DJ Abdel feat. Mister You & Francisco - Funk You - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни DJ Abdel feat. Mister You & Francisco - Funk You

Funk You
Funk You
À l'ancienne, à l'ancienne, à l'ancienne
Old school, old school, old school
À l'ancienne, à l'ancienne, Soir-ce DJ Abdel
Old school, old school, Tonight it's DJ Abdel
Tonight! We are
Tonight! We are
Doing anything we want
Doing anything we want
And I want you!
And I want you!
I want you to come and take a ride
I want you to come and take a ride
Would you come and take a ride with me tonight
Would you come and take a ride with me tonight
With Woogataga
With Woogataga
Ouais ma copine, bien ou quoi?
Yeah, my girl, what's up?
Mister You! Comment tu vas la famille?
Mister You! How's the family?
J'ai un p'tit service à te d'mander
I have a little favor to ask
Alors tu vois
So you see
Y'a une p'tite meuf dans le 19, j'lui ai laissé les clés d'une ture-voi
There's a little chick in the 19th, I left her the keys to a car, you know
Mais j'sais pas, je lui fait plus confiance, steuplé récupère-les pour moi
But I don't know, I don't trust her anymore, please get them back for me
Dès qu'tu les a direct oukhti, tu les passes à Abdel
As soon as you have them, sis, pass them to Abdel
Pour que lui les passe à Souris car lui, seul sait s'trouve l'hôtel est planquer la sse-cai
So he can pass them to Souris because he's the only one who knows where the hotel is where the stuff is stashed
Ensuite tu me le passes au tel, lui m'diras si c'est ok si dedans y'a tous les bordels
Then you pass him the phone, he'll tell me if it's okay if all the mess is inside
Puis, appels Nabil et récupère mon disque dur
Then, call Nabil and get my hard drive
Ensuite passe à Belleville et demande le numéro d'que-tur
Then go to Belleville and ask for the number of que-tur
Appel le il comprendra, dis lui que moi j'ai des courbatures
Call him, he'll understand, tell him that I have aches
Mais que le colis a été livré, qu'la c'est Kouli qu'a la voiture
But that the package has been delivered, that it's Kouli who has the car
Et c'est bon t'as tous capté hein?
And that's it, you got it all, right?
- Ok, ok, je s'occupe de tout, tu s'occupes de rien
- Okay, okay, I'll take care of everything, you take care of nothing
- Ahaa, ça m'dérange pas, moi j'aime bien
- Ahaa, I don't mind, I like it
Tonight! We are
Tonight! We are
Doing anything we want
Doing anything we want
And I want you!
And I want you!
I want you to come and take a ride
I want you to come and take a ride
Would you come and take a ride with me tonight
Would you come and take a ride with me tonight
With Woogataga
With Woogataga
21h30: J'me réveille Sbah el kheir
9:30 p.m.: I wake up Sbah el kheir
Khnouna dans les yeuz j'métire et j'roule un z'déh
I put some drops in my eyes, I lie down and roll a joint
J'suis dans le coltar dahwa j'plane dans les airs
I'm in the corner, I'm flying in the air
Comme d'hab y'a rien faire, la misére,la galère
As usual, there's nothing to do, misery, hardship
J'ai mal aux dents j'me les brosses et j'me fais un bain de bouche
My teeth hurt, I brush them and gargle
Héchek j'vais ier-ch et j'tape une bonne douche
Héchek I'm going to ier-ch and take a good shower
J'savoure la liberté aah touche Eh
I savor the freedom aah touch Eh
Y'a qu'l'entraineur qu'a l'droit d'être fier d'être sur le banc de touche
Only the coach has the right to be proud to be on the bench
Il est minuit pile il va falloir quitter la ville
It's midnight sharp, it's time to leave the city
À volonté champagne et 'sky, soir-ce on vomit d'la bile
Champagne and sky at will, tonight we vomit bile
Dis leur Lamine ça m'dérange pas, moi j'aime bien
Tell them Lamine I don't mind, I like it
Quand j'vais en Afrique avec du fric j'pourrais claquer j'sais pas combien
When I go to Africa with money I could spend I don't know how much
J'veux voir toutes les mains en l'air
I want to see all hands in the air
Soir-ce c'est la guerre, le physio il a plus d'molaire
Tonight it's war, the physio has no more molars
L'infection est pulmonaire car j'fume trop dis leur Abdel
The infection is pulmonary because I smoke too much tell them Abdel
Direction Marrakech
Direction Marrakech
Les frères qui m'aiment, me suivent ce qui m'aiment pas garder la pêche!
The brothers who love me, follow me, those who don't love me keep fishing!
Tonight! We are
Tonight! We are
Doing anything we want
Doing anything we want
And I want you!
And I want you!
I want you to come and take a ride
I want you to come and take a ride
Would you come and take a ride with me tonight
Would you come and take a ride with me tonight
With Woogataga
With Woogataga
Tonight! We are
Tonight! We are
Doing anything we want
Doing anything we want
And I want you!
And I want you!
I want you to come and take a ride
I want you to come and take a ride
Would you come and take a ride with me tonight
Would you come and take a ride with me tonight
With Woogataga
With Woogataga
J'veux voir toutes les mains en l'air (DJ Abde!)
I want to see all hands in the air (DJ Abde!)
Ce soir c'est la guerre, (Woogataga!)
Tonight it's war, (Woogataga!)
J'veux voir toutes les mains, et même toi, même toi!
I want to see all hands, even you, even you!
Euhh sauf toi, sauf toi! Ahahah
Euhh except you, except you! Ahahah
Ça m'dérange pas, moi j'aime bien
I don't mind, I like it
Tonight! We are
Tonight! We are
Doing anything we want
Doing anything we want
And I want you!
And I want you!
I want you to come and take a ride
I want you to come and take a ride
Would you come and take a ride with me tonight
Would you come and take a ride with me tonight
With Woogataga
With Woogataga
Let's go!
Let's go!
DJ Abdel
DJ Abdel
Come on!
Come on!
DJ Abdel à l'ancienne!
DJ Abdel old school!
Mister you!
Mister you!
Ahah! Franciscooo!
Ahah! Franciscooo!
Paris c'est magique
Paris is magic
Paris c'est Zoogataga!
Paris is Zoogataga!


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