D.O.C. & Motzu feat. Vlad Dobrescu & Deliric - Bula mea (feat. Vlad Dobrescu & Deliric) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни D.O.C. & Motzu feat. Vlad Dobrescu & Deliric - Bula mea (feat. Vlad Dobrescu & Deliric)

Bula mea (feat. Vlad Dobrescu & Deliric)
My Crystal Ball (feat. Vlad Dobrescu & Deliric)
O sa-ncep sa citesc viitoru′ in globul asta al meu
I'll start reading the future in this crystal ball of mine
Ca sa vad de-o sa fie mai usor sau daca o s-o ducem mai greu
To see if it'll be easier or if we'll have it harder
Dar pentru moment, intreaga lume o sa ma creada nebun
But for now, the whole world will think I'm crazy
Pana cand o sa se intample exact ce spun
Until exactly what I say happens
Ca imaginile incep sa-mi apara din ce in ce mai clar
Because the images are starting to appear clearer and clearer
In globul asta de cristal x2
In this crystal ball x2
Revin cu-n freestyle si un glob de cristal
I'm back with a freestyle and a crystal ball
Stralucitor, ca sa vad in viitor
Shining bright, so I can see into the future
Ma surprinde ce-mi arata, as fi fost mai pesimist
What it shows me surprises me, I would have been more pessimistic
Dar c****, tineam globul gresit, de ce nu-mi zici
But damn, I was holding the ball wrong, why didn't you tell me
Io-i vedeam ajunsi departe, aterizand pe Marte
I saw them reaching far, landing on Mars
Dar din pacate nici n-au plecat din cartier
But unfortunately, they haven't even left the neighborhood
Cand ies din casa, poarta masti de gaze
When they leave the house, they wear gas masks
Sansele-s c-o sa te jevuiasca cu-n pistol laser
Chances are they'll rob you with a laser pistol
Sunt soldati peste tot, dar nu ca sa te apere
There are soldiers everywhere, but not to protect you
Ca nu mai exista nici o granita sau drapele
Because there are no more borders or flags
Acu' isi fac tabere cu corporatiile globale
Now they make camps with global corporations
Pentru care se omoara si se moare in continuare
For which people still kill and die
Tacerea e o comoara ce-o iei in mormant, se pare
Silence is a treasure you take to the grave, it seems
Deci cand pui intrebari o sa te puna intre bare
So when you ask questions, they'll put you behind bars
Si lafel ca si-n ziua de azi, nemultumiti
And just like today, dissatisfied
Inca asteapta o schimbare si injura printre dinti.
They're still waiting for a change and cursing under their breath.
O sa-ncep sa citesc viitoru′ in globul asta al meu
I'll start reading the future in this crystal ball of mine
Ca sa vad de-o sa fie mai usor sau daca o s-o ducem mai greu
To see if it'll be easier or if we'll have it harder
Dar pentru moment, intreaga lume o sa ma creada nebun
But for now, the whole world will think I'm crazy
Pana cand o sa se intample exact ce spun
Until exactly what I say happens
Ca imaginile incep sa-mi apara din ce in ce mai clar
Because the images are starting to appear clearer and clearer
In globul asta de cristal x2
In this crystal ball x2
Vad globul de cristal prin globul ocular
I see the crystal ball through my ocular globe
Dar vad globul pamantesc prin lobul meu frontal
But I see the earthly globe through my frontal lobe
Aud un vuiet pe fundal, simt focul din furnal
I hear a rumble in the background, I feel the fire from the furnace
E cantec funerar pentru alt munte de metal
It's a funeral song for another mountain of metal
Ca fabricile fabrica automat de ani de zile
Because factories have been manufacturing automatically for years
Si creste in nestire fauna de fier si fire
And the fauna of iron and wires grows endlessly
Si flora din petrol, procesata sa-nfloreasca
And the flora from oil, processed to bloom
In fiecare primavara e programata sa renasca
Every spring it is programmed to be reborn
Pasari de ghetou survoleaza in departare
Ghetto birds fly overhead in the distance
Sateliti supravegheaza, inregistreaza in continuare
