Cyanide - Kunder Shtetit - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cyanide - Kunder Shtetit

Kunder Shtetit
Estimate of the State
Krejt u paten qu me ngu me bo muhabet me mu
Keep listening to me, come talk to me
T'kom nxerr prej injorances realitet t'kom pru
Let's get out of ignorance and see reality
Je befasu kur um ke ni nashta per her te par
Stay focused when we are together at breakfast for every pair
Ti kom dhan krejt qka kom mujt nuk di sa ke marr
You will give all you have, but I can't take any more
Se kur pom kujtohet nashta um ke dasht ma shum
Because when I think of the food I love it more
Kur kom fol per droga e per lojen me ni plum
When I beg for drugs and for playing with me secretly
Barin ta pjek shkrum trunin po se rujte
The rain falls perfectly, and the thunder rattles
Po ju shum egoista ky per men po vujke
But it's so selfish, since you're an uncle to me
Se me men po lujke njeri kur ta she te verteten
Because with me you play around when you see the truth
Kush osht kush e qysh teknologjia ta derigjon jeten
Who is who and how technology guides our lives
Se eduko vet veten beson qka lexon e she
So educate yourself, you need to read and see something
Sun e gjykon ti kerkon nese veten nuk e njeh
It sounds and you think if you don't know yourself
E ne mesin e shqiptarve tuta ska veq midis grave
And among all the Albanians, there is nothing but between the women
Duhet mir me sill kit popull edhe me ju hi prej rrajve
You have to behave well with your people and get rid of the garbage
Po nuk ka kush qe o i fort mushh
But there is no one who is strong enough
Se me i pas koqet prej hekrit kta ti lajn n'prrush
Because the rich ones are hiding from the tax and leave us in the dust
Reffren 2x...
Chorus 2x...
Pasha zotin qe nuk beson ti se meriton
The Lord you do not believe deserves
Me dal neper kanale me shpreh menimin ton
To go through the channels to express our opinion
Radio nuk i lshon mesazhet kunder shtetit
The radio does not allow messages against the state
E nese nuk ndryshon ja bon vetit
And if it doesn't change, it does it to itself
Vers. 2
Verse 2
Mos u prek ti me men t'hajna shum osht sen i nxet
Don't touch me, you're too excited, it makes me nervous
Fol keq per pushtet kurr nuk bon koncert
Talk badly about the government, never give a concert
Ndrro qit muhabett merri 12 pidha
Change the subject; take 12 beers
Ni beat qe bon booom e i shtin mi dridh aa
A beat that goes boom, and my body shakes, ah
Tregon qe s'punon edhe qe shet droga
It shows that he doesn't work and that he sells drugs
Du me dit sa pare ki edhe qe nuk merr rroga
I want to know how much money you have and that you don't get a salary
Le shkollen haver ndaq me kan rapper
Leave school, friend, and I'll make you a rapper
Veshi teshat qe nuk t'bin e shitu gangster
Put on the headphones that don't sound good and play the gangster
Dil e rrehu, therru, mytu edhe shprehu
Go out and scream, shout, and curse
Po lypin me te shame, jepju e shtjerru
But they become ashamed, jealous, and get angry
Jom pjes e gjenerates qe kan hup vet
We are part of the generation that has grown up alone
Sdin qysh osht me jetu pa mobil e internet
We know how it is to live without a cell phone and the internet
Din veq me ngreh bari e me ik prej shkolle
We only know how to graze and run away from school
Kerkuj nuk ja nin se ti kurr nuk fole
They ask and don't give because you never speak
Me ja nis ni rruge e me than i dole
To start a path for you and say it out loud
Se i thu senet qe mi than rrall qe kush ka bole
Because you say things that rarely anyone dares to say
Reffren 2x...
Chorus 2x...
Pasha zotin qe nuk beson ti se meriton
The Lord you do not believe deserves
Me dal neper kanale me shpreh menimin ton
To go through the channels to express our opinion
Radio nuk i lshon mesazhet kunder shtetit
The radio does not allow messages against the state
E nese nuk ndryshon ja bon vetit
And if it doesn't change, it does it to itself
Vers. 3
Verse 3
A s'bon me kan na shtet me ni ekonomi te fort
Can't a state make us have a strong economy?
Ku s'na vyn me hi ne BE veq me shetit neper bot
Where they will not come to welcome us to the EU, but only to walk around the world
Po kta liderat ton si me kan pederat ton
But these leaders of ours, what do they do with their feet
Hunt me ngjyr bojkafe jo si n'kafenja jon
They hunt with brown paint, not like in our cafes
Nalin na majn ligjerata permas perdes me kontrata
They give us lectures, behind the scenes with contracts
T'bindin qe je smut vetem sa per met myt me hapa
To convince you that you're poor just to get you to take a step
Varresa masive kejt kosova si e pame
Mass exodus, how do we see Kosovo?
E di ton kem luftu po kosova hala e ndame
I know we fought, but Kosovo still hurts
Se qashtu po konvenon per fuqin botrore
Because that's how it suits the world power
Fjala jote ska randsi met ne dy metra katrore
Your word has no importance to me in two meters square
Ec te na ec gjithkun qellimi i amerikes
Go on, go on everything, the goal of America
Si pagesa e ujit t'pijes neper shishe te pllastikes
As you pay for water to drink in plastic bottles
Kopertina e erotikes e knaq veq trunin e thjesh
The cover of eroticism satisfies only the simple thunder
Si budalla qe prashit token e huj neper vjesht
Like an idiot who spends foreign money in the fall
Hin nenjoni vesh del prej tjetrit veshh
One ear hears from the other ear
Qka po thom osht seni i vjeter sdi sa o jeta midis neshh
What I'm saying is that you are old, you know how life is between us
Reffren 2x...
Chorus 2x...
Pasha zotin qe nuk beson ti se meriton
The Lord you do not believe deserves
Me dal neper kanale me shpreh menimin ton
To go through the channels to express our opinion
Radio nuk i lshon mesazhet kunder shtetit
The radio does not allow messages against the state
E nese nuk ndryshon ja bon vetit
And if it doesn't change, it does it to itself

Авторы: Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Jet Hoxha

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