DJ Artz feat. Şehinşah - Sayın Türk - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни DJ Artz feat. Şehinşah - Sayın Türk

Sayın Türk
Mr. Turk
bir kibrit al, sigara yak da
Take a match, light a cigarette, baby
kutuyu çalma gider ayak
Don't steal the box, just walk away
fikre bak,? var
Look at the idea, there is chaos
ekmek arasi ittifak(?)
A sandwich alliance(?)
afganistan istila
Afghanistan invasion
irak da bitti şimdi bak
Iraq is over now, look
sana da kafasi bitti
Your head is also finished
cebi delikti, pili bitikti ya
Your pocket is empty, your battery is dead, yeah
habur'un kapisi, girişi
The gate of Habur, the entrance
amerikan rüyasi girişi
The entrance to the American dream
yer kerkük, yer?
Kirkuk is the place, the land is?
sikeyim (sikim) yapacağin işi? mutabakat fişiyle bitiren eşini (işini)
Fuck the work you'll do, and your wife who ends it with a reconciliation receipt
nasil yapar bi' numarali
How does the number one do it
önceliği başörtüsüyken eşin (eşiğin)
When your wife's priority is the headscarf
burada saf, neşeli halk
Here are innocent, joyful people
mayinla kanka yalin ayak
With landmines, buddy, barefoot
hayatla dost hayati yaşayan
Living life as a friend of life
kolu kopuk bir yavrucak
A little one with a severed arm
tabiri caizse durumun (tabir hazin)?
The situation is sad, to say the least
ama gene de var allah'in?
But still, there is God's...
ben şehinşah; felaketin eşiği
I am Şehinşah; the threshold of disaster
kuram kural değil
I don't follow rules, darling
kuram kural değil
I don't follow rules
buram buram
din istismari var
There is religious exploitation
diyanet istihdami var
There is religious affairs employment
laiklik istikbali kalmiş
The future of secularism remains
istiklal karşiti pisliklere
To the scum who are against independence
siktirip gidin, silahlanip biz silmeden sizi
Fuck off, arm yourselves before we erase you
çok sevdiğin varis? hayli kaniksadin yemini
The heir you love so much, you've gotten used to the oath
temini yok verdiğin vaadin, hazirladin zemini
There is no supply of the promise you made, you prepared the ground
zehiri sok ver damarlara, hatirlayin geçmişi
Inject the poison into the veins, remember the past
bu değil miydi mümin? yerel laikliği
Wasn't this the believer? Local secularism
ma-mamif müşküllere muhasebeme matil?
Un-mammoth problems, my accounting is delayed?
akli? fakir muharebedeki tek enayi
The intellectual? The poor man is the only sucker in the war
ne var ki? bariş için elele verek kabir
What is there? Let's hold hands for peace, the grave
geberene dek katile katil olalim haydi
Let's be murderers to the murderer until we die, come on
(gaftan gafa kafta)?
(From blunder to blunder, from cage)?
yüksekliğin de lafla teleferik çekti
Your highness also pulled the cable car with words
baştan ayağa kadar koktu başkan
The president stank from head to toe
ama vatandaşlar bağla seçim sandiklarina
But citizens, tie them to the ballot boxes
kelle diye hitap et benim şehit sandiklarima
Call my martyr coffins "heads"
lanet olsun teröre de, lanet olsun sana da
Damn the terror, and damn you
lanet olsun sayin sifati yakiştirdiğin adama da
Damn the man you call "Mr."
habur kapisina bağlayip tabur tabur vekil yakin ki
Tie battalion after battalion of deputies to the Habur gate so that
gerçek (kambur orasi)? parlamento asil hasim
The real (humpback is there)? Parliament is the real enemy
hiaağğ x6
Hiaağğ x6
sayin türk, sayin türk
Mr. Turk, Mr. Turk
gezer, cebren ve hile ile korkutur?
He walks around, intimidates by force and deceit?
türk, sayin türk, neden?
Turk, Mr. Turk, why?
hukuku kuşanacak oldu-u?
Will he wear the law?
sayin türk, he he (hemen)?? olgu çok
Mr. Turk, oh oh (immediately)?? There are many facts
(senin kafana kazir)
(Carved into your head)
umudu kuşatacak ordu yok!
There is no army to besiege hope!
2nd verse
12 yildir ayni sömürü süregelen
The same exploitation has been going on for 12 years
kim örtsün üstü
Who will cover it up
yazali 7 yil oldu tahminen
It's been about 7 years since it was written
ilk verse'ün sözünü
The lyrics of the first verse
vardir her kabahatin bir sözlük özürü
Every fault has a dictionary apology
sil yaşli gözünü
Wipe your teary eyes
çözüm savaş, kaybetmeden özünü
The solution is war, without losing your essence
(sayin türk, sayin türk)
(Mr. Turk, Mr. Turk)
ayiklayip ayir türk
Sober up and separate, Turk
zayif, güçlü, çürük, çarik
Weak, strong, rotten, torn
ayirmaya bayil türk
Love to separate, Turk
yakip, yikip, dalgalandir o bayrağini
Burn, destroy, wave your flag
yayil türk, hayir türk
Spread, Turk, no, Turk
dağildi ottoman empire, ayil türk
The Ottoman Empire did not collapse, wake up Turk
senin zayif yanin; güç
Your weak side; power
güce bayildin, sayin türk
You loved power, Mr. Turk
hayiflanip ayiplarinla zayifladin sayin türk
You weakened with your regrets and shame, Mr. Turk
tarihini tani, kayitlar haliyle kayip türk
Know your history, records are naturally lost, Turk
öyle zayifsin ki tayyip'e sarildin ayip türk x2
You are so weak that you clung to Tayyip, shame on you, Turk x2
özünde göçebeydi yarin yük
At its core, it was nomadic, tomorrow's burden
yalin hür, yürürdün hayr-a alamet'e bayir bük?
You were free, you walked towards good omens, bending the hill?
çayir mülkün, ayil ülkün anin türkülerde
Pasture is your property, village is your ideal, it's in the songs
sayin türk şimdi bastiğin çayirda mayin büyük
Mr. Turk, the pasture you are stepping on now has a big mine
nakarat x2
Chorus x2
sayin türk, sayin türk
Mr. Turk, Mr. Turk
gezer, cebren ve hile ile korkutur?
He walks around, intimidates by force and deceit?
türk, sayin türk, neden?
Turk, Mr. Turk, why?
hukuku kuşanacak oldu-u?
Will he wear the law?
sayin türk, he he (hemen)?? olgu çok
Mr. Turk, oh oh (immediately)?? There are many facts
(senin kafana kazir)
(Carved into your head)
umudu kuşatacak ordu yok! (x2/x4)
There is no army to besiege hope! (x2/x4)

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