Satellites keep watch, recording everything
Vad mall-uri cu marfa, pline prin magazine
I see malls with goods, full of stores
Si de prin vitrine imi zambesc manechine
And mannequins smile at me from the windows
Vad biserici cu Iisusi proiectati din Pronaos
I see churches with Jesus projected from the Pronaos
Unde clopotele bat doar la fix fara repaos
Where the bells ring only on the hour without rest
Vad fructele din piatra din statuia unui pom
I see the stone fruits from the statue of a tree
Dar nimeni sa le culeaga, nu mai vad niciun om.
But no one to pick them, I don't see any people anymore.
O sa-ncerc sa citesc viitoru' in globul asta al meu
I'll try to read the future in this crystal ball of mine
Ca sa vad de-o sa fie mai usor sau daca o s-o ducem mai greu
To see if it'll be easier or if we'll have it harder
Dar pentru moment, intreaga lume o sa ma creada nebun
But for now, the whole world will think I'm crazy
Pana cand o sa se intample exact ce spun
Until exactly what I say happens
Ca imaginile incep sa-mi apara din ce in ce mai clar
Because the images are starting to appear clearer and clearer
In globul asta de cristal x2
In this crystal ball x2
E de la strabunica, de cand eram atatica
It's from my great-grandmother, from when I was a little kid
Am dat de el dereticand trecutul, nu arunc nimica
I found it while cleaning up the past, I don't throw anything away
Ceva-mi spune nu-l ridica, dar il iau si-l sterg
Something tells me not to pick it up, but I take it and wipe it clean
Carpa aluneca incet, totul se-ntuneca incet
The cloth slides slowly, everything slowly darkens
Imi arata viitorul, nu doar pe-al meu, pe-al nostru
It shows me the future, not just mine, but ours
Si verisorul timp nu-i ce cred eu, un monstru
And the cousin of time is not what I think he is, a monster
Ma uit ca prostu' la mine cel de peste ani
I look like a fool at myself from years ahead
Rad cu tine, multumit de sine, avem neveste, bani
I'm laughing with you, happy with myself, we have wives, money
Copiii... defapt stii, stai sa dau zoom out
The children... actually you know, wait let me zoom out
Suntem mai putini, dar si cei ce n-aveau acum au
There are fewer of us, but those who didn't have now have
Tehnologia e parte din noi, nu vad vreo carte cu foi
Technology is part of us, I don't see any books with pages
Viata e dulce, robotul asta scoate tartele moi
Life is sweet, this robot makes soft tarts
Ce se intampla tata, toti vorbim o limba ciudata
What's going on dad, we all speak a strange language
Gen engleza, spaniola si chineza, toate odata
Like English, Spanish and Chinese, all at once
Dar o inteleg la o lalta, cu faptul ca-i bine
But I understand it on another level, with the fact that it's good
Cum n-a fost vreodata, uite, iata, asta-i omenire
Like it's never been before, look, here, this is humanity
Si se face seara, dorm atat de linistit
And evening falls, I sleep so peacefully
Dar uite cum privind globul de afara aud un beep
But look, as I look at the globe from the outside, I hear a beep
La fix 3: 00 si am inteles subit
At exactly 3:00 AM and I suddenly understood
Ca asta e ora la care se face update la cip.
That this is the time when the chip gets updated.
O sa-ncep sa citesc viitoru′ in globul asta al meu
I'll start reading the future in this crystal ball of mine
Ca sa vad de-o sa fie mai usor sau daca o s-o ducem mai greu
To see if it'll be easier or if we'll have it harder
Dar pentru moment, intreaga lume o sa ma creada nebun
But for now, the whole world will think I'm crazy
Pana cand o sa se intample exact ce spun
Until exactly what I say happens
Ca imaginile incep sa-mi apara din ce in ce mai clar
Because the images are starting to appear clearer and clearer
In globul asta de cristal x2
In this crystal ball x2

Авторы: Razvan Eremia, Iulian Ionut Turcin, Serban Ionut Cazan, Vlad Augustin Dobrescu, Vlad Costin Munteanu

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