Cyril Kamer - CAIN - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Cyril Kamer - CAIN

El 50 Cent europeo, nigga, ajá
The European 50 Cent, nigga, aha
Si no lo veo, no lo creo, nigga
If I don't see it, I don't believe it, nigga
22 Los Rebelde'
22 The Rebels'
Perdóname, Dios, pero si me falta dinero, tendré que salir a cazar, yah
Forgive me, God, but if I lack money, I'll have to go out hunting, yah
La suerte no estuvo a mi lado
Luck was not by my side
Ya no confío en el azar (eh)
I don't trust chance anymore (eh)
Si se trata de familia
If it's about family
Claro que la voy a usar
Of course I'm going to use it
Aunque se llenen de envidia
Even if they are filled with envy
Yo no voy a fracasar
I'm not going to fail
Estoy metido en la calle desde que tengo los fifteen
I've been stuck on the street since I got the fifteen
No me fío de mucha gente, te traicionan a lo Caín
I don't trust a lot of people, they betray you like Cain
Bendicione' me están lloviendo, ahora que me veo clean
Bless 'em it's raining on me, now I do look clean...
Policía sigue jodiendo, piensan que vendo cocaine
Police keep fucking around, they think I sell cocaine
Corto como una, corto como una, corto como una tijera (ah-ah)
Short as one, short as one, short as a scissors (ah-ah)
Par de hermano' en la nevera por llenarse su cartera
Brother's pair' in the fridge for filling his wallet
No me pillaron la primera, pero me jodí en la tercera
I didn't get caught the first one, but I got screwed on the third one
Y me dicen: "negro, relaja, sigue enfocado en tu carrera"
And they tell me: "nigga, relax, stay focused on your career"
Hablan de calle, pero no saben de la calle, el que vende nunca lo consume
They talk about the street, but they don't know about the street, the one who sells never consumes it
Si te preguntan a ti, no te ponga' a hablar mucho, solamente resume
If they ask you, don't start talking too much, you just summarize
Lo pillarán porque solito te delatas en las rede' lo presume
They'll catch him because you're the one who gives yourself away on the networks,' he brags
Mucho' me abandonaron porque estaba restando, ya volverán cuando sume
A lot ' they abandoned me because I was subtracting, they will come back when I add
Si no quiere' problema', pues no seas tonto, solamente sal del medio
If you don't want 'trouble', then don't be silly, just get out of the way
La fiscalía me dijo que estaba perdido, que no tenía remedio
The prosecutor's office told me that I was lost, that I had no remedy
Eres mi hermano o eres mi enemigo, para no existen los intermedio'
Are you my brother or are you my enemy, for me there are no in-betweens'
Tengo una norma clavada en el pecho, no hablo con poli' ni hablo con los medios (shh)
I have a rule stuck in my chest, I don't talk to poly' and I don't talk to the media (shh)
Los franceses me escuchan, dicen muy duro, todos dicen: "Oh lá"
The French listen to me, they say very hard, they all say: "Oh lá"
"Big Papa" me dicen: "insh'Allah", triunfaremos, tío, ojalá
"Big Papa" they say to me: "insh'Allah", we will succeed, man, I wish
No me ayudan en el proceso, pero si quieren el éxito
They don't help me in the process, but if they want success
Mis bolsillo' se ha puesto obeso, pero el tuyo sigue muy flaquito
My pocket ' has become obese, but yours is still very skinny
Yo me la juego si hablamo' de más de tres ceros, espero que eso me rente
I'll play if we talk about more than three zeros, I hope that will help me
¿Cómo podéis compararme con esos niñatos, cuando yo era un delincuente?
How can you compare me to those little kids, when I was a criminal?
Cuando yo tengo a mi hermano firmando los lunes por haber sido un demente
When I have my brother signing on Mondays for having been a demented
Si te pillamo' de frente, no existe tu rambo, el rambo no es para siempre
If we catch you in the face, there is no such thing as your rambo, the rambo is not forever
Yo que no creías en mí, yo que eras un ateo
I know you didn't believe in me, I know you were an atheist
Ahora te veo en el otro bando colaborando con los feo'
Now I see you on the other side collaborating with the ugly'
