Crasek - Mo Money - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Crasek - Mo Money

Mo Money
Mo Money
No me ven aqui estoy, a donde vas tu yo no voy
You don't see me here. I don't go where you go.
Eh visto robles doblarse por tetas que lastima dan hoy
I've seen oaks bend for breasts that are a shame today.
No pienso en redimirme
I don't plan to redeem myself.
Yo ya no tengo que mentirme si queda algo por hacer se va hacer mirame sin amor sigo firme
I don't have to lie to myself anymore. If there is anything left to do, it will get done. Look at me without love, I'm still strong.
Estos tienen que oirme varios putos tienen que odiarme, varias de ellas van a decir que me aman pero mama tus piernas no van atarme
These guys have to hear me, some assholes have to hate me, some of them are going to say they love me but your legs won't tie me up baby.
Tus celos no van a darme no hay forma que me conforme
Your jealousy won't give me anything. There is no way I will give in.
Aqui su rap es el deforme mi formula es perfecta mi flow es enorme
Their rap is deformed here. My formula is perfect, my flow is huge.
Soy rio a punto del desborde el valiente se viste de cobarde. Yo me voy hacer rico multiplicare el publico no importa cuanto me tarde
I am a river about to overflow. The brave man dresses as a coward. I'm going to get rich. I will multiply the audience. It doesn't matter how long it takes me.
Siento celos en el aire apesta huele a que les arde siento peros pero es tarde. Yo solo yuve que educarme
I feel jealousy in the air. It stinks like they're burning. I feel buts but it's too late. I just had to educate myself.
Los cuervos van a traicionarte si tienes money escondelo aqui todos tienen hambre
The crows will betray you. If you have money, hide it here. Everyone is hungry.
Aqui todos quieren nombre pero todos muestran el cobre
Everyone here wants a name, but they all show their true colors.
A mi mi madre me hizo hombre no hay nada que me asombre no hay falla que me doble
My mother made me a man. Nothing surprises me, there is no failure that can bend me.
Mo money mo money mo money mo
Mo money mo money mo money mo
Mo money mo money mo money mo
Mo money mo money mo money mo
Mo money mo money mo money mo
Mo money mo money mo money mo
Mo money mo money mo money mo...
Mo money mo money mo money mo...
Mo money mo money mo money moo money
Mo money mo money mo money moo money
A todas con el mismo cuento estos pendejos se ven muy lentos
To all the same story. These jerks look very slow.
Puta sin tu amor sigo contento las ofensas estan de mas en estos momentos
Bitch without your love I'm still happy. Insults are unnecessary at this point.
A mi hableme directo a mi mireme directo sigo ebrio pero bien alto. Apesta que les duele apesta a que los parto
Talk to me directly. Look at me directly. Still drunk but high. It stinks that it hurts, it stinks that I tear them apart.
Niño esto duele mas que un parto mas que el amor duele duele mas que un cuatro
Baby, this hurts more than childbirth, more than love, more than a four.
El devil paga los platos, el tonto los ratos el novio los tratos
The devil pays the bills, the fool the moments, the boyfriend the deals.
Niño compiaste los datos yo ya tambien sufrí de mas ayer tambien pero no vas
Baby, you copied the data. I've also suffered more yesterday too, but you don't go there.
Todos quieren comer del plato. Quieres hardcore pues toma hardcore quieres hardcore pues toma hardcore mucha marea un capitan no deja el barco
Everyone wants to eat from the plate. You want hardcore, take hardcore. You want hardcore, take hardcore. A lot of tides, a captain doesn't leave the ship.
Mo money mo money mo money mo
Mo money mo money mo money mo
Mo money mo money mo money mo
Mo money mo money mo money mo
Mo money mo money mo money mo
Mo money mo money mo money mo
Mo money mo money mo money mo...
Mo money mo money mo money mo...
Mo money mo money mo money moo money
Mo money mo money mo money moo money
Mo money mo money mo money mo
Mo money mo money mo money mo
Mo money mo money mo money mo
Mo money mo money mo money mo
Mo money mo money mo money mo
Mo money mo money mo money mo
Mo money mo money mo money mo...
Mo money mo money mo money mo...
Mo money mo money mo money moo money
Mo money mo money mo money moo money

Авторы: leonardo agustin larrosa rodriguez

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