Creia en tus gestos amables de manera inocente logre retirarme que tu me hiceras esto era algo impensable.
I believed your kind gestures innocently I managed to withdraw that you made me this was unthinkable.
Cambiaste todo el panorama de una forma tan extraña
You've changed the whole picture in such a strange way
Ayer me entregabas tu cuerpo hoy ya no me amas teniamos planes futuros tu comportamiento no me parece justo acaso no piensas el dolor que me causara tu ausencia
Yesterday you gave me your body, today you don't love me anymore, we had plans for the future, your behavior doesn't seem fair to me, don't you think about the pain your absence will cause me?
Cuando no estes aqui cuando necesito de tus brazos cuando se me parta este corazon y ya no pueda besar tus labios
When you're not here when I need your arms when my heart breaks and I can't kiss your lips anymore
Quien me va a consolar cuando todos sepan que te has ido que todos mi sueños se derrumbo que ya de mi vida te has salido cuando no estes aqui olvidarte no sera sencillo (bis)
Who will comfort me when everyone knows that you're gone that all my dreams have crumbled that you're out of my life when you're not here forgetting you won't be easy (bis)
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