DJ Krush feat. tha BOSS - Living in the Future - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни DJ Krush feat. tha BOSS - Living in the Future

Living in the Future
Living in the Future
すっかり新しい 昔あったらしい
Everything is brand new. They say it used to be old,
街並みは変わっていく いとも簡単に
The cityscape keeps changing so easily.
あんなに 無茶していたあいつもすっかりパパに 外せない参観日
He was a crazy person, now he is completely a dad, he has to attend all the important school events.
いささか 得意げに背負ってる 爺じと婆ばからもらったランドセル
He is kind of proud of the backpack he wears, that his grandpa and grandma gave him.
一人で行って一人で帰ってこれる もうお姉ちゃんだもんね 偉いね
He goes to school by himself and returns by himself, he is a big boy now.
可愛いね あらいいね ママと同じだね やったね よかったね
He is so cute, so great, just like his mom, well done!
世界から愛されてることが分かって なんかワクワクして笑ってる
He knows he is loved by the world, and he laughs because he is so excited.
だけど 何やっても許されるのは今だけ やがて集団の中で 周りに合わせ
But now is the only time that you can get away with anything, eventually in a group, to get along with others,
自分殺して生きていく術を学んで どこにでもよくいる大人になっちゃって
You have to learn how to bury yourself and live, and become an ordinary adult.
それが普通なことだって 良かれと思っていたけどそんなもんかね
That is normal, and it is good to think like that, but can it be like that?
ささやかな夢は出世と一戸建て 組織で生きていくんだったらしょうがねぇ
A modest dream is promotion and a detached house, if you want to live in an organization, then that's what you have to do.
まだ原発動かすとか言ってる ひと昔前の価値観が牛耳ってる
They still say they want to operate the nuclear power plant, the values from a previous era still dominate.
死ななきゃ分からねぇ この国にこの先も生きてく あいつらに同情してる
You don't know it until you die, I live in this country for the future, I feel sorry for them.
はみ出したっていいんじゃね いいっしょ 少しくらい
It's okay not to fit in, it's okay to be a little bit different.
人畜無害 面白くない 全然難しくない 恥ずかしくない まだ自分しか持ってないものがあるかい
Harmless, boring, not difficult at all, not ashamed, is there anything you own that no one else has?
あるはずだよ 必ずや あったはずだ いつだって失くしたものは過去にあるさ
There has to be, definitely, there must have been, whatever you have lost is in the past.
Funkyでいてくれよ まずはあんたがさ まさかだが 今や親なんだから
Be funky, you first, surprisingly, now you are a parent.
短い春の御子も 一日ごとの成長 命の限り明日も仕事
The season of the short spring is like the growth of each day, life is limited, and tomorrow is work.
可愛いね あらいいね ママと同じだね やったね よかったね
He is so cute, so great, just like his mom, well done!
夕焼けて やがて明日がくるのは当たり前 なんかじゃねぇ 奇跡だぜ
The sunset and the coming of tomorrow are not ordinary, they are miracles.
可愛いね あらいいね ママと同じだね やったね よかったね
He is so cute, so great, just like his mom, well done!
I talk to you 餓鬼には分からねぇ 俺は親じゃねぇ 分からねぇことは話さねぇ
I am talking to you, my children don't understand, I am not your parent, I won't talk about what you don't understand,
俺が話しかけてるのはあんただぜ 前に会ったのはあれはいつだったっけ
I am talking to you, when did we meet last time?
あんたは俺だって気付いてなかったが 前に一度街ですれ違ったんだ
You didn't realize that it was me, we passed by each other on the street.
スーツ姿だが あれは間違いなくあんただ でも俺は話しかけれなかった
You were in a suit, but it was definitely you, but I didn't talk to you.
それが何故かが 分かるかい あんたが今それを望んでいないと分かったからさ
Do you know why? Because I knew that you didn't want me to talk to you.
昔はハンカチなんか持ってなかった それで汗を拭いている姿 見てて分かった
In the past, you didn't even have a handkerchief, I could tell that you were wiping your sweat.
それが正念場 の場面なんだって 俺にもそう伝わったぜ
That was the moment of truth, I could feel it too.
運ぶ命 と書いてさだめ 駆け上がれ 折り返した人生 ここからだって
Carry life, and write destiny, climb up, and turn around your life, you can start from here.
あんな風になりたくねぇと 昔あんたが言ってた奴になっちゃやべぇよ
Don't become like that, don't become the person you said you didn't want to become.
俺はずっと覚えてる 今を楽しめよ 若くいてよ 陰ながら応援してるよ
I will always remember, enjoy your youth, stay young, I will always support you.
何度だって言いたい ゾンビみたいに 生きながらに死んでいっちゃ 勿体ない
I have to say it again and again, don't be a zombie, don't waste your life away.
まだ終わっちゃいない 時代 他の誰でもなく 自分のためのだぜ いいかい
It's not over yet, this is the era, it is not for anyone else, but for yourself, okay?
腹から笑えることすらままならない 今日も妥協を重ねて綱渡り
You can't even laugh heartily, today you compromise and walk a tightrope.
Hard time first life モノクロのストライプ こんな筈じゃなかったかい
Hard time first life, monochrome stripes, wasn't it supposed to be like this?
破れ 諦めた夢を子供に託し 帰りは天辺を跨いでタクシー
Torn, abandoned dreams, entrusted to children, and on the way back, taking a taxi over the top.
After a drink, I have a big yawn.
Will you return to the dream?
明日は休み 待ちに待った休み ずっと前から約束していた休み
Tomorrow is a holiday, a long-awaited holiday, a holiday that has been promised for a long time.
可愛いね あらいいね ママと同じだね やったね よかったね
He is so cute, so great, just like his mom, well done!
夕焼けて やがて明日がくるのは当たり前 なんかじゃねぇ 奇跡だぜ
The sunset and the coming of tomorrow are not ordinary, they are miracles.
可愛いね あらいいね ママと同じだね やったね よかったね
He is so cute, so great, just like his mom, well done!
動いているのは地球であって 太陽は同じ場所に浮かんで 一日が去っていくんじゃなくて 進んで行くんだよ 明日に向かって
It is the earth that moves, and the sun floats in the same place, the day does not go away, but moves forward, towards tomorrow.
昨日の明日に 今日も生き合わせている私達 ここが未来 もうこれしかない じゃなくて まだこんなにあるって
In the tomorrow of yesterday, we meet again today, this is the future, there is nothing else, but there is still so much.
久々だって楽しみにしていたが めでたい知らせを聞いたら 今日は会えないってことも まぁ悪くはないかな そればっかりはな
I was looking forward to it for a long time, but after hearing the good news, I heard that I can't meet you today, well, it's not bad, but that's all.
大仕事がひと段落したら また遊びに来たら いいよ 聞こえ方ももしかしたら 変わってく その楽しみが分かってく
When the big project is over, I will come to see you again, maybe the way I sound will change, and the fun will be different.
ラフラ見送ってから16年経ってる ここでまだやってる あんたのことも歌ってる 首まで浸かってる
It has been 16 years since Rafla was sent off, I am still here, singing about you, I am completely immersed in it.
政治は遠ざかってく でも俺らはちゃんと分かってる この16年 そして今日が物語ってる 未来が俺らを待ってる
Politics is getting further away, but we still understand, these 16 years, and today tells the story, the future is waiting for us.

Авторы: Hideaki Ishii

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