Cristina Rus - Viata Mea - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cristina Rus - Viata Mea

Viata Mea
My Life
I: Poate nu trebuia sa-mi fac atatea ganduri,
I: Maybe I shouldn't have had so many thoughts,
Poate ca te-am iertat in mult prea multe randuri,
Maybe I forgave you too many times,
Credeam ca si iertarea are un rost,
I was thinking that forgiveness also had a purpose,
Dar ai plecat si asta a fost...
But you left and that was it...
Si acum sunt sigura,
And now I'm sure,
Ca tu stii ca sunt singura,
That you know that I am alone,
Si nu stii cum e viata mea
And you don't know what my life is,
Dar nici eu nu mai stiu cum e, doar cu era...
But I don't know what it is either, only what it was...
Refren: Dar asta e viata mea,
Chorus: But that's my life,
Este si buna si rea
It's both good and bad,
Dar e mai buna fara tine in ea,
But it's better without you in it,
Si toti prietenii imi spun.
And all my friends tell me.
Mai bine sa-mi vad de drum,
Better to continue on my way,
Sa nu privesc deloc in urma mea!
Never look back!
De la capat o iau ... dar acum stiu ce vreau.
I'm starting over... but now I know what I want.
II: Iubirii mele n-ai stiut sa ii faci fata,
II: You didn't know how to handle my love,
Si inca o sansa iti dau, dar intr-o alta viata,
And I'll give you another chance, but in another life,
Tu nu ai pretuit tot ce ai avut,
You didn't value everything you had,
Decat acum cand totul e pierdut...
Only now when it's all lost...
Si sunt sigura,
And I'm sure,
Ca tu crezi ca sunt singura,
That you think I'm alone,
Si crezi ca-i trista viata mea,
And you think my life is sad,
Dar vreau sa-ti spun ca nu e chiar asa...
But I want to tell you that it's not really like that...
Chorus: (x1)
Sunt sigura,
I'm sure,
Ca tu crezi ca sunt singura,
That you think I'm alone,
Si crezi ca-i trista viata mea,
And you think my life is sad,
Dar vreau sa-ti spun ca nu e chïar asa! ahaaaaa
But I want to tell you it's not really like that! Ooooooooh
Chorus: (x2)

Авторы: Fivos Tassopoulos

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