DJ Fatte feat. LUZER - Nerozhodný (feat. Luzer) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни DJ Fatte feat. LUZER - Nerozhodný (feat. Luzer)

Nerozhodný (feat. Luzer)
Nerozhodný (feat. Luzer)
Stojim na streche budovy, rozmyšlam že skočim.
I'm standing on the roof of a building, thinking about jumping.
Keď sa zda byť život ubohy, pokračovat je zločin.
When life is miserable, it is a crime to continue.
Že vraj chodba lebo schody, zavedu do končin,
The corridor or the stairs, I'll take you to the ends,
Věčneho štěstia alebo zloby, nechcem začinat keď končim.
Eternal happiness or evil, I don't want to start when I finish.
Neriešim či je něčo potom, ide mi o teraz.
I don't care if it's after, I care about now.
Davam vodne bongo, keď ma realita ostri obraz.
I give water bongos when reality sharpens my image.
Zmirni to bolest, jazvu zanecha každy podraz,
Ease the pain, scar every cheat leaves,
Kdo je k sebe uprimny, uvidi svuj pravy odraz.
He who is honest with himself will see his true reflection.
Krok pred smrťu na okraj, no stale vaham.
One step closer to death, but I'm still hesitant.
Zavrem oči, vidim svoj život keď v myšlenkach padam.
I close my eyes, I see my life as I fall in thought.
Vidim svoje chyby, no priznat si stale zdraham,
I see my mistakes, but I'm still afraid to admit it.,
Zpětně zjišťuji co se oplatilo a co byla marna snaha.
I look back and see what was worth the effort.
Něčo je špatně, dobre vzpominky sa topa na dně.
Something is wrong, good memories are sinking in.
Na povrchu plavaju zle momenty co bodaju radně.
On the surface swim poorly moments that bodaju radne.
Zlomene srdce dycha z poslednich sil a chladne,
Broken heart breathes with the last of his strength and coldly,
Len osobne straty sa straťa, keď tělo na zem padne.
Only personal losses are lost when the body falls to the ground.
Sem pevně rozhodnuty, len ještě neviem čo spravim,
I'm determined, I just don't know what I'm gonna do yet,
Ake je to spravně rozhodnuti, ak šťastny život stravim.
It's the right thing to do if I live a happy life.
Co treba podniknut aby ma budili dobre zpravy.
What needs to be done to keep me awake to the good news?
Nebyť sam pod perinu ale svoj čas s někym travit.
Not to be alone, but to spend time with someone.
Lenže keď vykročim všetko ukončim, konec bude,
But when I step out I end everything, the end will be,
Hledam kto mi v tom zabrani, ak to maju iny lude.
I'm looking for someone to stop me if other people have it.
Čim to je že mňa trapi každa blbost oni su v kludě.
What is it that bothers me every stupid thing they are calm.
Začinam pochybovat či to chcem zjistit na poslednem sudě.
I'm starting to wonder if I want to find out on the last barrel.
Tělo zaliva pot, podlamuju sa mi kolena,
My body sweats, my knees break.,
Expedicia za zmyslem života a čo to vubec znamena.
Expedition for the meaning of life and what it means.
Chapem je to o tem ked nasa osud robia ramena,
I think it's about when our destiny is done by our shoulders.,
Vlastne me děsi myšlenka že po mne jen pamatka kamenna.
Actually, it scares me to think I'm just a stone's throw away.
Musim sa dat do kopy, no neni to tak jednoduché,
I have to get my act together, but it's not that easy.,
Ked sa chcaš někomu zduverit, a jeho uši su hluche.
When you want to believe someone, and their ears are deaf.
Davam krok dozadu, aj ked byvaju dny suche,
I take a step back, even when the days are dry.,
Pokal ve mne žije naděj, že dojdu časy co budu super.
If there is a hope in me that I will run out of times when I will be great.
Chcem zachovat chladnu hlavu, mať nadhlad,
I want to keep a cool head, keep a cool head. ,
No da to zabrat někedy do zrkadla je tažky pohlad.
Sometimes looking in the mirror is hard.
Musiš si važit sam seba potom maju druhy ohlad.
You have to weigh yourself then they have the kind of consideration.
Občas aby si vyhral, musiš zažit co je prohra.
Sometimes, to win, you have to experience what losing is.
Sem zamyšleny ne namyšleny, to je rozdiel.
I'm not thinking straight, that's the difference.
Aj keby som klamstva nejradši zkrotil, mam na nich určity podiel.
Even if I want to tame the lies, I have my share.
S něčim sa nechvalim, co sem splodil, aj by som sa šance chopil,
I'm not proud of what I've done, I'd take a chance.,
No často ma někto za nos vodil.
I was often led by the nose.
Nič sa neda vratit zpatky, proto bola hadky
Nothing can go back, that's why it was a snake.
Sme taky keď sa nam nechce, hledame zkratky,
When we don't want to, we look for shortcuts.,
Každy raz narazi na prekažku na kteru je kratky.
Every time he comes across an obstacle he's short.
Beznaděj někoho nuti skakat, mna nuti pisat řadky.
Hopelessness makes someone jump, makes me write lines.
Žit běžně, pro mna nemožne, tak rozmyšlam
It's impossible for me to live normally, so I thought
Podporoval sem provetrat hlavu, byt chvilu sam.
I encouraged you to check your head, be alone for a while.
V čom sa mi chce bát a dále aj ked nemam plan
What to do if I don't have a plan
Ide to dal, stači verit něčemu čo neni klam.
You just have to believe something that's not a lie.

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