Crew Cuervos - Prime Time - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Crew Cuervos - Prime Time

Prime Time
Prime Time
Ven aquí, di que si, que te encanta,
Come here, say yes, you love it,
Gesticulan y saltan.
They gesture and jump.
Es ir de Madrid a Sevilla pasando por Barna,
It's going from Madrid to Seville, passing through Barna,
Media España a la espalda.
Half of Spain on our backs.
Venir con pantaca o con falda con ron
Coming with pants or skirt with rum
De barrica o con wiski de malta,
From the barrel or with malt whiskey,
El fin es fluir como el liquido desde el barril hasta cada garganta,
The goal is to flow like the liquid from the barrel to each throat,
Alza las manos y salta,
Raise your hands and jump,
Mueve los pies y no hay tregua.
Move your feet and there's no truce.
Llegan al cesto y se plantan los once en el micro moviendo la lengua.
They reach the basket and the eleven of them stand on the mic, moving their tongues.
Yo con el sonido que te va a conquistar,
I with the sound that will conquer you,
Crew Cuervos, deja de buscar.
Crew Cuervos, stop searching.
Hoy el bueno y el malo han subido el caché,
Today the good and the bad have raised the cachet,
El disco del año fue Carrie ayer.
The album of the year was Carrie yesterday.
Mi crew es el bum que sonó por la calle,
My crew is the boom that sounded on the street,
Los cuervos trajeron la fé.
The crows brought faith.
Echa la cuenta,
Do the math,
Mi mundo en venta.
My world for sale.
La cc inventa el estilo que intentas.
The CC invents the style you try.
Es el modo que jodo al vecino,
It's the way I mess with the neighbor,
La siesta y te empiezo a creer.
The nap and I start to believe you.
Es el MidClayn.
It's the MidClayn.
Maestro joyero, dj le bailan los ritmos de acero.
Master jeweler, dj, the rhythms of steel dance for him.
Soy el Jompy, no tengo dinero,
I'm Jompy, I have no money,
Pero prefiero quemar tu caset.
But I'd rather burn your cassette.
Es la clase la base del hardcore
It's the class, the base of hardcore
Repasa el respeto cruzando los charcos
Review the respect crossing the puddles
Pues el barco de miles de galcos
Well, the ship of thousands of gallons
Que llegan primero prendiendo a la vez.
That arrive first, lighting up at the same time.
Melada de huevo te ofrezco soy bueno
Egg yolk I offer you, I'm good
No temo tu demo supero mi tono
I don't fear your demo, I overcome my tone
De mono con ritmo de calle, soy como
Monkey with street rhythm, I'm like
La nueve de tony montana en el trono.
Tony Montana's nine on the throne.
No toques la puerta te comes el pomo
Don't knock on the door, you eat the knob
Ni ensucia la promo con trama de bobos
Don't dirty the promo with silly plots
Y arrastra la baba por ser como somos
And drag your drool for being like we are
Trayendo te hip con aceites del mono
Bringing you hip hop with monkey oils
Currándonoslo, me he roto uno cero,
Working hard, I broke a zero,
En tu cara se nota que soy el primero
It shows on your face that I'm the first
Patriota ya sobra bandera en ventana pasado
Patriot, there are already too many flags on the window, past
Ya casi dos años enteros.
Almost two whole years.
Mostrandotelo sonido sincero
Showing you the sincere sound
Portando este don rapido si pero
Carrying this gift quickly, yes, but
Castigo al rapero venidos a mucho
Punishment to the rapper who came to much
Que pasan a melos y escuchan mi flow!
Who pass to melos and listen to my flow!
Cuantos de vosotros vienen para ver la danza
How many of you come to see the dance
Y no se sabe cuantos caen a la mitad
And it is not known how many fall halfway
No pueden sopòrtar la crew del halcón y de mas
They can't stand the crew of the falcon and more
Van a comprobar que somos la esperanza del hip hop fijo que quieren mas
They're going to prove that we're the hope of hip hop, they definitely want more
Y dile a tus amigos y enemigos que se acerquen hasta aqui
And tell your friends and enemies to come here
Si lo que quieren ver es swim y ponle fin
If what they want to see is swim and put an end to it
A esa cancion con el hip hop facilon
To that song with the easy hip hop
Para todos los que hablan demasiado y hacen poco por el hip hop
For all those who talk too much and do little for hip hop
Volvio ese hardcore que todos querian por que lo pedian con mucha ilusion
That hardcore that everyone wanted came back because they asked for it with great enthusiasm
Sabian que un cuervo en el micro tenia la rabia, la esencia y valia un millón
They knew that a crow on the mic had the rage, the essence and was worth a million
No queda otra opcion decian los clones ellos iguales mi crew la mejor
There is no other option, said the clones, they are the same, my crew is the best
Decidieron hacerlo como estas aves pero les falta llave
They decided to do it like these birds but they lack the key
Sale inspiracion no le hables en clave y enciende el motor y que nunca se pare heroes villanos somos hermanos soltamos las manos y que estalle el ciclon
Inspiration comes out, don't talk to him in code and start the engine and never stop, heroes villains we are brothers, let go of our hands and let the cyclone explode
En el cajon tengo bolis pa ratos, folios que mato igual que contratos
In the drawer I have pens for a while, folios that I kill like contracts
Letras que canto en el nido, un estilo de infarto y algo de ron
Lyrics that I sing in the nest, a heart attack style and some rum
Los cuervos bailando estan partiendo los asientos
The crows dancing are breaking the seats
Yo soy un romantico me gusta bailar lento
I'm a romantic, I like to dance slowly
Nadie a preguntado pero bueno lo comento
Nobody asked but well, I comment
Me metio en el grupo no me importa los porcientos
