D.Ark feat. Paloalto & SUPERBEE - FACTS (feat. Paloalto & SUPERBEE) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский D.Ark feat. Paloalto & SUPERBEE - FACTS (feat. Paloalto & SUPERBEE)

FACTS (feat. Paloalto & SUPERBEE)
FACTS (feat. Paloalto & SUPERBEE)
구린걸 구린다 말했더니
I told him I was rolling.
왕따가 느낌이
Feeling bullied
귀머거리가 5000만인 곳에
Where there are 50 million deaf people
음악을 파니
Why Pani My Music
이건 Mr rap legend
This is Mr rap legend
훈기형의 말씀이지
It's the word of Hung Ki-hyung.
수많은 물타기들과
A lot of water rides and
잣대는 나를 향했지
The pine was headed towards me.
절대 망했지
Look at me, I'm never fucked.
18에 커리어 얘기도 존나 웃겨
It's fucking funny to talk about your career at 18.
F*ck your fame and
F*ck your fame and
I f*ck your lie
I f*ck your lie
병신들 보고 Pussy hiphop
Assholes watching me Pussy hiphop
나보다 벌면 대가리 박어
If you can't earn more than me, put your head on it.
몇백 단위 저작권료 빅나티 빼고
A few hundred units of copyright, except big Nati.
I'm back 놀래
I'm back why are you surprised
내걸 보여주지 기획사들 불안해
I'll show you mine. The planners are anxious.
울타리에 갇혔던
Stuck in the fence
인생이 Poor하네
Life's Poor.
인생은 목걸이처럼
Your life is like your necklace.
존나 구라네
Damn it.
Woo 실력 없는 Crew
Woo Unprofitable Crew
인상 펴봐 주름
Raise that wrinkle.
20살에 Vroom
I'm 20 years old in Vroom
Foreign whip 테니
I'll ride Foreign whip.
너는 집에서
You are at home
혼자 라면 끓여먹으면서
If you're alone, you're boiling ramen.
노래나 들어
Listen to my song.
티비 틀어놓고 열등감이 새서 울어
I can't wait to play TV and cry because of my inferiority complex.
만약 내가 범죄 저지르면 가서 불어
If I commit a crime, go and blow it.
18살에 몇천만 원짜리 음원 수익
18-year-old sound source revenue of tens of millions of won
04년생인데 먹고 살아
I'm a 04-year-old, and I eat well and live well.
That's a fact
That's a fact
18살에 보험료도 알아내는 새끼
I'm 18 years old, and I figure out my premiums.
04년생인데 먹고 살아
I'm a 04-year-old, and I eat well and live well.
That's a fact
That's a fact
You old & Im new
You old & Im new
You can't feel my groove
You can't feel my groove
Go auto tune
Go auto tune
You can't feel my groove
You can't feel my groove
언제나 Ballin
I'm always Ballin
누나들 Callin
Femdom Callin
형제들이랑 같이
All the brothers together.
Keep goin
Keep goin
I'm the best hottest
I'm the best hottest
Mof*ckin rapper
Mof*ckin rapper
In the game
In the game
건드림 뒤져
Touch me, you're scavenging.
Rip in the game
Rip in the game
D.Ark가 태어난
D.Ark was born
04년에 발자국 EP를 냈고
In ' 04, I released the Footprints EP.
현재 설명이 필요 없는 나의 존재
My current existence without explanation
이젠 대가리들이랑 같이 건배
Now cheers with the headgear.
감히 어디서 나를 망치려
Where do you dare to ruin me?
시간에 발전
Add progress in the time of the south.
존중을 받으려 하기 전에 존중을 보여봐
Show respect before you try to be respected.
Yo F*ck all that lame shit
Yo F*ck all that lame shit
Comeback은 없지 떠난 적이 없으니
There's no Comeback. I've never left.
뻗어갈 뿐이지 나의 장인 정신
It's just stretching, my craftsmanship.
니네 미움이나 키울 나는 번식
I breed when I hate you or raise you
랩과 Business 편식
Wrap and Business Do not unbalanced
너만큼 중하지 남의 성공도
As much as you, as much as anyone's success.
