Cosmin 13 - Hipnoza Colectiva - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cosmin 13 - Hipnoza Colectiva

Hipnoza Colectiva
Collective Hypnosis
Noapte prin lumina
Night through light
Tendinte rebele
Rebel tendencies
Tirani in uniforma
Tyrants in uniform
Produc bariere
They create barriers
Printre oameni
Among people
Oare cand se va sfarsi
When will it end?
Ca doare sa fii o tinta de exploatare
Because it hurts to be a target of exploitation
Ma trezesc devreme
I wake up early
Condus de constiinta
Driven by conscience
Si fiecare zi ma duce la capat de fiinta
And each day leads me to the end of my being
Soarele rasare printre coduri de bare
The sun rises among barcodes
Si conturi, salarii, bani spalati de fiare
And accounts, salaries, money laundered by machines
Si conturi bancare, lupta intre saraci
And bank accounts, a struggle between the poor
Incercand sa ai o vorba si tre'sa taci
Trying to have a say, but having to be silent
Autobuzu' care intirzie noaptea
The bus that's late at night
Actoru' care isi joaca partea
The actor who plays his part
Autoru' care-si proiecteaza cartea
The author who projects his book
Si fapta e ca totu' merge rau
And the fact is, everything's going wrong
De la geneza ca nu s-ar putea altfel
From the beginning, as it could not be otherwise
Unii se inchina, altii descopera Marte
Some worship, others discover Mars
Visele se destrama pe monede
Dreams are shattered on coins
Diploma e doar o hartie pe perete
A diploma is just a piece of paper on the wall
Repede ma agit daca stiu ca am un obiectiv
I get agitated quickly if I know I have a goal
Si nu-l voi finaliza niciodata, incerc sa gandesc pozitiv
And I will never finish it, I try to think positively
Dar realitatea e una singura
But reality is one
Si auru' din cer nu picura
And the gold in the sky does not drip
Cand lupta ta e nula incercand s-ajungi undeva
When your struggle is in vain, trying to get somewhere
Ca da, ori mori crezand in ce faci ori nimic de pierdut
Because either you die believing in what you do, or, nothing to lose
Aceleasi zile amare, acelasi déjà vu
The same bitter days, the same déjà vu
Aceeasi rutina mizerabila pe care o stii si tu
The same miserable routine that you know too
Si vreau o schimbare
And I want a change
Stage fara munca
Internship without work
Cand altii mananca
When others eat
Doi lei in genunchi pentru o viata de sluga
Two lei on your knees for a life of servitude
Scoala fara educatie
School without education
Doar ideologie
Only ideology
Bani si puterea, ce analogie
Money and power, what an analogy
Idolatrizare fata de tiran
Idolatry before the tyrant
Indoctrinare peste lume sacrificand un an
Indoctrination across the world, sacrificing a year
Intreg de razboi printre umani
An entire war among humans
Sunt doar ei
They are just them
Adevarati diavoli in urma tentei
True devils in the aftermath of temptation
Findca pamantul e un infern
Because earth is hell
Si orice mizerie falsa pentru etern e o farsa
And any false misery for eternity is a farce
Biserica sa-i hraneasca pe altii
Let the church feed others
Apoi sa vina sa ne spuna "iubiti-va fratii si surorile"
And then come and tell us, "love your brothers and sisters"
N-ai cum sa fii un sfant cand iti calculezi tonele
You cannot be a saint when you calculate your tons
Sa simta si un bancher cum e sa nu ajungi la capat de luna
Let a banker feel what it's like not to make ends meet
Daca nu se poate vorbi cu ura
If you can't talk with hatred

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