He put me in the group, I don't care about the percentages
Donde habre puesto mi ropa, el nota
Where have I put my clothes, the note
Claro que noto veneno en la copa
Of course I notice poison in the glass
Jompy levanta esta track por ti
Jompy raises this track for you
Ponme diez mas que me voy a dormir
Put me ten more, I'm going to sleep
No saben beber stan to' los cuervos por el piso
They don't know how to drink, all the crows are on the floor
Yo ando en la montaña rusa igual corro que ralentizo
I'm on the roller coaster, I run or slow down
Moraleja alejate de aqui
Moral, get away from here
Manejamos el mensaje como adoquin
We handle the message like cobblestone
Con el boli si como no vi(s)
With the pen, yes, as I didn't see
Que asco me daria ser como to quisqui
How disgusting it would be to be like everyone else
Esque aun no sabe lo que intento decir
It's just that you still don't know what I'm trying to say
Quieren ladrar sin tener pedigri
They want to bark without having a pedigree
Maniquis de postin quieren mi sin mi(r)
Fashion mannequins want my without my
Somos los sangre y vi(r)
We are the blood and see
No saben con quien juegan cuando vienen contra mi
They don't know who they're playing with when they come against me
Tu desconfias y al que buscas siempre esta feliz
You distrust and the one you're looking for is always happy
Asi que esto va por toda me crew
So this goes out to all my crew
La calamidad para ti una ataud
Calamity for you, a coffin
Pura habilidad como una a elegir
Pure skill as one to choose
Pa ser capitan conmigo caput
To be captain with me caput
Bla bla hablan de la banda
Blah blah they talk about the band
Daban poco y anda
They gave little and walk
A grita salio ganga
The gang came out screaming
Gran plan cuando arranpla
Great plan when it rips off
Camerino y manta
Dressing room and blanket
Vasos y botellas son bellas y santas
Glasses and bottles are beautiful and holy
Voy con tu ma y danza
I go with your mom and dance
Sa y sa y sal
Come out and come out and come out
Tequila y limónn que invita el kye
Tequila and lemon that the kye invites
Va todo bien saben que si
Everything's going well, you know it is
Porque nos ven y sonrien, ellas
Because they see us and smile, they
Tienen la salsa ellos tienen flow
They have the sauce they have flow
Asi que manos en el aire y digan EEEOOOO!
So hands in the air and say EEEOOOO!
Meta, metal, mental rap, fundamental
Goal, metal, mental rap, fundamental
Hazte parne par querian triunfar y esto les parte el plan
Make yourself peer, they wanted to succeed and this breaks their plan
Hablan de nosotros y donde estan
They talk about us and where are they
O cuando pueden nunca contestan
Or when they can, they never answer
Vente a bailar como si fuera ska pero es rap pero rapido ya
Come dance as if it were ska but it's rap but fast already
Vaya liada siempre que llegan
What a mess whenever they arrive
Llenan hoteles bares y bodegas
They fill hotels, bars and wineries
Con conocidos novias y colegas
With acquaintances, girlfriends and colleagues
Yo los que se suman y vienen detras (aha)
I those who join and come from behind (aha)
Verdad me da que solo saben ya
Truth gives me that they only know now
Los textos dinámita dinamita
The dynamite dynamite texts
De lo que hablen ya no me creo ni la mitad
Of what they talk about, I don't believe even half of it anymore
Ni habitados allados (que esten en huelga)?
Nor inhabited there (that they are on strike)?
Ahi va la receta secreta atleta
There goes the secret recipe athlete
Surco caminos sin guión
I furrow paths without a script
La cosa es que ya no se si escribo letras
The thing is, I don't know if I write lyrics anymore
O submarinos sin timom
Or submarines without a rudder
Musculacion, busco la accion, luzco racion, gusto pasion
Bodybuilding, I look for action, I wear ration, I like passion
Dices que no te interesa y te veo mirando detras de un arbusto cabron
You say you're not interested and I see you looking from behind a bush, bastard
Mis gomas de borrar, eso les hace reir
My erasers, that makes them laugh
No saben que aprendi a flotar cuando aprendi a corregir
They don't know that I learned to float when I learned to correct
Sin comentarios, ignoren labios,
No comments, ignore lips,
Quien pone en varios simplones sabios firman estilo once notarios,
Who puts in several simpleton sages sign style eleven notaries,
Pilla el vinilo en voces son arios
Catch the vinyl in voices are Aryans
No lo intentes nunca, no puedes cambiarme.
Don't ever try it, you can't change me.
Tendras que aprender a quererme y amarme.
You'll have to learn to love and cherish me.
Yo soy como soy un villano con hambre,
I am what I am, a villain with hunger,
Si intentas joderme me bebo tu sangre.
If you try to fuck me, I'll drink your blood.
An-dando por un puto alambre y camino en la vida sin miedo a caer,
Walking on a fucking wire and walking in life without fear of falling,
Novio de la muerte, me dejo a la suerte, mantengo equilibrio y me guia la
Bridegroom of death, I leave myself to fate, I keep my balance and faith guides me
Fe fenomenos como estos revientan sus textos en cada papel,
Faith phenomena like these blow up their texts on every piece of paper,
La doble CC vuelve mostrando sus barbas con un rollo marvel, de nuevo a la
The double CC returns showing its beards with a marvel roll, again to the
Heroes y Villanos, levantan sus manos,
Heroes and Villains, raise your hands,
Todos somos uno, por eso ganamos,
We are all one, that's why we win,
Como un meteorito surcamos los cielos,
Like a meteorite we furrow the skies,
Y tras el impacto, todos gritan CUERVOS
And after the impact, everyone shouts CROWS

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