Cyanide - Fjala Sinqert - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cyanide - Fjala Sinqert

Fjala Sinqert
Honest Words
Ref 2X.
Chorus 2X.
Se jom si dilli qe nxe edhe si uji kur pihet
I am not like the sun that burns and like the water that is drunk
Kur ti je rrena qe fsheun e verteta qe dihet
When you are a lie that hides the truth that is known
Si tradhtar besen e pre un si statuja qe ngrihet
As a traitor who breaks faith, I stand like a statue that rises
Qendroj si floki trrupit kur fjala e sinqert po nihet.
I stand like hair on the body when the honest word is known.
Fjalt e mia sjon sulmime jan kshilla te ni qellimit
My words are not attacks, they are advice to a goal
Une kurr nuk perfundoj se gjith ja nisi pi fillimit
I never finish, everything starts from the beginning
Fjalt te mrrin si ke ne kulm apo diku ne podrrum
Words reach like you are on top or somewhere in a basement
Kshillat sti shes po ti fali se ty te vyn ma shum
I don't sell advice, but I give it to you because you need it more
Se mu qe kom hec ne terr vet dej sa e kom pa driten
Because I walked in the dark alone until I saw the light
Mos em fol ti per at dostin qe dul e ma nxuni priten
Don't talk to me about that friend who turned out to betray me
Mu sum vyn me pas klik du kejt juve me ju pri
I don't need clicks, I want to lead all of you
Ska nevoj me okupu shtete per me gjet energjie
There is no need to occupy states to find energy
Qa ka lidhje se qfar tesha kpuca a qfar kerri ki
What does it matter what kind of shoes I wear or what kind of car I have
Se ti qe je jetim i thym ne asht a qfar tmerri ki
Because you who are an orphan in this, what kind of horror do you have?
E sta din kerkush o babush ato hajn buk e rrush
Nobody knows, old man, those who steal bread and grapes
E ti ton diten ne pazar pjek kallamoqa ne prrush
And you spend your days in the market baking corn on the cob
E man kejt boten me veti e djegesh veres per deti
And you take the whole world with you and burn the summer for the sea
Per mu je rroja e kti veni per shum je barra e kti shteti
For me you are the clothes of this country, for many you are the burden of this state
Po kryt te nalt edhe ngom e mos ta nin per kerkon
But keep your head high and be proud and don't bow down for anyone
Se bota sillet e sillet dilli nxe nisoj per teton.
Because the world spins and spins, the sun heats up, starts again for eight.
Gjej qetsi ne sene t'thjeshta kur kejt tjerat mgerditen
Find peace in simple scenes when everything else gets complicated
Si rrezet e dillit kur lodhen qe e zbukurojn diten
Like the rays of the sun when they get tired of decorating the day
Njeri t'ish kan qaq let t'kisha than mos ki dert
If you were a piece of paper, I would have said you have no value
Po koha o kunder teje kur te nalet e t'len vet
But time is against you when it rises and leaves you alone
E qohesh me rrudha kamos e kryt ta kan mlu thiat
And you wake up with wrinkled skin and snakes have bitten your head
Mpengojn problemet tuja besom si mu kan te miat
My problems interfere with yours, believe me, they were like mine
E di ki lind me hiq gjith me pak e ki shum vshtir
I know you were born with nothing, you have less and it is very difficult
Po besom ti mu sot qe neser me pas ma mir
But trust me today that tomorrow will be better
Ose munesh me than fuck it mu dorzu tek e funi
Or you can say fuck it and surrender to the fun
Me shpersu qe kejt o onderr mu qu pa kujtes pi gjumi
Forget that everything is a dream, wake up without memory from sleep
Vlera s'tulet veq se xhepat i ki thate e je i varfer
Value doesn't go down just because your pockets are empty and you are poor
Kur je mbret me zemer t'madhe e ki ndergjegjen e paster
When you are a king with a big heart and a clear conscience
Falas nuk ka sen perveq rrenave premtimeve
Nothing is free except lies and promises
Une nuk kom sen perveq fjalve kshillave dhe tregimev
I have nothing but words, advice and stories
I qkym i palam ksi lloj jete jon mekatee
I am naked in front of this kind of life, they are sins
E sho barki yt i that e lyp shoqnin e ni kafshate.
And I see your stomach is empty and begging for the company of an animal.
Ref 2X.
Chorus 2X.
Se jom si dilli qe nxe edhe si uji kur pihet
I am not like the sun that burns and like the water that is drunk
Kur ti je rrena qe fsheun e verteta qe dihet
When you are a lie that hides the truth that is known
Si tradhtar besen e pre un si statuja qe ngrihet
As a traitor who breaks faith, I stand like a statue that rises
Qendroj si floki trrupit kur fjala e sinqert po nihet.
I stand like hair on the body when the honest word is known.
2010 Kosov un po kthena n'kater qoshet e botes lypem une gjena
2010 Kosovo, I returned to the four corners of the world, they asked for me, they found me
Qe 10 vjet sikur guri midis Amerike sem koqit mu kurrfar drroje
For 10 years, sure as stone between America, not a drop of shame on me
Nuk em tut kurrfar intrrige njeri hiqju asaj thike qe 20 vjet me liber
I'm not afraid of any intrigue, man, pull out that knife that has been stabbing me for 20 years
Ni gjys Bajram Curr ni gjys kejt malet ne Diber
One half Bajram Curr, one half all the mountains in Diber
Me minut gjithmon ne koh kurr nuk po vonona
With me always on time, never late
Pa e dit gradualisht si te ton asimiliona
Without knowing, gradually like our millions
Neper rruget e qytetit qe kurre syt nuk i mshel
On the streets of the city that your eyes never close
Rruget e ketij qytetit qe mu syt mi kan qel
The streets of this city that opened my eyes
Sho tulifar rrace sho tulifar feje
Look at so many races, look at so many religions
I afrona une tonve mirpo sa ma larg pi teje
I approach ours, but farther away from you
Sa ma larg pi atij sa ma larg pi asaj
Further away from that, further away from that
Syt gjith plot me lot edhe pse kurr nuk kaj
My eyes are always full of tears even though I never cry
Kryt kurr nuk e qaj boten ne dy krah e majti
My head never cries, the world is in my two wings
Veq shaj o daj inatin qe e ki me sukses ta vraj.
I just curse, oh brother, kill the hatred you have for success.
Ref 2X.
Chorus 2X.
Se jom si dilli qe nxe edhe si uji kur pihet
I am not like the sun that burns and like the water that is drunk
Kur ti je rrena qe fsheun e verteta qe dihet
When you are a lie that hides the truth that is known
Si tradhtar besen e pre un si statuja qe ngrihet
As a traitor who breaks faith, I stand like a statue that rises
Qendroj si floki trrupit kur fjala e sinqert po nihet.
I stand like hair on the body when the honest word is known.

Авторы: Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Jet Hoxha

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