똑똑한 놈들은 On the low
Smart fuckers tee not on my On the low
새끼 예술 따지면서
Picking up asshole art
땜에 F*cked up
Money tinkering F * cked up
같잖은 선민의식 버려
Drop the same Sun-min consciousness.
힙합은 문화가 변한대
Hip-hop doesn't pay. Culture is changing.
길거리 삶을 표방해 Act tough
Street Life Act tough
그냥 최선을 다해
I just do my best.
멋이 너한테 공감이 된대도
Even if my cool doesn't resonate with you.
업계가 자꾸 찾겠어
Why does the industry keep looking for me?
피처링 수십 하겠어
Why do you do dozens of features?
그렇게 먹다가 체하겠어
I'll eat it like that.
걱정 인마 위대한 Level
Don't worry, Man, I'm a great Level
Whoa shit 빠른 삶이지
Whoa shit fast life.
따르지 않고 템포 맞춰
Don't follow my tempo.
번의 성취에 촉이
A few accomplishments are perfect
감사하게도 아직 감이 좋아
Thank you, I still love the sense.
서러운 때를 기억해
I remember the bad times.
문제가 엎치고 덮칠
When the problem falls down and hits
오히려 강해져 버린 얼굴에
On my face, which has become rather strong
모든 있네
It's all written.
Yeah u can't f*ck with my crew
Yeah u can't f*ck with my crew
Can't f*ck with my attittude
Can't f*ck with my attittude
이제는 아무도 바지를 내리구
No one's getting his pants down now.
둥근 뿔테 안경에 체크 배바지 입고
Wearing check pants in round horn rimmed glasses
Hip-hop에 일침을 Lame들
Hip-hop match Lame guys
촌스럽거나 or 못한다거나
It's hillbilly or it's impossible.
중에 하나가 99%야
One of them is 99%.
We goin ape shit straight 100
We goin ape shit straight 100
내가 없는 Game은 Burn out
I don't have this Game is Burn out
Ha countin' my bands
Ha countin' my bands
2000번 Bus에서 이젠 Benz
Benz now in Bus 2000
10년 뒤엔 이렇게 거야 G-63에서
In 10 years, we're gonna use this, from the G-63.
G-700 F*ckin jet uh
G-700 F*ckin jet uh
욕심이 많아 Want mo'
I'm greedy, I Want mo'
지금까지 그냥 모이
So far, the only thing I've ever done is just huddle
배가 불렀나 너흰
I think the ship called you.
고작 그거 벌고 하니까 Hoein'
Hoein ' because I only earn that.
나도 한땐 여기를 사랑했지만
I once loved this place.
역시 영원한 감정은 없지 Baby
There's no eternal emotion, Baby.
눈보라가 치지 목엔
There's a blizzard in my neck.
양쪽의 Wrist에는 Mof*ckin 해일이
Mof*ckin tidal wave in Both Wrist
편의점가려고 대충 꺼낸 옷은 500
500 clothes I took out to go to a convenience store
My mof*ckin daily
My mof*ckin daily
진실만을 뱉어댔지만
He spat out the truth.
아직 그만큼 받았어 게임에
I haven't gotten as much yet in this game.
18살에 몇천만 원짜리 음원 수익
18-year-old sound source revenue of tens of millions of won
04년생인데 먹고 살아
I'm a 04-year-old, and I eat well and live well.
That's a fact
That's a fact
18살에 보험료도 알아내는 새끼
I'm 18 years old, and I figure out my premiums.
04년생인데 먹고 살아
I'm a 04-year-old, and I eat well and live well.
That's a fact
That's a fact
You old & Im new
You old & Im new
You can't feel my groove
You can't feel my groove
Go auto tune
Go auto tune
You can't feel my groove
You can't feel my groove
언제나 Ballin
I'm always Ballin
누나들 Callin
Femdom Callin
형제들이랑 같이 Keep goin
Keep goin with your brothers.
I'm the best hottest
I'm the best hottest
Mof*ckin rapper
Mof*ckin rapper
In the game
In the game
건드림 뒤져 Rip in the game
Touch me You rummage Rip in the game

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