Crew Cuervos - Peter Pan No Tiene un Arma - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Crew Cuervos - Peter Pan No Tiene un Arma

Peter Pan No Tiene un Arma
Peter Pan Doesn't Have a Gun
Peter Pan no tiene un arma pero tiene huevos,
Peter Pan doesn't have a gun, but he has guts,
Son como senos gordos sordo va y sin frenos,
Like fat breasts, deaf he goes and without brakes,
Conoce este terreno el polígono es suyo,
He knows this terrain, the polygon is his,
Algún capullo con novia un tirón de bolso y a lo tuyo eh.
Some jerk with a girlfriend, a purse snatch, and off to his own thing, eh.
No mires a Meter le das lo que pide,
Don't look at Peter, give him what he asks for,
Mide el perfil del vil con él y coincide,
He measures the profile of the vile with him and it coincides,
Le gusta el crimen, reincide,
He likes crime, he reoffends,
Pasando perico apoyado en su esquina como un gallo que se exhibe.
Passing coke, leaning on his corner like a rooster showing off.
Así vive, esa nieve del finde persigue
That's how he lives, that weekend snow he chases,
Y su cara escribe drama como un guión de cine,
And his face writes drama like a movie script,
Comiendo techo en la cama el pecho le oprime
Eating ceiling in bed, his chest oppresses him,
Y busca el calibre flama que a él le define
And he looks for the caliber flame that defines him
Como a ese marine, en la tierra de Nunca Jamás,
Like that marine, in Neverland,
Buscando su sombra en la sombra deshonra es lo que va a encontrar.
Searching for his shadow in the shadow, dishonor is what he will find.
Aun es pequeño el tiburón que contiene este mar de asfalto,
The shark that this asphalt sea contains is still small,
Pero come y crece dispuesto a matar
But it eats and grows ready to kill.
Peter Pan no tiene un arma tiene fe y cara de tonto
Peter Pan doesn't have a weapon, he has faith and a fool's face,
Le quieren robar por eso aprendió pronto
They want to rob him, that's why he learned quickly,
Paso del trompo a un futbol frio y agresivo
He went from spinning top to cold and aggressive football,
Paso del montón por eso anda metió en mil líos
He went from the bunch, that's why he's gotten into a thousand troubles.
Es un crio con rabia, entre primos y tíos con labia
He's a kid with rage, among cousins and uncles with smooth talk,
Que entre el frio y el gentío se agravia
Who, between the cold and the crowd, feels wronged,
Su mariposa es, su juguete un polígono sin calma
His butterfly is his toy, a restless polygon,
Su nunca jamás Peter Pan no habla a no ser que peque
His Neverland, Peter Pan doesn't speak unless he sins.
Allí le pinchan el culo con su machete,
There they prick his ass with their machete,
Si quieres pelea los puños son suficientes,
If you want a fight, fists are enough,
Pero es la ley del más fuerte y quien porte un nueve es el jefe
But it's the law of the strongest and whoever carries a nine is the boss,
Puedes sentir lo hostil de ese ambiente
You can feel the hostility of that environment.
En un parque con bocetos, el rojo o el azul,
In a park with sketches, red or blue,
Los bloques grises o amarillos todo sea por verde en los bolsillos
The gray or yellow blocks, anything for green in the pockets,
Peter Pan ya no tiene a Campanilla
Peter Pan no longer has Tinkerbell,
Porque la cambio por 3 kilos en base de heroína
Because he traded her for 3 kilos of heroin base.
Hay una pistola en cada sien y un filo blanco por estómagos
There's a gun to every temple and a white blade through stomachs,
Magos del quirófano te esperan en cajeros
Operating room magicians await you at ATMs,
Huelen el acero blanco corre van al tuétano
They smell white steel, run, they go for the marrow,
Peter Pan no tiene un arma ni tampoco freno
Peter Pan doesn't have a gun, nor does he have brakes.
Peter Pan no tiene un arma pero tiene polvos mágicos,
Peter Pan doesn't have a weapon, but he has magic powders,
Que hacen volar a la peña si el cobra en metálico.
That make people fly if he charges in cash.
El papi de las comebolsas en cualquier garito,
The daddy of the cokeheads in any joint,
él siempre es el prota en los relatos de delitos,
He's always the protagonist in crime stories,
Dirás uuf, cuando pase al lado tuya y no te mire,
You'll say "ooh" when he walks by and doesn't look at you,
Veras luz, al final del túnel o donde te envíe.
You'll see light at the end of the tunnel or wherever he sends you.
Tiene una postal de su padre desde la cárcel,
He has a postcard from his father from prison,
Dice: "¿por qué no vienes a verme que te abrace?"
It says: "Why don't you come see me so I can hug you?"
Sin esperanza siempre en la calle posturas,
Hopeless, always on the street hustling,
El tiempo avanza en todas las calles sus postulas,
Time moves on, in all the streets his postulates,
Ponte donde quieras raper sabe dónde estás,
Stand wherever you want, rapper knows where you are,
Va a quitarle el cordón de oro a tu novia el no mira a atrás.
He's going to take your girlfriend's gold chain, he doesn't look back.
Se aburre dando vueltas por qué ese es su curre,
He gets bored going around because that's his job,
Se escurre de la poli cuando algo malo ocurre.
He slips away from the police when something bad happens.
Apaga el móvil tío si no quieres que te encuentre.
Turn off your phone, dude, if you don't want him to find you.
Peter Pan no tiene un arma pero que mate es frecuente.
Peter Pan doesn't have a weapon, but him killing is frequent.
Peter Pan no tiene un arma de fuego
Peter Pan doesn't have a firearm,
En su abrigo esconde un punzón
He hides an awl in his coat,
Menudo cabrón, le sobran huevos,
What a bastard, he's got balls to spare,
Para él es solo un juego,
For him it's just a game,
Si se cruza contigo y te mira el piensa:
If he crosses paths with you and looks at you, he thinks:
"Su dinero es lo que quiero"
"Your money is what I want,"
Y te deja temblando en el suelo
And he leaves you trembling on the ground,
Con dos costillas rotas
With two broken ribs,
Hay sangre en sus botas tus ojos reflejan el miedo
There's blood on his boots, your eyes reflect fear,
Sabe que no va a ir al cielo,
He knows he's not going to heaven,
Va por el polígono buscando gallitos para batirse en duelo
He goes through the polygon looking for roosters to duel with,
Es su life drama, papa pegando a mama
It's his life drama, dad hitting mom,
La hermana sigue vendiendo su cuerpo en la cama,
Sister keeps selling her body in bed,
Amigos de verdad son cristal los tripis y escama,
True friends are crystal, trippy and flake,
Si llaman el va y la noche y el día se empalman,
If they call, he goes and night and day merge,
Es su carnaza de fin de semana te da a probar su mana
It's his weekend meat, he gives you a taste of his manna,
Y si te quiere robar le vale con partirte la cara, es una leyenda
And if he wants to rob you, he'll just break your face, he's a legend,
El rey de la sabana es Peter Pan y tu para el un mierda.
The king of the savannah is Peter Pan and you're a piece of shit to him.
Hay una pistola en cada sien y un filo blanco por estómagos
There's a gun to every temple and a white blade through stomachs,
Magos del quirófano te esperan en cajeros
Operating room magicians await you at ATMs,
Huelen el acero blanco corre van al tuétano
They smell white steel, run, they go for the marrow,
Peter Pan no tiene un arma ni tampoco freno
Peter Pan doesn't have a gun, nor does he have brakes.


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