Cristi Mega - Suna Suna Stai Ca Suna - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cristi Mega - Suna Suna Stai Ca Suna

Suna Suna Stai Ca Suna
Ring Ring Wait It's Ringing
La o masă alăturată, o bunăciune de fată
At a table next to me, a hot girl
A început facă semne, dic cum caută probleme
Started making signs, like she was looking for trouble
Mi-a întins un șervețel, cu numărul ei pe el
She handed me a napkin, with her number on it
Și zâmbind s-a ridicat
And smiling she got up
Și-a luat geantă și-a plecat
She took her bag and left
A parfum scump mirosea
She smelled like expensive perfume
Zece metrii după ea
Ten meters behind her
Sună, sună stai sună
Ring, ring wait it's ringing
Zice bună eu zic bună
She says hello I say hello
Am vorbit ne vedem seară pe la zece așa
We talked about meeting tonight around ten o'clock
Și mi-a trimis share location direct de unde stătea
And she sent me a share location directly from where she was staying
Sună, sună stai sună
Ring, ring wait it's ringing
Zice bună eu zic bună
She says hello I say hello
Am vorbit ne vedem seară pe la zece așa
We talked about meeting tonight around ten o'clock
Și mi-a trimis share location direct de unde stătea
And she sent me a share location directly from where she was staying
Am ajuns, mi-a deschis ușa
I arrived, she opened the door
Ce fel arată păpușă
What a doll she looks like
Lenjerie asortată
Matching lingerie
Se vede abea m-așteaptă
You can see she was waiting for me
Pătimașă, dragala deschidea la cămașă
Passionate, darling was opening my shirt
Și cu sărutări pe piept
And with kisses on my chest
Coboară încet, încet
Goes down slowly, slowly
Ce fie, ce fie?
What could it be, what could it be?
Gând la gând cu bucurie ;)
Thought to thought with joy ;)
Sună, sună stai sună
Ring, ring wait it's ringing
Zice bună eu zic bună
She says hello I say hello
Am vorbit ne vedem seară pe la zece așa
We talked about meeting tonight around ten o'clock
Și mi-a trimis share location direct de unde stătea
And she sent me a share location directly from where she was staying
Sună, sună stai sună
Ring, ring wait it's ringing
Zice bună eu zic bună
She says hello I say hello
Am vorbit ne vedem seară pe la zece așa
We talked about meeting tonight around ten o'clock
Și mi-a trimis share location direct de unde stătea
And she sent me a share location directly from where she was staying
Sună, sună stai sună
Ring, ring wait it's ringing
Zice bună eu zic bună
She says hello I say hello
Am vorbit ne vedem seară pe la zece așa
We talked about meeting tonight around ten o'clock
Și mi-a trimis share location direct de unde stătea
And she sent me a share location directly from where she was staying
Sună, sună stai sună
Ring, ring wait it's ringing
Zice bună eu zic bună
She says hello I say hello
Am vorbit ne vedem seară pe la zece așa
We talked about meeting tonight around ten o'clock
Și mi-a trimis share location direct de unde stăteane, dic cum cauta probleme
And she sent me a share location directly from where she was staying, like she was looking for trouble
Mi-a intins un servetel, cu numarul ei pe el
She handed me a napkin with her number on it
Si zambind s-a ridicat
And smiling she got up
Si-a luat geanta si-a plecat
Took her bag and left
A parfum scump mirosea
She smelled of expensive perfume
Zece metrii dupa ea
Ten meters behind her
Suna, suna stai ca suna
Ring, ring wait it's ringing
Zice buna eu zic buna
She says hello I say hello
Am vorbit sa ne vedem seara pe la zece asa
We talked about meeting tonight around ten o'clock
Si mi-a trimis share location direct de unde statea
And she sent me a share location directly from where she was staying
Suna, suna stai ca suna
Ring, ring wait it's ringing
Zice buna eu zic buna
She says hello I say hello
Am vorbit sa ne vedem seara pe la zece asa
We talked about meeting tonight around ten o'clock
Si mi-a trimis share location direct de unde statea
And she sent me a share location directly from where she was staying
Am ajuns mi-a deschis usa
I arrived, she opened the door
Ce fel arata papusa
What a doll she looks like
Lenjerie asortata
Matching lingerie
Se vede abea m-asteapta
You can see she was waiting for me
Patimasa, dragala ma deschidea la camasa
Passionate, darling, was opening my shirt
Si cu sarutari pe piept
And with kisses on my chest
Coboara incet, incet
Goes down slowly, slowly
Ce sa fie, ce sa fie?
What could it be, what could it be?
Gand la gand cu bucurie ;)
Thought to thought with joy ;)
Suna, suna stai ca suna
Ring, ring wait it's ringing
Zice buna eu zic buna
She says hello I say hello
Am vorbit sa ne vedem seara pe la zece asa
We talked about meeting tonight around ten o'clock
Si mi-a trimis share location direct de unde statea
And she sent me a share location directly from where she was staying
Suna, suna stai ca suna
Ring, ring wait it's ringing
Zice buna eu zic buna
She says hello I say hello
Am vorbit sa ne vedem seara pe la zece asa
We talked about meeting tonight around ten o'clock
Si mi-a trimis share location direct de unde statea
And she sent me a share location directly from where she was staying
Suna, suna stai ca suna
Ring, ring wait it's ringing
Zice buna eu zic buna
She says hello I say hello
Am vorbit sa ne vedem seara pe la zece asa
We talked about meeting tonight around ten o'clock
Si mi-a trimis share location direct de unde statea
And she sent me a share location directly from where she was staying
Suna, suna stai ca suna
Ring, ring wait it's ringing
Zice buna eu zic buna
She says hello I say hello
Am vorbit sa ne vedem seara pe la zece asa
We talked about meeting tonight around ten o'clock
Si mi-a trimis share location direct de unde statea
And she sent me a share location directly from where she was staying

Авторы: Cristi Mega

Cristi Mega - Suna Suna Stai Ca Suna
Suna Suna Stai Ca Suna
дата релиза

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