ca ramane doar o piesa oarecare
You haven't found out yet, it seems, that it remains just a random song
E doar o piesa oarecare
It's just a random song
De care dai la intamplare
You stumble upon by chance
E doar o piesa oarecare
It's just a random song
De care nu mai ai scapare
You can't escape anymore
E doar o piesa oarecare
It's just a random song
Te face sa o dai mai tare
Makes you turn it up
E doar o piesa oarecare
It's just a random song
Da' nu e hitu' ala mare
But it's not that big hit
N-are cu ce sa ma surprinda
She has nothing to surprise me with
N-a inteles ca tre' sa fie diferita
She didn't understand that she has to be different
Nu stiu cum poate sa te prinda
I don't know how she can catch you
De-ajungi s-o fredonezi in fiecare clipa
Until you hum it every moment
Si uite ca oricat ai vrea
And look, no matter how much you want
Nu poti scapa
You can't escape
Nu-i poti uita
You can't forget
The image
Pe undeva
Prin mintea ta
In your mind
Ascunsa-n ea
Hidden in it
Pe unde ea
Where is she
Sa apara
To appear
Si oare care-i motivu'
And what's the reason
Pentru care cu timpu'
For which over time
Ea dispare
She disappears
Isi pierde din valoare
She loses her value
Se vede ca nu are
It shows that she doesn't have
Roluri d-alea principale
Those main roles
Si ramane dansatoare
And she remains a dancer
Pe o piesa oarecare
On a random song
E doar o piesa oarecare
It's just a random song
De care dai la intamplare
You stumble upon by chance
E doar o piesa oarecare
It's just a random song
De care nu mai ai scapare
You can't escape anymore
E doar o piesa oarecare
It's just a random song
Te face sa o dai mai tare
Makes you turn it up
E doar o piesa oarecare
It's just a random song
Da' nu e hitu' ala mare...
But it's not that big hit...

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