Crvena Jabuka - Pravi Ljudi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Crvena Jabuka - Pravi Ljudi

Pravi Ljudi
True People
Svi su moji nekud otišli
All my people are gone somewhere
Odveli ih neki vragovi
Some demons took them away
Otišli, al′ opet ostali
They left, but they're still here
U duši kao tragovi
In my soul, like traces
Ljubio sam... malo ljubio
I loved... I loved a little
Volio, pa prebolio
I cherished, and then I healed
Mnogo toga ja sam prošao
I've been through a lot
I čist pred Boga došao
And I came pure before God
I tuge i sreće istim vlakom dolaze
Both sorrow and happiness come on the same train
Ali pravi ljudi nikada ne prolaze
But true people never pass by
Oni mogu, oni znaju, oni sve razumiju
They can, they know, they understand everything
Samo oni mogu da me pjesmom ubiju
Only they can kill me with a song
Još su živi, trajno u meni
They're still alive, always in me
Moji dani naivni
My naive days
Dječaci zaneseni
Captivated boys
Još pjevaju o jeseni
They still sing about autumn
Samo oni dobro znaju gdje
Only they know well where
Prije zore otići
To go before dawn
Samo oni mogu sve
Only they can do everything
Rušit' me i opet podići
To destroy me and then lift me up again

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