Country Boy - New Direction - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Country Boy - New Direction

New Direction
New Direction
-Hadi peper moon da yemek yiyelim
-Come on, honey, let's go have dinner
-Bana ferrari alsana berkcaaaan
-Buy me a Ferrari, baby
-Alirim yavrum onuda alirim onuda alirim
-I'll get it for you, my love, anything for you
-Ya ama bide yaaa berkcaan
-Oh, but what about the other one, baby?
Lazim olur bazen eski asklar hepimize
Sometimes we need our old flames
Yada agızı doldur ah sen hepsi aglar evimizde
Or make our mouths water, ah, they all cry in our house
Baska türlü vakit geçmez napicaksin kanka
There's no other way to pass the time, what are you gonna do, bro?
Burda cool takilma amaciyla kasti bazi mallar
Some guys are just posers, trying to look cool
Göz kamastiran yasamlar örnek teskil etti sizde
Their flashy lives set an example for you
Hayat maratonunda düsen ödlek geçti gitti dinle
In the marathon of life, the losers fall and leave, listen
Arada derede dersin aski buldum eyvallah
Sometimes you think you've found love and you're like, "Wow, this is it"
Bir iki hafta geçti noldu o kiz seytanla
A week or two goes by, and what happened to that girl? She's with the devil
Söyle bir baktim çok şekil üstü gucci dar
I took a closer look, she's so chic, Gucci dress, tight
Body ayakkabilari prada (okey) pantalonsa armani
Prada shoes, Armani pants (okay)
Altina girmek için bakar altindaki arabaya
She looks under your car to get in
Arti 2 hatunda tam olur o zaman arabaya
Plus two girls would be perfect in that car
Paralar artik suyunu çekti askin simdi karabasan
The money has dried up, love is now a nightmare
Rüyalarinda hatirladigin boyali surati sana kalan
All you have left are the memories of her painted face in your dreams
önceden tahsil edilmemis veresiye gibi tepkiler
Uneducated reactions like a credit card bill
Sen köpek gibi seversin o seni belediye gibi zehirler
You love her like a dog, she poisons you like a city official
Yanima gel (hadi ortam kizi)
Come here (come on, party girl)
Bu parçada(bana oynarmisin)
In this song (will you dance with me?)
Asik oldum(bence çok tatlisin)
I'm in love (I think you're so cute)
çok komikmis(farkli yollarimiz)
That's so funny (we have different paths)
Kizlar burada mekanlarda orospuluk haklamakta
Girls in these clubs here are hooking up
Erkeklerle takilip atilip birinin altina yatmakta
Hanging out with guys and going to bed with one
Sevsen onlari nafile koçum onlar seni takmamakta
If you love them, it's useless, my friend, they don't care
Akmamakta paralar bizden onlar bize bakmamakta
The money doesn't flow from us, they don't look at us
Kasarliktir isleri güçleri takmaz onlar sizleri bizleri
They're hookers, that's what they do, they don't care about us
Hisleri yoktur varsin olsun penistedir onlarin isleri
They have no feelings, they're all about the dick
Ciksleri sikleme ekleme dinleme belleme onarli sil kafandan
Don't give a damn about them, don't trust them, don't think about them, get rid of them
Senden istedikleri bisey yoktur ferarinden parandan
They don't want anything from you, your Ferrari, your money
Yalan üzerine kurduklari dünyalarinda yasarlar onlar
They live in a world built on lies
Marka olmayan her türlü seyden tipis tipis kaçarlar
They run away from anything that's not a brand name
Bütün lüks arabadaki tiplerin altlarina yatarlar
They'll sleep with anyone in a fancy car
Orgazm sigaralarini içip tabanlari yaglarlar
They smoke orgasm cigarettes and run away
Yanima gel (hadi ortam kizi)
Come here (come on, party girl)
Bu parçada(bana oynarmisin)
In this song (will you dance with me?)
Asik oldum(bence çok tatlisin)
I'm in love (I think you're so cute)
çok komikmis(farkli yollarimiz)
That's so funny (we have different paths)
-Berkcan artik beni sevmiyomusun?
-Baby, don't you love me anymore?
-Seviyorum yavrum bunu nerden çikariyosun
-Of course I do, baby, where did you get that idea?
-Ya ama bugün ferrarinle almaya gelmedin beni
-But you didn't come pick me up in your Ferrari today
-Nolcak bir dahakinde sana 2 tane ferrari alirim
-I'll get you two Ferraris next time
-Ama o zaman bi daha ferrarinle gelmezsen vermem sana
-But if you don't come in your Ferrari again, I won't give it to you
-Tamam yavrum tamam Allah Allah
-Okay, baby, okay, come on now
-Bundan sora ferrarinle gel tamam mi?
-You'll come in your Ferrari from now on, okay?
-Tamam tamam!
-Yes, yes, I will!
Tipler standart (hepsi ayni)
Standard types (all the same)
Sahte tavirlar (beni baydi)
Fake attitudes (bored me)
Onlar vermez(ama gösterir)
They don't give (but they show)
Azicik paraya (sana göt verir)
Just a little bit of money (will get you some ass)
Yanima gel (hadi ortam kizi)
Come here (come on, party girl)
Bu parçada(bana oynarmisin)
In this song (will you dance with me?)
Asik oldum(bence çok tatlisin)
I'm in love (I think you're so cute)
çok komikmis(farkli yollarimiz)
That's so funny (we have different paths)

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