Diablo, eso se ve feo, los fiscale' los detesto
Damn, that looks ugly, the fiscale' I hate them
Ni siquiera leo la carta porque es que es muy largo el texto
I don't even read the letter because the text is too long
Gracias a Dios que yo me he salvado y a gracias a mi abogado Luis
Thank God that I have been saved and thanks to my lawyer Luis
Ello' querían meterme preso, como serie de vis-a-vis
They wanted to put me in jail, as a series of vis-a-vis
Pero soy más de Prison Break, Moha, dile ello' son fake'
But I'm more of a Prison Break, Moha, tell him that 'they're fake'
En misione' no hay errores, en misione' no hay mistakes
In misione' there are no mistakes, in misione' there are no...
Me lo he ganado solito, a ninguno le he mamao (yeah)
I've earned it on my own, I've never had a mom (yeah)
Con ello' yo no compito, hace tiempo le' he pasao (eh)
With it 'I don't compete, it's been a while' I've passed (eh)
Vivía de los delito', pero ya lo' he dejao (eh)
I was living on crime', but I've already left it (eh)
Pa' ere' un tontito aunque hayas estudiao
For 'me you are' a little fool even if you have studied
Estoy metido en la calle desde que tengo los fifteen
I've been stuck on the street since I got the fifteen
No me fío de mucha gente, te traicionan a lo Caín
I don't trust a lot of people, they betray you like Cain
Bendicione' me están lloviendo, ahora que me veo clean
Bless 'em it's raining on me, now I do look clean...
Policía sigue jodiendo, piensan que vendo cocaine
Police keep fucking around, they think I sell cocaine
Éramos buenos cuando era pequeños, pero nos jodimos con la adolescencia
We were good when I was little, but we fucked with adolescence
He tratado con muchos gilipollas y por eso yo ya no tengo paciencia
I've dealt with a lot of assholes and that's why I don't have patience anymore
Muchos empiezan robando una chuche, luego se convierte en robo con violencia
Many people start by stealing a candy, then it turns into robbery with violence
En la calle no te puedes fiar, nunca te lleves de una apariencia
On the street you can't trust yourself, never take an appearance
No confío, nigga, trust nobody (nah, nah)
I don't trust, nigga, trust nobody (nah, nah)
Con los guantes y la Napapijri (ah)
With the gloves and the Napapijri (ah)
Cojo el money, me voy de safari
I take the money, I'm going on safari
En dos años yo me compro un Rari
In two years I will buy a Rari
O si no un Rolls-Royce
Or if not a Rolls-Royce
Dice que le gusta escuchar my voice (yeah)
She says she likes to listen to my voice (yeah)
Escúchame hermano, ¿quién coño sois?
Listen to me brother, who the fuck are you?
Si en la calle sois unos toys
If you are a toy on the street
No son tan duros en el face to face
They are not so hard on the face to face
Pero son duros en Insta y Face
But they are hard on Insta and Face
Ya no me sorprende que os viréis
It no longer surprises me that you turn
Y si me disparan, mejor no falléis
And if they shoot me, better not miss
Ella de la calle es una G
She from the street is a G
Pero viste caro, flow Becky G
But you wear expensive, flow Becky G
Ella e' la más dura de la uni
She's the toughest one at UNI
Como soy un duro, me quiere a
Because I'm a tough guy, he wants me
Estoy metido en la calle desde que tengo los fifteen
I've been stuck on the street since I got the fifteen
No me fío de mucha gente, te traicionan a lo Caín
I don't trust a lot of people, they betray you like Cain
Bendicione' me están lloviendo, ahora que me veo clean
Bless 'em it's raining on me, now I do look clean...
Policía sigue jodiendo, piensan que vendo cocaine
Police keep fucking around, they think I sell cocaine
Corto como una, corto como una, corto como una tijera
Short as one, short as one, short as a scissors
Par de hermano' en la nevera por llenarse su cartera
Brother's pair' in the fridge for filling his wallet
No me pillaron la primera, pero me jodí en la tercera
I didn't get caught the first one, but I got screwed on the third one
Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na, hey
Na-na-na-na-na-na-na, hey

Авторы: Cyrille Mooh Nana

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