Crack Family - Mas Que Real (Cejaz Negraz Studio Session Sonido en Vivo) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Crack Family - Mas Que Real (Cejaz Negraz Studio Session Sonido en Vivo)

Mas Que Real (Cejaz Negraz Studio Session Sonido en Vivo)
More Than Real (Cejaz Negraz Studio Session Live Sound)
Por aquel pedregoso desvanecido camino,
Along that stony faded path,
Me mira con desprecio la sociedad,
Society looks at me with contempt,
Saben que del hormiguero soy
They know I'm from the anthill
Y cuesta abajo algo me voy a buscar
And I'm going downhill to look for something
Está enferma y ciega mi nación, perder el juicio
My nation is sick and blind, losing its mind
Era mi padre adicto a la basura, abusaba de mama
My father was addicted to garbage, he abused mom
Sin darse cuenta que mi infancia se consumía en el vicio
Without realizing that my childhood was consumed by vice
Como el crítica criminal me transforme fue de hambre
As a critical criminal I transformed, it was from hunger
Y de dolor en los momentos en que necesité de alguien
And from pain in the moments when I needed someone
Amarrado sangrando por el abismo
Tied up bleeding by the abyss
Correr adonde? A cual salida?
Run where? To which exit?
Yo conviví con varias pintas desaparecidas
I lived with several missing stains
Hasta saber quién es el bueno y quien es nadie
Until you know who is good and who is nobody
A cuánto vale una vida un pan en la calle
How much is a life, bread on the street worth?
A las palabras que son muchas y tan delicadas
To the words that are many and so delicate
Le aprendía tener amor a esa cobija y parches de pulgas
I learned to love that blanket and patches of fleas
A cuchillos oxidados, al bouquet de la bazuca y el
To rusty knives, to the bouquet of the bazooka and the
Alcohol barato
Cheap alcohol
A las ratas que ruleteaban mi cuarto
To the rats that roamed my room
A los paisas, caleños y costeños que mi ropa se achacaron
To the paisas, caleños and costeños who clung to my clothes
A ese inquilinato, donde vivíamos con agua rociada en el patio
To that tenement, where we lived with water sprinkled in the yard
Historias residentes del barrio precario y de esa
Stories residents of the precarious neighborhood and of that
Extraña sucio y ordinaria
Strange dirty and ordinary
Más que real no lo dudes es la elite del rap
More than real don't doubt it is the elite of rap
No vez que en la calle dont stop
Can't you see that on the street don't stop
Masque real no lo dudes es la elite del rap
More than real, don't doubt it, it's the elite of rap
Rap Rap Rap Rap Rap
Rap Rap Rap Rap Rap
Más que real no lo dudes es la elite del rap
More than real don't doubt it is the elite of rap
No vez que en la calle dont stop
Can't you see that on the street don't stop
Masque real no lo dudes es la elite del rap
More than real, don't doubt it, it's the elite of rap
Rap Rap Rap Rap Rap
Rap Rap Rap Rap Rap
Del triste dolor de los pobres le hablo
Of the sad pain of the poor I speak
Aspire otra vida y nunca más polvos malos
Aspire another life and never again bad dust
Bandolero del suburbio esclavo
Bandit of the suburb slave
Yo soy profesional rapero del bajo barrio
I am a professional rapper from the low neighborhood
Deambulando callejones y escalones
Wandering alleys and steps
Viejo lazo fortalece mis intenciones
Old tie strengthens my intentions
Como el buitre, largas sesiones de plones
Like the vulture, long sessions of blunts
Producido por y cabrones
Produced by and bastards
Buscando a la puerta por el buen camino
Looking at the door for the right path
Al amor de la vida darle mala vida
To give the love of life a bad life
Un final amargo, una semilla desaparecida
A bitter end, a missing seed
Que no florecerá en sus frutos
That will not flourish in its fruits
Una novela real mentira
A real lie novel
Una corta guita por una niña partida
A short guita for a broken girl
Trata de estar bien para no sufrir
Try to be good so you don't suffer
Trata de reír y finge una sonrisa
Try to laugh and fake a smile
Mira con pasión al bailar reggaetón
Look with passion when dancing reggaeton
Quiere ser sensual, ella sufre por un hombre que le
She wants to be sensual, she suffers for a man who
Da maltrato
Gives her abuse
De la pasta y buen ciudad de relato
From the pasta and good city of story
Donde no hay televisor ni carne en el plato
Where there is no television or meat on the plate
Donde los sueños de un niño son el la realidad regalos
Where a child's dreams are the gifts of reality
Que papa Noel y el niño Dios no se olviden nuevamente
That Santa Claus and the baby Jesus don't forget again
De mi barrio
From my neighborhood
Otro año, ilusiones de antaño
Another year, illusions of yesteryear
Perder cual juicio sin apostar, somos pobres o millonarios?
Lose which judgment without betting, are we poor or millionaires?
Buscando al puerta, cruzado camino
Looking at the door, crossed path
Deambulando por el incierto destino
Wandering through the uncertain destiny
Vida muerte o me amotino (MIS TUMMBASSS)
Life death or I love myself (MY TOMBS)
Vida muerte o me amotino
Life death or I love myself
Más que real no lo dudes es la elite del rap
More than real don't doubt it is the elite of rap
No vez que en la calle dont stop
Can't you see that on the street don't stop
Masque real no lo dudes es la elite del rap
More than real, don't doubt it, it's the elite of rap
Rap Rap Rap Rap Rap
Rap Rap Rap Rap Rap
Más que real no lo dudes es la elite del rap
More than real don't doubt it is the elite of rap
No vez que en la calle dont stop
Can't you see that on the street don't stop
Masque real no lo dudes es la elite del rap
More than real, don't doubt it, it's the elite of rap
Rap Rap Rap Rap Rap
Rap Rap Rap Rap Rap
Mas que real no lo dudes (mas que un real)
More than real, don't doubt it (more than one real)
Mas que real no lo dudes (Z 19)
More than real, don't doubt it (Z 19)
Mas que real no lo dudes (aja)
More than real, don't doubt it (aha)
Mas que real no lo dudes (arriba sus armas)
More than real, don't doubt it (raise your weapons)
Mas que real no lo dudes (grito de revolución)
More than real, don't doubt it (cry of revolution)
Más que real no lo dudes es la elite del rap
More than real don't doubt it is the elite of rap
No ves que en la calle dont stop (Deambulando)
Can't you see that on the street don't stop (Wandering)
Mas que real no lo dudes
More than real, don't doubt it
(Fondo blanco, cejaz negras presentando Su album a Colombia, suramerica)
(White background, black cejaz presenting their album to Colombia, South America)
(Respeto pa mis rolos)
(Respect for my rolls)

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