Goes around the world about the streets the cartel
Colombia medellin Pablo rey latino hasta el fin
Colombia Medellín Pablo Latino king until the end
Barriadas ilícitas serias, de aqui los capos
Illicit neighborhoods serious, from here the capos
Apellido escobares
Escobar's last name
El cónsul, los carteles las bombas los tropeles
The consul, the cartels, the bombs, the troops
Burdeles tratas de blancas que tantas llegaron
Brothels white trafficking that many arrived
A España sin saberlo micrófono guerrillo
In Spain without knowing it guerilla microphone
Manifiesta su función los presos son los carros
Manifests its function the prisoners are the cars
Del pasillo gatillos, cacique era el dueño de la
Of the hallway triggers, cacique was the owner of the
Carcel principal, hectáreas de ripio que se
Main prison, acres of rubble that are
Ocultan entre algo, 4.0 la mas fina campesino
Hidden among something, 4.0 the finest peasant
Dueños y señores del trabajó los mocheros camello con libreto misioneros mecheros esmeralderos fleteros automotores bataneros políticos coletos coqueros que no miran a mis ojos, hey!
Owners and masters of the work the backpackers, the camel with a script, the missionaries, the lighters, the emerald miners, the longshoremen, the car thieves, the bataneros, the politicians, the coletos, the coqueros who don't look me in the eye, hey!
Circuito mundo olido tabique torcido mafia blanca traquetos intercontinentales terroristas naturales son por que se han convertido son festines por el barrio en que vivo pasmados por el Ángel y la escama guerra sin drama es mundo olido perdimos
Circuit world smelled septum twisted white mafia traffickers intercontinental natural terrorists are because they have become they are feasts in the neighborhood where I live stunned by the angel and the flake war without drama is world smelt we lost
Clika del cerro casquete con su mascara y sus disfraces desertores queriendo ser famosos con visiones visajosas por los soldados demacrados vida en una caja de fosforo y polvo se funden en el abecedario en bogota con la contaminación y ustedes fumando crack
Hill clique with their mask and their costumes deserters wanting to be famous with visions visajosas for the emaciated soldiers life in a box of match and dust merge in the alphabet in Bogota with the pollution and you smoking crack
"Colgados de un barranco duerme mi pueblo blanco"
"Hanging from a cliff my white town sleeps"
Falta practica para seguir que ya faltan muchos mc's por entrar que colombia mecanismo natural que pensamientos abundan dentro de mi carga larga por venir manipulando el proceso raperos mentalizando tan fuerte como la plata a punto de cancer qué ataca suministros recicladores y chatarreros del canasto nací de la tierra de mil frentes el peaje para que toques mi Reino tienes que pelar y usar la peina bogota pelea estan aqui los gallos tu entre el caño ve arriba y te asomas a ganar de lampara y de goma en la loma rap para pensantes no disparamos al suelo colombia va de frente combativa en otros estados
Lack of practice to continue that many MC's are missing to enter that Colombia a natural mechanism that thoughts abound within my long cargo to come manipulating the process rappers mentalizing as strong as the money about to cancer that attacks supplies recyclers and scrap metal dealers from the basket I was born in the land of a thousand fronts the toll so that you touch my Kingdom you have to peel and use the comb Bogota fights here are the roosters you between the pipe see up and you lean out to win from lamp and rubber on the hill rap for thinkers don't shoot at the ground Colombia goes head-on combative in other states
En la mirada se refleja la Unión de los seres con franqueza la hipocresía es para falsos aqui somos mil colombianos y una pieza azota con el látigo y el doble filo de la cuchilla fundida manoseada por el odio por el mundo blanco
In the look is reflected the Union of beings with sincerity hypocrisy is for false here we are a thousand Colombians and a piece hits with the whip and the double edge of the fused knife handled by hatred by the white world
El transporte melodia recta universal explicita
Transport melody straight universal explicit
El transporte de la adversidad
The transport of adversity
Ya lo saben
You know it
Ya lo saben ilícitos elaborado y registrado de las calles ebrias
You know it's illicit produced and registered from the drunken streets
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