Criss Blaziny feat. Laola - Fac Youbire - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Criss Blaziny feat. Laola - Fac Youbire

Fac Youbire
You Love
Azi e prea frumos afara sa-mi bat capul cu prostii
Today is too beautiful outside to bother with nonsense
Vreau sa-mi intre un pic de soare si-n adancul inimii
I want some sunshine to enter the depths of my heart
Tu stii ca-s nebuna, vreau sa stiu cine te suna
You know I'm crazy, I want to know who's calling you
Tu stii ca-s nebuna dar de azi voi fi mai buna
You know I'm crazy but from today I'll be better
Ne-am stresat prea mult aiurea iar acum ne dam reset
We stressed each other out too much for nothing and now we're resetting
E ok in realitate dar ne-o dam cu hate pe net
It's okay in reality but we're spreading hate online
Tu stii ca-s nebuna, vreau sa stiu cine te suna
You know I'm crazy, I want to know who's calling you
Tu stii ca-s nebuna, dar de azi voi fi mai buna
You know I'm crazy but from today I'll be better
N-are rost sa ma prefac, fac, fac YOUbire
No point in pretending, I'm making, making you love
N-are rost sa ma prefac, fac, fac YOUbire
No point in pretending, I'm making, making you love
Nu vreau sa ma cert cu tine, nu vreau sa ma cert cu nimeni
I don't want to argue with you, I don't want to argue with anybody
Azi vreau doar sa fie bine. N-are sens, n-are sens, n-are sens
Today I just want things to be good. It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense
Sa-mi verific telefonul, sa-ti verific telefonul
To check my phone, to check your phone
N-are sens, n-are sens, n-are sens Sa-ti verific telefonul e mai bine fara stres.
It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense It's better to check your phone stress-free.
Asta-i filmul, fac YOUbire Am fugit la mare cateva zile
This is the movie, I'm making you love I escaped to the sea for a few days
Daca nu-i acolo, ea nu poa' sa ma inspire
If she's not there, she can't inspire me
Si nu stau pe telefon atunci cand esti langa mine
And I don't stay on my phone when you're next to me
Atunci cand esti langa mine nimic nu e monoton
When you're next to me nothing's monotonous
Si nu-mi pasa cine suna, vibe-ul e super beton
And I don't care who's calling, the vibe is super solid
Stiu ca esti nebuna, vrei sa stii cine ma suna
I know you're crazy, you want to know who's calling me
Nu e panica cu fosta, nu i-am mai raspuns de-o luna
It's not panic about my ex, I haven't answered her for a month
Si n-o sa raspund, n-o sa raspund, stii ca n-o s-o fac
And I'm not going to answer, I'm not going to answer, you know I'm not going to do it
Ca sa ai relatie blana tre' sa uiti trecutu' ASAP
To have a smooth relationship you have to forget the past ASAP
Nimeni n-a zis ca-i usor, eu deja l-am si uitat
Nobody said it was easy, I've already forgotten him
Viitorul suna bine chiar daca nu m-a sunat
The future sounds good even if he didn't call me
N-are rost sa ma prefac, fac, fac YOUbire
No point in pretending, I'm making, making you love
N-are rost sa ma prefac, fac, fac YOUbire
No point in pretending, I'm making, making you love
Nu vreau sa ma cert cu tine, nu vreau sa ma cert cu nimeni
I don't want to argue with you, I don't want to argue with anybody
Azi vreau doar sa fie bine.
Today I just want things to be good.
N-are sens, n-are sens, n-are sens,
It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense,
Sa-mi verific telefonul, sa-ti verific telefonul
To check my phone, to check your phone
N-are sens, n-are sens, n-are sens,
It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense,
Sa-ti verific telefonul e mai bine fara stres.
To check your phone is better stress-free.

Авторы: Cristian Neghinita, Laura Balan

Criss Blaziny feat. Laola - Fac Youbire
Fac Youbire
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